Best Soil And Containers For Monstera

why is my monstera drooping

Important Factors In Choosing Soil For Monsteras

The most important consideration when selecting potting soil for Monsteras is drainage. Because they live in small spaces and find it challenging to control moisture levels, container plants require the right balance. Soil that doesn’t drain can harm Monstera deliciosa and the majority of other houseplants.

Roots need to have access to oxygen, even though we don’t often consider that. There is no way for oxygen to move around the roots if the soil is too wet and compact. They eventually begin to soften and die off, frequently as a result of a fungal problem. This condition is called “root rot,” and it is difficult to reverse once it starts.

The plant’s roots allow for the absorption of nutrients. A Monstera deliciosa would develop in the wild in soil with a steady supply of organic nutrients from plant remains and animal excrement. Because indoor plants don’t receive the same amount of natural nutrients, we must provide them with extra nutrients through potting soil and fertilizers.

When discussing the ideal soil for various plant types, the pH of the soil is frequently brought up. For Monsteras, a soil pH between 5.5-7 is ideal. This places it between slightly acidic and neutral, and the vast majority of commercially available potting mixes will already fall under this classification. You shouldn’t need to change the pH of the soil for Monsteras by adding any soil amendments.

Soils To Avoid When Planting Monstera Deliciosa

Using soil from the ground for potted plants is never advised. Potting mix is actually a soilless mixture. The ingredients can vary, but typically it consists of moss and a base of perlite or vermiculite. For particular plant needs, potting mixes are frequently made up of additional ingredients like sand, pine bark, coco coir, and compost.

The soil from the ground, on the other hand, is heavier and denser than potting mix. You may see it labeled as garden soil or topsoil in stores. Compared to potting mixes, it frequently holds a lot more moisture. Additionally, it lacks the nutrients necessary to maintain the health of container plants.

I recommend avoiding commercial potting mixes that are labeled as “moisture control.” These have gel beads that are designed to absorb water and then slowly release it, preventing both under and over-watering. Unfortunately, the technology appears to be buggy and might mislead plant owners about their level of security. It is preferable to comprehend your plants’ water requirements and regulate their moisture levels through your watering practices.

How To Choose The Right Container For Monsteras

Having your Monstera deliciosa in the proper container comes in second place after picking the appropriate soil in terms of ensuring proper drainage for your plant. The Monstera plant’s health can be directly impacted by the pot you choose, despite the fact that it may not seem significant.

Size: For this plant, smaller pots work best in terms of size. It’s critical that the ratio of roots to the soil in the pot is correct because monsters dislike moist soil. The plant won’t dry out quickly if there is a lot of soil, which may cause root rot. When there isn’t enough soil, i.e., roots are filling most of the pot), you will find you have to water too frequently.

Although being kept in a small pot will limit the plant’s growth, it shouldn’t actually do any harm. Strong monstera roots have the ability to shatter plastic pots when they outgrow them. When the roots grow too big, it’s also common to see them coming out of the drainage holes.

When repotting your Monstera, it is usually best to simply go one size larger (for instance, from a 6″ pot to an 8″ pot). Your plant will adapt more easily to a new pot that isn’t much bigger than the old one.

Material: Typically, monsteras are sold in plastic nursery pots, which are usually fine for a while. Because they are relatively lightweight and a large Monstera deliciosa is heavy, plastic pots present a problem as the plant grows larger. If your plant is too top-heavy, it could topple over or otherwise be disturbed. Furthermore, a lot of people prefer decorative pots over plastic ones because they look better.

A different choice would be terracotta pots, but they have the opposite issue. The terra-cotta pot will be quite heavy when full of soil and your Monstera as it grows, so you’ll need to size up the pot accordingly. Terracotta gives your plant a sturdy foundation, but it can be challenging to move when necessary.

Terracotta, which absorbs moisture from the soil, is to be noted as a useful material in helping to prevent overwatering. Plastic pots do not “breathe” in the same way as terra cotta, so they tend to keep all the moisture inside.

For indoor Monsteras, glazed ceramic pots are a great alternative. These come in many different designs, but larger ones can be very pricey.

Drainage Any pot should have drainage holes in the bottom so that extra water can drain out, regardless of its size or composition. There are a few options if you insist on using a container without drainage holes.

You could use specialized drill bits to make holes in the pot’s bottom. Use safety gear and adhere to instructions since there’s a chance the pot might break.

The alternative would be to fill the bottom of the pot with gravel or some other material to catch any excess water and prevent it from soaking into the soil. Despite the fact that some people have success using it, I don’t suggest it. There is too much potential for unintentional water accumulation in the pot.

7 Best Containers For Monstera

1. D’vine Dev Set Of 3 Plastic Planter Pots

The best way to add color and texture to your indoor and outdoor spaces is with plastic planter pots. These cylindrical planters are ideal for growing Monstera, flowers, herbs, etc.

They can occupy any surface thanks to their distinct design and seamless construction without endangering floors or furniture. They are ideal for hanging planters as well. To prevent root rot, simply secure the saucer to the drainage hole before starting to plant.

2. Kaila Plant Pots

High-quality ceramic is used to make Kazeila pots. The pots are strong and environmentally friendly, and they have a frosted surface so your plants can breathe. The plant pot is built to last both inside and outside.

A saucer, rubber stopper, and drainage mesh net are included with the Kazeila plant pot, which has an outer diameter of 10 inches and measurements of 9 inches by 9 inches by 10 inches in height. Refractory ceramics, which can withstand high temperatures, were used to make this planter.

3. La Jolíe Ceramic Plant Pots

A gorgeous contemporary planter that combines the best elements of Mid-Century design with a contemporary twist. This thick, sturdy ceramic pot with a glaze is sold with a wooden plant stand.

The classy pot has a white base with blue ribbon accents. For your living room, dining room, or kitchen, it has a distinctive, contemporary design that is ideal. Both indoor and outdoor plants can benefit from it.

The planter is made of ceramic that has been painted on both sides and is very simple to clean. These ceramic pots are a stylish way to bring a little class into your home.

4. Kante Concrete Round Planter

Your monstera will thrive in this circular concrete pot. A smooth, rounded design handcrafted for enduring beauty is created from authentic slate gray concrete and weather-resistant fiberglass. Additionally, a drainage hole guarantees strong plant growth.

With dimensions of 14″W x 14″L x 12″H, it is both substantial and functional. Additionally, it is portable and lightweight, making it the ideal addition to any home’s decor. Additionally, the pot is UV resistant so that it won’t deteriorate in the sun.

5. Elly Décor 10′ Round Pot

Anyone who wants their garden or home to have a contemporary and minimalist aesthetic will love this planter. Handmade and available in four colors, the ceramic is made entirely of red clay.

It has a 10″ diameter and an 8″ height, which makes it big enough to fit most plants. Additionally, the saucer makes sure that your floors stay spotless while watering your plants.

For your outdoor area designed in the style of the 1950s, this round pot is the ideal planter. The drainage hole guarantees that your plants remain vibrant and healthy, and the sturdy and heavy design keeps your pot in place.

6. Fox & Fern Pot With 3d Line Texture

For contemporary, minimalist spaces, this is the ideal pot. The matte white and grey colors are ideal for any setting, and the textured finish gives it a contemporary appearance. The drainage plug also guarantees the health and moisture of your plants.

All weather conditions are no match for the pot’s sturdy polystone construction. The UV and frost-resistant design guarantees that your plants remain healthy no matter the climate.

7. Fox & Fern 8′ Plant Pot

A contemporary and adaptable planter that weighs only 70% as much as ceramic or concrete, the Fox & Fern small plant pot is made of sturdy fiberstone. It has a solid base with drainage holes and a drain plug built in, which keeps the soil dry and prevents root rot.

When Should You Repot A Monstera?

Despite their rapid growth, Monsteras typically require repotting after two to three years. A few indicators indicate that your Monstera is prepared to transfer to a bigger pot. The first is that you have to water more frequently, and it seems like the water passes through the pot very quickly. This suggests that there is not enough soil in the pot to absorb water because there are many roots taking up space in it.

Another indication that a Monstera needs to be replanted is the presence of roots that protrude from the pot in one of two ways: either out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot or growing up above the soil’s surface. If the roots begin to break or crack their way out of the pot, you should definitely give them more room.

Repotting Monsteras and other plants are best done in the spring or early summer when they are actively growing. Depending on the conditions in your home, you might notice new growth throughout the year, but the warmer weather of the summer months encourages even more activity. The best use of the nutrients will be made by Monsteras during the growing season if they are given more room and fresh nutrients in a larger pot.

In general, Monstera deliciosa is not a fussy indoor plant and is simple to grow in most indoor settings. Ample light and moderate watering are this plant’s two main requirements. You can lessen your chances of giving your Monstera too much water by giving it well-draining, loose soil in an appropriate-sized pot.

Monsteras are tolerant of some neglect and mistreatment, unlike some other houseplants that can be difficult to keep happy. A Monstera can grow and look its best if the proper growing medium and pots are used, but this is not an exact science. Try different soil mixtures to see which works best for your plants.

How To Care For Your Monstera Plant?

Monsteras need a lot of humidity, bright indirect light, and moist soil. Your Monstera needs regular watering and moist soil to thrive.

Additionally, you should put it close to a window or another area with bright light but no direct sunlight. The plant is not receiving enough light if the leaves on your Monstera begin to turn yellow.

Every two weeks during the spring and summer, fertilize them with a balanced fertilizer. Fertilize every four weeks during the winter. To maintain the plant’s appearance healthily, remove any brown or dead leaves.