Black Spots On Monstera Leaves: Why And How To Avoid

black spots on monstera

Black spots on a Monstera deliciosa are caused by one of the following reasons:

  • overwatering
  • underwatering
  • sunburn
  • low humidity
  • high humidity
  • improper fertilization
  • diseases
  • pests
  • sunburn

Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Has Black Spots

1. Black Spots Due To Overwatering

If you overwater your plant, the roots may rot, which will result in black spots on the leaves of your Monstera Deliciosa. overwatering is often hard to spot until it gets out of hand, but If you give Monstera Deliciosa the right care, it can bounce back from this problem.

You should look for yellowing leaves or softened stems as early warning signs of overwatering.

2. Underwatering

underwatering can also be the reason why your leaves of Monstera Deliciosa have black spots on them. Watering the plant is necessary if you notice that the leaves have begun to turn light brown.

You can also test the soil’s dryness by touching it. It is best to water your plant more frequently if the soil feels excessively dry.

3. Sunburn

The black spots on your Monstera Deliciosa may be the result of sunburn if you keep it in direct sunlight.

Avoid direct sunlight of more than 4 hours per day

4. Low Humidity

Black spots on your plant may appear if there is insufficient humidity or dry air in the area. The rainforest native Monstera Deliciosa enjoys being kept in humid environments.

Low Humidity – Avoid low humidity in the 40% range or less

5. High Humidity

Loves the monstera deliciosa. high humidity. High humidity is defined as a range of 60 to 80 percent. However, once it exceeds 90%, the humidity can cause black spots to develop on the leaves of the plants.

Water drops that linger on the foliage for an excessive amount of time are the cause.

High Humidity – This is usually great for tropical plants but more than 90% is too much

6. Improper Fertilization

Your Monstera Deliciosa may suffer from a nutrient shortage if you don’t fertilize it. However, over-fertilizing your plant can also result in black spots developing on its leaves.

However, the biggest problem for growers of Monstera Deliciosa is a lack of fertilization.

7. Diseases

On Monstera Deliciosa leaves, black spots are primarily caused by bacterial and fungal diseases. These spots frequently have a yellow circle surrounding them and are all the same size.

8. Pests

black spots on monstera

In many gardens and houseplants, pests are a common problem. Your plant was also killed by them.

The leaves of your Monstera Deliciosa beginning to develop black spots is one of the primary signs that it is pest-infested.

9. Insufficient Airflow

It’s crucial that air gets to a plant’s leaves. The Monstera deliciosa plant may not be able to maintain its cooling in hot weather if there is little to no airflow because it has trouble removing extra water from the plant itself or from the leaves. Black spots may develop as a result and begin to spread across the foliage.

The Monstera will stay dry thanks to the airflow, and it will be able to control high temperatures better because the airflow will cool the plant.

How To Avoid Black Spots On Monstera Deliciosa

1. Avoid overwatering

Your Monstera Deliciosa should be taken out of the pot and cleaned of any diseased roots if you suspect that it has been overwatered.

Next, grab a pair of scissors and cut off any black roots that are rotten (healthy roots are slightly tan in color).

Wash the plant pot with soap and water, then fill it with fresh soil. To help the soil dry out faster and use less water overall, mix in a small amount of gravel or perlite.

To help with water removal from the plant’s container, add drainage holes. On your Monstera Deliciosa, you should also prune off any damaged leaves.

2. Avoid underwatering

After a few hours, always check to see if the soil in the plant pot still feels moist. If it does, water the plant.

As a result of becoming root-bound, your Monstera Deliciosa may also be drying out too quickly. Because there isn’t enough room in the pot to hold the water, the soil tends to dry out more quickly.

You should repot your Monstera Deliciosa if you see that the roots are poking through the soil or emerging from the drainage holes.

Your plant should not be watered for three days after being repotted. You can water it once more after three days have passed.

black spots on monstera

3. Provide Proper Shade

Keep your Monstera Deliciciosa plant three feet away from windows that face west or east as the light from these windows is too harsh for this plant.

If there isn’t room for your plant near an east or west-facing window, you can put it close to a south-facing window with sheer curtains instead.

If you have your Monstera Deliciosa outside, put it under the porch so it can get some protection from the harsh sunlight. Rotate your plant’s pot every few days to ensure that all of its parts are getting the same amount of sunlight.

Make sure your Monstera Deliciosa’s leaves are not in direct contact with the windows as this could result in further damage.

4. Control the Humidity Level

You can put a humidifier close to your plants if your neighborhood has low humidity levels. To raise the humidity, you could also put a tray with water in it close to your plant.

The Monstera Deliciosa will be adequately hydrated by the water that evaporates from the tray, which will also raise the humidity levels around your plant.

5. Avoid high humidity using fresh air

Use clip fans on a timer as ventilators if the Monstera deliciosa is housed in a container or terrarium. To stop the humidity from rising to 90% or higher, let them turn on and off frequently throughout the day.

For grow tents and grow rooms, use an air conditioner fan or occasionally open windows and lids to bring in some fresh air.

6. Provide Proper Fertilization

From March through October, fertilize your Monstera Deliciosa at least once per month. You shouldn’t mist the leaves of your plant with fertilizer because it can encourage bacterial growth.

7. Take Precautions to Avoid Diseases

It is best to remove any leaves on your plant that have started to develop black spots if you notice them because they may be the result of a disease.

Maintaining a dry environment for your plant’s leaves will help keep your Monstera Deliciosa free of bacterial and fungal diseases. Because of this, it is recommended to keep a humidifier rather than misting your Monstera Deliciosa leaves.

8. Take Precautions to Avoid Pests

Pest risk can be reduced in a number of ways. You can start by checking your plant for any indications of insects, webbing, or damage.

Also, keep your new plant separate from your other plants for a few weeks. This will guarantee that the plant is free of pest infestation.

Thirdly, you should always sanitize any machinery you use for your plant.

A fantastic additional method for spotting pests is to inspect your plant. However, pests frequently evade detection because, for the most part, they are small and undetectable unless grouped together.

You can spray your Monstera Deliciosa with neem oil or wipe it with rubbing alcohol if you suspect that it has been infected with pests. It’s crucial to keep in mind that none of these techniques will harm your plant.

9. Use a ventilator, and avoid stagnant air

In addition to terrariums, use a ventilator in grow tents, containers, and spaces. In addition to preventing black spots brought on by stagnant air, this will guarantee continuous airflow above and beneath the plant’s foliage.

When & How To Remove Leaves With Black Spots

black spots on monstera

Typically, leaves with black spots won’t regenerate on their own. You can remove the leaf with the black spots or edges as long as your plant has a couple of other leaves that are fully open and healthy. To stop the disease from spreading to the entire plant, you should immediately remove any leaves that have completely turned black.

Any blackened leaves should be removed with a good pair of pruning shears, such as these. Before cutting any other plant, remember to sanitize your shears!

General Monstera Care

Sadly, leaves that have turned brown or black do not turn green again. I like to remove completely damaged leaves and trim brown spots off if they are only on the tips or edges.

Keep the leaves on the plant if the damage is minor because they continue to aid in photosynthetic activity.

By giving your Monstera the right environment to thrive in, you can stop black and brown spots from appearing on it. Monstera’s ideal conditions are summarized below:

Sunlightindirect light that is bright. Do not like direct sunlight
Water1-2 times per week.
Check that the soil is dry before watering
Temperature65 – 85 °F (18 to 30 degrees Celsius). Keep away from temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius).
HumidityThrives in humid conditions (however, do not mist the leaves)

Frequently Asked Questions

The Monstera Deliciosa’s Fresh Leaves Are Turning Black, Why?

Your Monstera Deliciosa’s new leaves may be turning black because the soil’s moisture content is out of balance. This indicates that your soil may be either too wet or too dry.

Should I Remove The Leaves With The Black Spots?

In addition to other factors, diseases and pests can also be to blame for leaves that have black spots on them. Therefore, it is best to remove any leaves with black spots.