Do Spider Mites Live in the Soil? How to Get Rid of Them?

Spider Mites

Do Spider Mice Live in the Soil?

The short answer is Yes, spider mites can live in the soil. However, they favor living on plants because they can eat the juices from the plants there.

For any gardener, spider mites can pose a serious problem. Your plants could quickly become infected by these tiny pests and die. They may also spread to other areas of your garden if you are not careful. The best insecticides to use to get rid of spider mites should be identified along with the early warning signs of their presence. For the best chance of protecting your plants, you should also find out if spider mites can live in the dirt.

Take it from somebody that has experienced spider mites in the past, they can be a real pain in the you-know-where. Pests are just a part of life when it comes to gardening and growing plants indoors in general, so unfortunately there is no real way to avoid them. So allow me to answer your question… Can spider mites live without plants – let’s find out:

Can Spider Mites Live in Soil?

Although spider mites can exist in the dirt, they are more likely to attack plants that are already under stress or weak. Your garden’s plants are less likely to be impacted by spider mites if they are in good health. Keep the humidity levels high to prevent encounters because spider mites prefer to hide in arid, dry soil.

However, you’ll need to take action to get rid of these soil mites if you do discover spider mites in your soil. Using a pesticide that is specially made to kill spider mites, like neem oil, is the best way to accomplish this. You can permanently get rid of these pests with the appropriate treatment.

Spider mites can harm both outdoor gardens and indoor houseplants. Use an insecticide that treats spider mites and keep an eye out for any signs of plant decline in your plants. You can defeat a spider mite infestation using the information and advice provided here.

Can Spider Mites Live Without Plants?

Yes, but only for a brief period of time. In ideal circumstances, spider mites can survive without plants for a maximum of 12 days. You can only anticipate them to live for 3-5 days if the circumstances aren’t ideal. Spider mites are what are known as “plant-parasitic” pests, which means that they rely on plants for food and shelter.

What Are Spider Mites?

The genus name for the spider mites is Tetranychidae, which is a taxonomic category of arachnids that includes ticks and mites. They are very small in size, measuring just about 1/20th of an inch long. The majority of spider mites are red or brown, but some can be yellow, green, or almost translucent.

Spider mites spin webs which act as protection from the elements and also from prey such as ladybugs and birds. These mites pierce the plant cells in order to feed, which in turn stunts the growth of the plant and causes discoloration of the leaves. If left unchecked, spider mites can completely destroy plants and flowers.

Incredibly, spider mites can live and thrive on thousands of different species of plants and it’s almost a guarantee that if you have plants – spider mites will eventually find them. They are most prevalent in hot and dry conditions, which is why they are such a problem in greenhouses and during the summer months.

If, like me, you find yourself with a spider mite infestation, don’t worry too much, there are plenty of ways to get rid of them (and prevent them from coming back).

How Do You Know If It’s Spider Mites?

The easiest way to tell if your plants have spider mites is to look for webbing on the undersides of the leaves. You might also see stippling (tiny dots) on the upper surface of the leaves, which is caused by the mites piercing the cells to feed.

If you suspect that your plants have spider mites, hold a piece of white paper or cloth beneath a leaf and tap it gently – if you have spider mites you will see tiny moving specks on the paper.

Another tell-tale sign of spider mite damage is leaves that appear dull, discolored, or curled up. This is because spider mites suck out the chlorophyll from plants, which ultimately leads to plant death.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind:

  • Warm temperatures – as Spider mites prefer hot, dry climates, as I already mentioned. It is more likely that you will have an infestation if the temperature inside your house or greenhouse is consistently above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Crowded plants – if your plants are overcrowded, they are more likely to be stressed, which makes them more attractive to spider mites. Given this, it’s crucial to give your plants enough room to spread out and to regularly check for pests.
  • Dry conditions – spider mites like it dry, so if the air in your home or greenhouse is particularly dry, that could be why you’re seeing an infestation.
  • Damaged plants – damaged or sick plants are more likely to be infested with spider mites because they are already stressed. This is why it’s crucial to regularly inspect your plants for indications of stress or harm.
Spider Mites

Spider Mites’ Life Cycle

Spider mite infestations can affect all sorts of plants not only in your garden but also the plants that you are nurturing indoors. The cause of this, then? It’s all down to their amazing reproductive capacity.

A single female spider mite can lay up to 20 eggs per day, and in ideal conditions (i.e. warm and dry), a new generation can be produced every 7-10 days. This means that an infestation can escalate very quickly if left unchecked.

The life cycle of a spider mite goes like this:

  • Female spider mites lay their eggs on the underside of leaves.
  • The eggs hatch into larvae in about two to three days. The larvae immediately begin feeding and are mobile.
  • Nymph: The larvae molt (shed their skin) and change into nymphs after about 5 to 6 days. Although nymphs are smaller and lack fully developed reproductive organs, they are similar to adults in many ways.
  • Adult: The nymphs go through one more molting process and turn into adults after 7 to 10 days. The lifespan of an adult is roughly 0.5 mm, and they can reproduce right away.

Can Plants Recover from Spider Mites?

The short answer is yes, plants can recover from spider mites. However, the damage caused by spider mites can be significant, and in some cases, it might not be possible for a plant to fully recover.

If you catch an infestation early on, it’s more likely that your plants will be able to recover with minimal damage. However, if the infestation is left unchecked, the damage can be irreversible.

This is why it’s so important to regularly check your plants for signs of stress or damage and to take action immediately if you see any evidence of spider mites.

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites in Soil

Spider mites will invade the soil in your garden and the plants if the soil is dry, as it has been recently in most gardens in Guelph. It can be tempting to use a pesticide on the soil to quickly get rid of spider mites, but doing so would be a serious rookie error.

Millions of living things inhabit the soil, many of which are advantageous to the mites and even act as predators. Applying an insecticide to the ground will kill both beneficial and harmful insects. Because there are now fewer predators for the mites, their populations may grow even more uncontrollably, which may be the exact opposite of what you intended.

Soil moisture is the enemy of the spider mite. To make the soil uninhabitable for mites, keep the plants close to infected soil well watered with cold water. In contrast, your plants will be grateful to you.

Conclusion: Spider Mites Can Live in the Soil

In this article, we have looked at spider mites and whether or not they can live in the soil. We have also looked at the damage they can cause to plants and how to get rid of them. Let’s summarise everything below:

  • Spider mites can survive for up to 12 days without plants if the conditions are right
  • They will die within 3-5 days if conditions are not optimum
  • Spider mites are plant-parasitic pests
  • Spider mites are part of the arachnids family which includes ticks and mites
  • They are small in size only measuring 1/20th of an inch
  • They are red, brown, yellow, or green in color depending on the crop they consume
  • Lady bugs are a great organic pesticide
  • Spider bugs can be found on the underside of leaves
  • Spider mites love warm temperatures, crowded planting areas, damaged plants, and dry conditions
  • Spider mite’s life cycle goes from egg, larva, nymph, and adult
  • Plants can recover from spider mites if the infestation isn’t too severe
  • You can get rid of spider mites using neem oil or pyrethrin


What Kills Spider Mites and Their Eggs?

Spider mites and their eggs can be eliminated by a few different methods. These include Ladybugs, Lacewings, Predatory Mites, Neem Oil, and Pyrethrin.

Does Dawn Dish Soap Work for Spider Mites?

Yes, Dawn dish soap can work for spider mites. Both they and their eggs will be effectively killed by it. You can make a solution by mixing 1 part Dawn dish soap with 10 parts water.

Can Spider Mites Live on Humans?

No, spider mites cannot live on humans. They are pests that parasitize plants and need plants to live.

What Plants Are Prone to Spider Mites?

Some of the plants that are prone to spider mites include roses, tomatoes, eggplants, beans, and peppers. In warm or dry environments, these plants are frequently found.