Fiddle Leaf Fig Dropping Leaves (Reasons And What To Do)


Unfortunately, whenever a fiddle leaf fig is under stress, leaves tend to fall off. There are 10 common reasons why your Fiddle leaf fig leaves are dropping, including water problems, root rot, fertilizer, temperature, humidity, etc.

10 Common Reasons Why Your Fiddle Leaf Figs Leaves Are Dropping

1. Shock

The shock from movement is the primary common cause of leaf drop.

Fiddle leaf fig plants go through a lot of stress when they are moved and placed in new environments, which is why it is important to take care of them. Fiddle leaf figs prefer a stable environment and dislike change.

Because the plant was raised in a bright greenhouse with numerous other plants nearby and high relative humidity, the new lighting, and humidity may both be significantly lower than what the plant is used to. Your plant might react to shock by dropping older leaves near the middle and bottom of the plant, in addition to the physical trauma of being beaten up during the move.

2. Root Rot

Root rot, which frequently results from an imbalance of too much water and insufficient light, is the third and most frequent reason why fiddle leaf figs drop their leaves.

Brown or black spots on the leaves are the telltale sign in this case. Examine your drainage and lighting immediately if your plant has dropped spotted leaves.

To protect your plant from bacteria, fungus, and insects, use our Houseplant Leaf Armor. It’s critical to treat root rot as soon as possible. (The Leaf Armor also shines and cleans your houseplant’s leaves, so that’s an added bonus!)

Even though there are more than a dozen potential causes for a Fiddle Leaf Fig to lose a leaf, only a few of them are frequent enough to warrant concern. The nine causes listed below will account for the majority of leaf loss.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

3. Too Much Water

Numerous manuals suggest a watering schedule for fiddle leaf figs that causes leaf drop. Even brief periods of excessive watering can cause foliage to die.

If the soil is overly wet for an extended period of time, root rot, a more serious issue, may cause a lot of leaves to fall at once. Overwatering makes it difficult to save a plant, but it may be necessary to remove the saturated soil and start over with new potting soil. Just watering less may be effective if only a few leaves have been lost thus far.

4. Too Little Water

Of course, not providing the plant with enough water also causes leaf drop.

A consistent supply of water and moderately humid air are preferred by fiddle leaf figs. If the soil is not absorbing the water equally, even if you give your plant the right amount of water, it may still experience leaf drop from dryness.

After a thorough watering, lifting the fig from the pot and inspecting it will help you identify any areas that are still dry and could eventually cause water stress and leaf drop.

5. Lack Of Humidity

The Ficus lyrata prefers a higher humidity level than the typical indoor environment because it is a tropical plant. Most people maintain the ambient humidity in their homes at around 40%, but this houseplant prefers 60% or higher.

Put the plant, if you can, close to a humidifier or at the very least, in a humid area, such as a bathroom. Fiddle Leaf Figs should ideally not be placed near dehumidifiers or heating vents. When leaves drop due to low humidity, the leaf tips will dry out first.

6. Temperature Fluctuations

Any abrupt temperature change in the area of the fiddle leaf fig will cause at least some minor leaf dropping. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold air from an open window or hot air from a heater, drafts are shocking to this delicate houseplant. Keep them away from frequently opened exterior doors, especially during the winter.

It’s possible for leaves to fall suddenly due to drafts or temperature problems without ever yellowing or discoloring. Replacement leaves should bud and sprout soon enough, assuming the drafts stop.

7. Change In Light Levels

Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer bright, mostly indirect light over excessive amounts of direct sunlight. It is typical for a plant to lose one or two leaves as winter draws near and natural sunlight levels decrease.

The ideal way to maintain constant light levels all year long is with artificial lighting. It’s also a simpler way to avoid sunburn while offering adequate lighting.

On your fiddle leaf fig leaves, it’s also a good idea to regularly remove any extra dust accumulation.

8. Disease And Pests

When watering or lighting requirements haven’t changed but leaves are still falling off, the plant most likely has a pest or disease. Fiddle Leaf Fig pests, like mites or aphids, are frequently so small that it is difficult to see them. Examine the undersides of all the leaves, not just the ones that have fallen.

Dark spots or sunken areas on the leaves, web-like mold on the soil’s surface, and stems that are wilting are all symptoms of the disease.

9. Lack Of Fertilizer

During the growing season, fiddle leaf figs require nutrients at least once every few months but don’t require a lot of fertilizer. The Fig will eventually start dropping its leaves after going a year or two without any fertilizer applications.

These Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves will turn yellow, usually starting from the inner veins of the leaf, before they shrivel and fall off. Don’t overfeed the plant with fertilizer in an attempt to fix the issue. To stimulate new growth without damaging the roots, start with a half-strength application of the fertilizer manufacturer’s suggested dosage and follow up two months later with a full-strength application.

10. Age

As they get older, Fiddle Leaf Figs naturally lose leaves, just like most larger indoor plants do. At some point, the plant cannot support the older leaves toward the bottom of the plant. Before falling off, they typically do not turn yellow or form dry tips, two symptoms that point to a different problem with the plant.

No matter the cause—old age or a problem—older leaves usually fall off first. If the process is natural, however, only one to two leaves will be lost at once. Many more leaves may fall off suddenly for other reasons, obliterating half the plant at once.

fiddle leaf fig

What To Do If Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dropping Leaves

Expect some of your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves to fall as it gets used to their new environment if you’ve just bought it. Keep an eye on the overall number of leaves lost to make sure a bigger issue is not at play.

For a plant that is recovering from the shock, anywhere between 3 and 7 leaves are typically perfectly normal.

Give It Consistency

Make sure to maintain consistency in your plant’s lighting, humidity, and watering practices to aid in its recovery.

Keep your new plant away from drafts, heating vents, and direct sunlight in a bright area. One or two inches of the topsoil should be dry before you water once per week. Spend a few weeks allowing your plant to adjust to its new location. (This moisture meter is a great tool for determining when your plant needs water.)

Check Your Watering

Make sure you’re regularly watering your plant and keeping it in a stable location away from hot wind from a heater if you suspect that your plant is losing leaves as a result of dry air or a lack of water.

Make sure the root ball itself gets wet when you water your plant.

Because water flows around the root ball and out of the container, some plants with very compact root balls may go without water. This may give the impression that your plant is receiving adequate water, but the roots may actually be dehydrating. To ensure that the water is absorbed through the roots, water is slowly at the base of the trunk.

Address Light And Drainage

If your plant develops black or brown spots or starts to drop leaves, check your drainage and lighting conditions right away. A fiddle leaf fig’s roots may rot if it is placed in a container that is too big, has the wrong soil, and receives too much water.

These conditions are exacerbated by a lack of sunlight. If you can, move your plant to a south-facing or big window if it isn’t in a very bright spot. If the issue is severe, you should repot your plant into a new container with excellent drainage and use quick-draining soil to ensure that the roots of your plant can breathe.

Your fiddle leaf fig tree can fully recover as long as it still has at least half of its leaves.

You will give your plant the best chance to stabilize and eventually improve by addressing the issue and giving it regular care. But it might take some time.

Fiddle leaf fig leaves with brown spots won’t heal, so you might want to get rid of any ugly-looking damaged leaves. Be patient; once your plant has stabilized, new growth may not begin for several months. Nevertheless, things will go more smoothly now that you are more aware of your plant’s health.

Fiddle Leaf Fig


Is Some Leaf Fall Typical For Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees?

Older plants eventually lose some of their bottom leaves. Natural Fiddle Leaf Fig leaf loss, on the other hand, won’t exhibit damage indicators like discoloration or dark spots. This will also result in only a small number of leaves being lost each season.

Do Fallen FFiddle Leaf Fig lf Leaves Regrow?

The plant should grow new leaves within a month or two after the root of the problem has been identified. Instead of down where the old leaves fell off, new buds will start to grow at the top of the plant. Almost always, the bottom loses leaves first. A top-heavy appearance may result from this. You can fix it by carefully pruning the stem to promote leafing toward the stem’s base.

What Is The Maturation Period Of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants?

Within four to five years of growth, the fiddle leaf fig resembles its mature form, but it can take up to fifteen years for it to reach its full height. The plant will continue to grow until at least the 10-year mark, after which it may start to concentrate only on replacing lost leaves. After the plant reaches maturity, it is more difficult for it to grow new leaves, so it needs the best care to maintain happy and healthy leaves.