How Much Light Does A Snake Plant Need-Light Requirement Guide

Snake Plant

The snake plant grows slowly in dim lighting, but it does well in bright indirect light. The ideal amount of indirect sunlight for snake plants is at least five hours per day, and 8 to 10 hours each day will be better. For best results, place them close to east-facing windows or illuminate them with grow lights. A lack of light is indicated by leggy growth, small leaves, and unusual leaf color.

Importance Of Light For Snake Plant

Every living thing, including plants, derives its energy from light. It was never intended for plants to be grown inside our homes. Outside, where they have access to all the resources they require, they are a part of the natural world.

The needs and requirements of the plants remain the same, even if we try to justify them by saying that we are bringing a piece of nature into our homes.

To produce food, plants need sunlight. They generate sugar and oxygen using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. For plants, sugar serves as a source of energy.

Photosynthesis might not be effective in the absence of sufficient lighting. As a result, our snake plants will experience stunted growth as well as other issues.

Snake Plant

How Much Light Does A Snake Plant Need?

To thrive, snake plants require more than five hours of indirect sunlight. They can produce enough energy for new growth with five or more hours of indirect sunlight. In low light, snake plants can thrive because they are very hardy. They will, however, grow very slowly if there is insufficient light.

No plant can grow completely in the absence of light because this is necessary for the production of its food. Give your snake plants generally more sunlight than they require.

The mother-in-law’s tongue’s leaves may also become spindly in low light as they squint to catch the light. Move your plant closer to the light source if you see it spreading. Try to avoid placing them right up against the window in general. The majority of the time, they perform better on a stand or desk next to a window, though they will function just fine.

How To Check How Much Light My Snake Plant Is Getting

The Hand Shadow Test

The hand shadow test is a simple yet efficient way to gauge the amount of light your spider plant is receiving. You can substitute any object, such as a stick, for your hand in this test.

1. Lay a large white sheet of paper on the spot where your plant is parked

2. Hold your hand directly above the area where your plant will stand, about 12 inches (30 cm) away. The best results will come from running this test around noon.

3. Ensure your fingers are spread evenly and wide

4. Take a look at the shadow your hand made on the paper. What can you see?

The light hitting the area will be more intense (or brighter) the clearer or more defined the shadow your hand casts. Here’s how to read the hand shadow test:

Low light – if you see a barely recognizable shadow or none at all, the spot receives low light. It’s not a good idea to leave your snake plant in this dim spot.

Medium-light – A hand shadow that receives medium lighting is hazy, fuzzy, or blurry. Still, it is easily recognizable.

Bright light – A brightly lit area creates a distinct, well-defined shadow. Your digits are easily and clearly discernible. Your snake plant will flourish if the mentioned light is filtered or indirect.

In general, windows facing south let in the lightest, followed by windows facing west and east.

Typically, the lightest exposure is to the north. Remember that as you move away from a window or other source of light, the brightness or intensity of the light will drastically decrease.

Using A Lux Meter

You can determine how much light your snake plant receives by looking at two important parameters. One is the light amount, and the other is the light intensity.

A lux meter is a device that measures light intensity, or more simply, how powerful or intense the light is. 1 lumen per square meter is represented by the unit of lux.

A meter reading between Lux 10,000 and 20,000 is ideal because snake plants do best in areas that are well-lit. However, they can function well in light levels between 2,500 and 10,000 Lux.

Pro tip: investing in a mid-range If you have a lot of indoor plants, a lux meter is a smart investment.

Nevertheless, it makes sense to purchase a multi-function model that can read additional parameters as well, such as relative humidity, temperature, etc.

Snake Plant

What Kind Of Light Does A Snake Plant Require?

Snake plants are native to arid regions with little humidity and water availability. They have large, fleshy leaves that can store water for a long time.

The snake plant’s leaf is tough, but they can’t stand exposure to direct sunlight. Your snake plant’s leaves could burn from too much sun.

Low light can also cause your snake plants’ growth to be sluggish and to experience some other issues.

If some of the snake plant’s leaves are drooping, your plant is probably not getting enough sunlight, according to this rule of thumb. Your plant can flourish once more by being moved to a location that receives plenty of light.

Direct Light Vs. Indirect Light

The growth of your snake plant depends on your ability to distinguish between different types of light. The growth of your snake plant will suffer from both excessive and insufficient lighting.

In general, there are two types of light. Indirect lighting is used in one and direct sunlight in the other. Let me give you a quick breakdown of how the two differ if you are a complete beginner.

Direct sunlight is the term used to describe the light that reaches a plant that is unfiltered and direct. Such light creates a distinct and easily recognizable shadow.

However, it can be referred to as indirect sunlight if your plant is placed in a location where direct sunlight doesn’t hit its foliage.

All indirect light comes from reflections off of surfaces like a sheer curtains, walls, and floors.

I hope this has allayed your concerns about the various types of lighting.

Bright indirect sunlight is now what we need for our snake plant. Consider this as you decide where to put your snake plant.

Can Snake Plants Live In The Dark?

Even under low-to-moderate lighting, snake plants can survive reasonably well. Your snake plant’s foliage may become damaged by intense direct sunlight. Because of this, they cannot survive in the sun’s direct rays.

Snake plants do, however, require light for photosynthesis. They, therefore, require bright indirect sunlight to thrive.

In a room with good lighting, your snake plant will thrive. But even in low light, they are likely to survive if their other cultural requirements are met.

Can Snake Plants Thrive In Low Light?

Although snake plants can grow in low lighting, their growth will be slower.

I rotate my plants, which is a great trick I employ to maintain a snake plant at my desk in the office, which receives very little light.

As an illustration, suppose I keep my snake plant at my desk for 20–25 days before moving it to my living room for one-two week and bringing it back to my desk.

According to my plant’s requirements, I keep rotating them. Even switch to a different plant of comparable size. By doing this, your snake plant will probably thrive even in less-than-ideal lighting conditions.

Can Snake Plants Survive Direct Sunlight?

The mother-in-law’s tongue plant, also known as a snake plant, is nearly unbreakable and thrives when left alone. This makes it excellent for those who frequently accidentally kill plants.

Direct sunlight doesn’t bother snake plants too much because they are so resilient that they can withstand droughts and a variety of other issues. Although snake plants can tolerate direct sunlight, they typically prefer indirect light. Snake plants’ leaves could burn if they are in direct sunlight.

They will alert you if your snake plant receives excessive light. Move your snake plant a few feet away from the light source if you notice that the leaves are changing colors, which is usually a yellow, brown, or pale color.

Heat and excessive light exposure both occasionally result in leaf burn. Similar to this, move your snake plant away from the light if you notice it is starting to look a little pale. Overexposure to light in general, not just direct light, is typically the cause of turning pale.

Do not be overly concerned even if your snake plant develops leaf burn. Snake plants are resilient and will recover quickly from almost any harm. Leaf burn rarely results in long-term harm unless it is extremely severe. Likewise, your snake plant won’t perish under these circumstances.

Best Spot For Snake Plant

As a result of the snake plant’s durability, we have the option to keep it almost anywhere.

Your snake plant will thrive anywhere, from the window sill of your shower to a corner office desk, whether it’s in your living room or your bedroom, provided that other cultural conditions are suitable for them.

It doesn’t really matter if the location you pick is close to the window or far from it. Plants should be able to survive as long as they receive a few hours of natural lighting.

The fact that your snake plant won’t grow equally under various lighting conditions notwithstanding. The growth will differ based on the lighting and other care given.

Your snake plant will thrive in any location that is 4–6 feet away from the window. Avoid setting them on the window sill where they will be exposed to the afternoon sun because the fleshy leaves can become burned.

snake plant


What Happens If There Are No Windows In My Room?

It is simply impossible for a beginner to grow any indoor plant in the absence of natural light. Yes, some people will succeed with it, but that will only be possible if you can find a natural or artificial way to supplement the light.

Does that imply that if you have no windows in your room, the snake plant will give up on you? You can still grow them, though. I would suggest purchasing a grow light for them.

Personally, I adore these incredible SANSI 15W LED Grow Light Bulbs that I purchased on Amazon. These E-26 base standard bulbs can be used in any common household lamp and holder. I place my snake plant under the light for 6 to 8 hours each day using my table lamp.

I will occasionally rotate my plant with other plants to ensure that they receive an equal amount of natural light if I notice that it is not doing well.

Where there is hope, there is a way, and these amazing bulbs have changed the way I think about growing plants in low light.

Does My Snake Plant Receive Enough Light?

Even under poor lighting, the snake plant can persist. However, don’t anticipate too much development from them in such a situation.

Your snake plant will give you some visual cues if it isn’t getting enough light. To solve the problem and maintain the health of your snake plant, you must comprehend these cues. Some common signs include:

  • Wet soil
  • Slow growth
  • Droopy leaves
  • Root rot
  • Soggy leaves

If your snake plant doesn’t get enough sunlight, it will begin to store energy in order to survive. Your plant’s growth will consequently be impacted.

The first indication of inadequate lighting is droopy leaves. Usually, the lower leaves begin to droop first.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you must relocate them to a well-lit area for a few weeks. You’ll get enough light for your snake plant to grow once more.

Does My Snake Plant Get Too Much Sun?

Although snake plants thrive in bright lighting, excessive sunlight is not necessarily beneficial for them. If your snake plant gets too much light, then you will notice some of the following signs:

  • Yellow or brown leaves
  • Leaves start drooping
  • Dry and cracky soil
  • Scorched leaf

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should move them to a different location or cover them with sheer curtains or blinds.

The cause of the aforementioned issues is frequently assumed to be insufficient watering, but this is not always the case. Your snake plant may occasionally experience specific issues as a result of excessive light.

To encourage your snake plant’s growth hormone, it would be ideal to clip the yellow and dying leaves. The plant can then concentrate more on developing healthy foliage and new growth in this manner.