How Often Should You Water Aloe Plants – Ultimate Guide

aloe plants

You’ll know how often should you water Aloe plants and the conditions that impact watering frequency in this post.

Short Answer

How frequently plants need to be watered will depend on a variety of factors. Regardless of the growing environment, you should check on your aloe every week to see if more water is required. Typically, you should water your Aloe once every 3 weeks, and less during the winter. You’ll need to perform a “finger test” to see if the soil is dry. If you choose to water your aloe, make sure you do so thoroughly, letting the water pass through the soil and out the bottom of the container.

One of the most well-liked houseplants is aloe vera, and for good reason. The plant can almost take care of itself given the proper lighting, soil, and container. The only thing Aloe needs from you is water. Which should be simple enough.

All living things, including Aloe vera, require water to survive. Watering a plant, however, is not difficult to do. An elderly farmer once questioned my decision to spend time and money attending college to learn how to water plants. But in his snide comment lay an ounce of truth; to learn how to water plants. Even Harold, a dairy farmer, was aware that there were proper and improper ways to water plants.

Let’s take a look at how to properly water your Aloe vera plant, and how often you should be doing it. Overwatering and underwatering are two of the most frequent issues with aloe vera, so it’s crucial to get it right. We’ll talk about things like lighting, temperature, soil types, and the seasons that you might not be aware affect how often you water.

How Often Should You Water Aloe Plants

This well-known succulent is thought to be a native of the Mediterranean region. This is as a result of its mention in numerous scholarly Egyptian, Greek, and Roman works as well as The Bible. The desert conditions found in places like The perfect environments for aloe to flourish are Israel and Egypt.

Succulent plants love the dry, sandy soils and infrequent rainfall. Aloe, which grows to a height of about 2 feet, could easily be protected from the harsh sunlight by larger plant species.

The Role of Water in Survival

Every living thing needs water to survive, as we all know. How does water function in a plant, though? Photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce their own food, uses water.

The presence of water and sunlight within the leaf tissue causes their constituent parts to rearrange to create glucose and oxygen, without turning this into a lesson in organic chemistry. Plants use the sugar glucose as a source of food. We can breathe because oxygen enters the air.

Aloe vera, as well as other succulents, have formed their own unique way to photosynthesize without using as much water as other plants do. It must be able to conserve as much of its water as possible because rainfall is infrequent.

The stomata, or pores, on the underside of the leaves of non-desert plants allow water to escape. When the sun is at its strongest during the day or when it’s windy, water loss is greater.

Aloe vera leaves, however, are thicker and have a waxy coating to help stop water loss through the stomata. Because desert plant tissues would quickly become dry during the day. They would have stomata at night, which would slow down their rate of transpiration.

An aloe vera plant has the rosette-like physical form. Rosettes are tightly packed, circular patterns of leaves that reduce water loss along with the waxy coating on the leaf’s surface.

You should be able to better understand how much water plants require now that you are familiar with their biology. Understanding how aloe is able to store water in its tissues is a clue as to why this popular succulent doesn’t need to be watered as often as you may think.

Conditions That Impact Watering Frequency

Now that you know the aloe plant has the ability to store water in its tissues, we will address the environmental conditions that will also play a role in how often you water your plant.

Remember that you must fully grasp each of these elements in order to water your plant in the most effective way; otherwise, you risk under- or overwatering it, which can result in drooping leaves and other issues.

Light Intensity

The amount of light your plant receives does dictate how much and how often you water. More water will be required to grow aloes in bright, indirect light as opposed to aloes grown in dim or shaded areas. Water requirements rise as photosynthesis increases with light levels.


The amount and frequency of watering required by your aloe plant will depend on the indoor temperature. The plant will require more frequent watering if the temperature is higher. Whereas cooler air temperatures will require less frequent watering.

During the summer, if you leave your aloe outside, the temperature will be higher and the sun will be brighter than it is inside. Under these circumstances, you should water your aloe more frequently.

Type of Soil

Desert plants are called aloe. They are accustomed to well-draining, sandy soils. A commercial blend of cacti and succulents is available from garden supply stores. Alternatively, you could create your own soilless mixture.

Cactus mix is typically made with a mixture of sand, pumice, and perlite, along with a third compost or other organic material. Maintaining a higher percentage of inorganic components expands the soil’s pore space. As a result, it drains better and is less likely to become water-logged.


The container that your aloe is potted in will affect how much water it needs. Soil dries out more quickly than in plastic pots in materials like terracotta and unglazed clay. Drainage holes are essential for any succulent.

Although holes allow for the drainage of extra water, this drainage is necessary to avoid overwatering. One of the most frequent mistakes made by new Aloe owners is overwatering. Aloes that are left in saturated soil for an extended period of time will likely die from root rot.


Plants rest during their dormant season in order to protect themselves. The harsh winter cold would kill an otherwise healthy plant, so the majority of outdoor plants hibernate in the winter.

Aloe, however, is somewhat unique. Even as a houseplant, as the summer months approach, Aloe vera can go dormant. This is due to the aloe being unable to withstand the summertime heat and light intensity in the desert in its natural environment.

Aloe goes into survival mode by becoming dormant when there is little to no rainfall. The quantity of water required by the plant is significantly reduced because it is dormant and not producing food.

As fall approaches, temperatures drop and rainfall may start to happen more frequently. Aloe will emerge from dormancy and resume active growth.

Overwatering an aloe plant when it’s dormant is simple. The plant doesn’t require as much watering because it is resting and not photosynthesizing. Be sure to look for active growth such as new leaf formation or even flowers as signs of dormancy breaking. Check your aloe’s soil once more to see if it needs watering once you see the new growth.

How to Avoid Over-watering

Examining the soil is one of the simplest ways to determine whether your aloe plant actually needs water. Before you re-water your aloe plant, the top two to three inches of soil should ideally be completely dry to the touch.

While you can use your finger to test the soil’s dryness, some people prefer to take a small clump of soil from the planter’s surface and break it up between their fingers. Rehydrating your aloe plant is likely necessary if the soil crumbles and appears light brown or light gray.

However, there is a good chance the plant does not require additional water if the soil is moist and darker in color.

The majority of people find that weekly watering is usually sufficient, but some people find that biweekly watering is more effective for their aloe plants.

Aloe plants and other succulents typically recover better from drought than being over-watered, so if you’re ever unsure whether to water your Aloe plant, try waiting a few days.

aloe plants

What Type of Water Should You Use?

Aloe plants can become discolored when they are watered directly from the tap, despite the fact that it may sound a little silly. This is due to the leaves’ sensitivity to both fluoride and chlorine.

Use filtered or bottled water to keep the leaves from going limp or turning discolored. Consider putting tap water in an open container the day before you water your aloe plant if you still want to use it. Allow the container to sit for at least 24 hours so that some of the chlorine and fluoride can evaporate from the water.

Other Aloe Vera Care Tips

A key factor is lighting. Aloe plants actually thrive much more when exposed to bright, indirect light, contrary to popular belief that they would prefer direct sunlight. This is because leaf burn can occur on the gel-filled leaves.

Aloe plants also don’t need a lot of fertilizer. In fact, some people barely fertilize their aloe plants at all. Consider diluting your chosen plant food to about half the recommended strength if you do decide to fertilize the soil. Additionally, fertilizing the plant more than once or twice a year should be avoided because it may end up doing more harm than good.

Final Thoughts: Many Factors Impact Watering Frequency

Again, great information, but how much water does my aloe need? As you can see, a lot of things go into determining how much water and how frequently to give your plant a good, solid drink.

Check the soil when you feel like watering to make sure your aloe really needs it. If it is dry, water your plant thoroughly, letting the water run through the soil completely and out the bottom drainage holes.


Do Aloe Plants Need Direct Sunlight?

It is critical that you place your aloe in a window where it will receive a minimum of six hours of sunlight per day. Your succulent will start to stretch and lose its attractive, compact form in the absence of prolonged, direct light. As the stem becomes brittle, it could topple over

What Does Overwatered Aloe Look Like?

You’ll know your aloe plant is being overwatered when the leaves develop what are called water-soaked spots that look soggy and soft. It almost seems as though the leaf absorbs all the water and swells to the point of becoming mush.

How Long Can Aloe Vera Live Without Water?

It can survive without water for a long time. Once every one to three weeks, water your aloe vera plant in a container. Again, it depends on the plant’s growth environment, including the soil, the climate, the amount of sunlight it receives, and whether or not it is root-bound.