How Often To Water A Fiddle Leaf Fig? – Plants Knowledge

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle leaf fig is a tropical plant that loves light, water, and humidity. These plants are indigenous to the tropical rainforests of Western Africa, where they receive plenty of water with sporadic periods of dryness.

However, these indoor plants frequently experience overwatering, which is one of their issues. Let’s find out how much water a fiddle leaf fig requires.

First, give your fiddle leaf fig one cup of water once a week to start. You should change the frequency of watering if your plant displays any signs of being overwatered or underwatered. Depending on the size of the pot and the plant, the watering requirement also needs to be adjusted.

How Often Should A Fiddle Leaf Fig Be Watered?

Your fiddle leaf fig requires watering once a week on average. However, always check the soil before watering.

For the benefit of these plants, it would be best if you didn’t allow the soil to become completely dry.

Because fiddle leaf figs prefer moist soil, you should avoid letting the soil become excessively dry. On the other hand, be mindful of the fact that you don’t want the soil to remain wet.

The problem of soil shrinkage will arise if the soil dries out. Soil shrinkage occurs when there is a long gap between watering and the soil getting dried out.

Water runs between the soil and the pot due to soil shrinkage, which prevents it from reaching the roots of the plant.

Erratic watering is another problem that will occur if you don’t water your fiddle leaf fig as per a proper schedule.

When you alternately overwater or underwater the plant, you are inconsistently watering it. It might turn out to be fatal for the plant.

Fiddle leaf figs appreciate consistency. The plant will become accustomed to it if you stick to a routine of watering it once per week.

Underwatering and overwatering will be less likely to occur. You’ll have a fiddle leaf fig that is content and healthy.

Factors Affect Fiddle Leaf Figs Grow


The amount of water you should provide the fiddle leaf fig can depend on the amount of light. These plants enjoy direct sunlight.

The brightest and sunniest area of your home, away from direct sunlight, should be where you place the plant.

The soil will retain moisture and the water will take a very long time to dry out if your plant is not receiving enough light. It might be dangerous because the plants’ roots could rot as a result.

If you can’t give the fiddle leaf fig enough light, you should water it a little less frequently than usual while you work on fixing the lighting.


The fiddle leaf fig needs more water in the summer when it is hotter than it does in the winter when it is colder.

The amount of watering should be gradually increased as fall approaches winter and gradually decreased as spring approaches summer because fiddle leaf figs prefer consistency.


Tropical plants known as fiddle leaf figs enjoy high humidity.

Dry leaves, holes in new leaves and other symptoms of low humidity can be seen.

A humidifier can be used to raise the humidity in your home if your plant isn’t receiving enough humidity. Alternatively, you can use a pebble tray to raise the humidity of your plant.

After the soil has completely dried out, you should think about watering the fiddle leaf fig if the air is dry and there is low humidity in your area.

Pot Size

If you want to prevent issues like overwatering, selecting the proper-sized pot is essential.

In the mistaken belief that their plants will soon grow, many plant owners select pots that are larger than the actual size of their plants.

The opposite is also true: larger pots are not the best choice because they will require more soil, which will retain more water and cause root rot.

To allow the roots to absorb the proper amount of water, you must use the proper size, which should be neither too large nor too small.


Summer and the warmer months are when plants grow and are most active; winter is when they go dormant.

It would be ideal to water the fiddle leaf fig more frequently when it is active and less frequently when the season shifts to winter.

fiddle leaf fig


Your fiddle leaf fig’s general health will suffer if your drainage system is subpar.

Fast-draining soil with a 50:50 ratio of potting soil and the cactus mix should work well to establish a sound drainage system. Such soil will retain the water so that the roots can absorb it and drain the excess.


The amount of water needed can also depend on the health of the plant. Give the fiddle leaf fig some time to heal if it has root rot or another disease.

You should water carefully when in such circumstances.

How To Tell How Much Water Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Really Needs?

It can be challenging for some people to determine whether their Fiddle Leaf Fig has been getting too much or too little water. However, the leaves and soil of your plant will always let you know what it needs. Fortunately, it gets easier to read these signs over time. Some simple questions to ask yourself to know if you are overwatering are:

  1. A week’s worth of watering is enough? Your fiddle leaf fig only requires watering once per week, at most. It could even be less depending on environmental factors.
  2. Do I check the soil of my plant before watering it? Always insert your finger one or two inches into the soil of your plant to check its moisture content. Wait until the soil has further dried out if it is still wet to the touch from your last watering. It’s simple to overwater if you don’t check in first.
  3. Are there any dark areas or edges on my plant’s leaves? A sign of overwatering and root rot is brown spots on the edges or in the middle of the leaves.
  4. Is my plant emitting a musty smell? Verify that the decorative container holding your plant does not contain a water-filled basin. This can not only result in fungus infections but also draw insects.
  5. Do the drainage holes in the pot of my plant exist? Your plant should ideally be in its nursery pot made of plastic inside of its decorative container. You can move your plant more easily and get the best drainage as a result. Make sure it has a drainage hole if you only want your plant to be in a decorative container.

How Should A Fiddle Leaf Fig Be Fertilized?

Most plants grow during the spring and summer months. This is the time when the development of new branches and leaves will receive the majority of your fiddle leaf fig’s energy. During this time, you should add fertilizer to the soil around your plant to ensure that it receives all the nutrients it needs. When you water, you can complete this task, which is quite simple. During the growing season, just mix some liquid fertilizer with water and water your plant as usual. Only fertilize your plant every other time you water it in the fall as it prepares for a peaceful winter. Given that your plant is dormant and not growing in the winter, you shouldn’t fertilize it.

Should You Mist A Fiddle Leaf Fig?

You’d think misting would be a good idea for a plant like a fiddle leaf fig because it loves humidity. Unfortunately, it’s not really. Misting issues can take several different forms. The water from your mister may first contain minerals. These minerals can accumulate on the surface of your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves and result in spotting.