How Often To Water Bird Of Paradise – If Your Plants Need Watering?


The ideal time to water a Bird of Paradise plant is when the top two inches of its growing medium have become dry. Warmer weather calls for more frequent watering, while colder weather calls for less frequent watering. The pot size, potting medium quality, local climate, and humidity all have an impact on how much water is required.

Factors Affect When To Water Birds Of Paradise

As we previously stated, a bird of paradise should typically be watered every 7 to 14 days. The variables and exceptions to this rule are numerous. Consequently, let’s talk about each element separately.


Since the bird of paradise is a tropical plant, it benefits from adequate watering.

One of the most crucial considerations when determining how frequently to water the plant is the season. It is highly advised to waterbirds of paradise frequently during the growing seasons. Even better, you could always keep a thin layer of moisture in the soil.

You may be aware of the dry soil rule, which states that you shouldn’t water a plant until the soil’s surface is completely dry. During the spring and summer, birds of paradise are exempt from this rule.

Of course, once the soil surface is completely dry, you can water the plant, but birds of paradise prefer moist soil all the time. Water the plant once every 4-5 days throughout the growing season.

You should adapt your watering practices and adopt a new schedule during the colder months. Make sure to adjust the watering frequency gradually.

The bird of paradise is a plant that adapts well, but if you want your plant to be healthy and happy, always make sure you give it time for adaptation.

Once every 10 to 14 days in the winter, water it. Make sure the soil’s surface is completely dry. Simply place your finger in the soil and check to see if your plant needs watering.



The South African native plant, bird of paradise, adores light environments. The mood of the plant is actually significantly influenced by lighting. It is impossible for the bird of paradise to survive in dimly lit areas.

Due to this, many people are unable to collect this lovely plant. If you choose to grow a bird of paradise, you must ensure that it receives bright, indirect light for the majority of the day.

For a few hours each day, the bird of paradise enjoys being in the sun. The window is the best place for the plant. You must water the plant often if it receives a lot of sunlight.

The trick is to pay close attention to the plant and learn its rhythm.


The bird of paradise is warm as a tropical plant.

The ideal temperature for the plant is between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius, or 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is best to water plants more frequently in warm weather because evaporation is at its highest level.

It’s important to keep in mind that birds of paradise cannot endure temperatures below 60 degrees (15 C). The plant will survive for a few days, but after that, the bird of paradise will succumb to the effects of the cold.

A Bird Of Paradise Plant Needs Watering How Frequently?

I respond that it is ideal to water your strelitzia plant when the topsoil (i.e. top two inches of the potting soil) has become dry.

It goes without saying that you should water your plant more frequently during the hotter months because the soil dries out more quickly then. Additionally, you ought to use it less frequently in the winter.

The potting soil only needs to be thoroughly saturated with water once a week during the summer, with much less watering needed as the seasons change.

The Bird of Paradise

The Best Way To Water Your Bird Of Paradise

Knowing how frequently to water a bird of paradise plant is one thing, but using the right method is another. The best way to water bird of paradise plants is to thoroughly water them until water begins to drain from the container’s drainage holes. But if you’re short on time, you can still use the flow-through system with the item listed below.

Water Requirements For Bird Of Paradise Plants

Keep in mind that because birds of paradise plants are native to hot, dry climates, they can survive with very little water. They may experience various problems, such as root rot, if you water these plants excessively without taking into account the wagering requirements, such as drainage holes and well-draining soil.

In mature birds of paradise, watering is only necessary once every one to three weeks, depending on the climate or season. Younger plants of birds of paradise only need to be watered once a week.

Indoor Bird Of Paradise Plants

When grown indoors, put your bird of paradise in a location that gets plenty of light. Typically, the best location is in an east- or west-facing window.

You might be wondering why I’m bringing up sunlight when the subject at hand is the need for indoor water. So, bear in mind that the amount of sunlight will affect how frequently you water your bird of paradise plant. This is so because sunlight has heat, and heat affects how quickly the moisture in the potting soil of your plant dries out.

Therefore, if the soil doesn’t dry properly because your indoor plant isn’t receiving bright, direct light, you could eventually run into problems.

Don’t worry if the natural light coming through your windows that face east or west doesn’t seem to be all that strong. However, if you use grow lights like the one below, you can still support your plant.

You must take the air circulation into account in addition to the sun and temperature factors. Because if you place your plant in a space without adequate ventilation, you run the risk of it contracting a bacterial or fungal infection. Additionally, due to the humid environment, the potting mix won’t dry quickly.

Outdoor Bird Of Paradise Plants

Well, these plants’ outdoor water needs aren’t all that different from their indoor water needs.

So, just to sum it up, here are the outdoor water requirements of bird of paradise plants:

  • Potting soil mix that drains well and is rich in nutrients.
  • sunlight, but not direct sunlight.
  • adequate ventilation or airflow.
  • a container or grow pot with holes for drainage.
  • Regular watering.
  • Finally, give your bird of paradise plant the proper care it needs, which includes daily inspections.

Bird Of Paradise In Winter

You should water your bird of paradise less frequently in the winter and wait for the topsoil to dry out before watering it again. Your bird of paradise is probably thirsty if you notice that the leaves are curling or drooping on your plant. So, be sure to continue watering your plant as needed, taking into account how dry the soil is.

The potting mix doesn’t need to be kept as moist as it is during the plant’s growing season, which is in the early spring and summer. Instead, during the cold months, you should let the soil dry out in between waterings.

Bird Of Paradise In Summer

The amount of heat during the summer and how dry the soil becomes will determine this. You must give your bird of paradise more water if it’s extremely hot outside, as this causes the soil to dry out more quickly. Drench the plant completely (without covering the foliage) until water starts to emerge from the drainage holes.

The Bird of Paradise

How To Tell If My Bird Of Paradise Needs Water

Your bird of paradise needs to be watered if the soil surface is completely dry. With your finger, probe the top 1-2 inches (3-5 cm) of the soil.

You can still water your plant in the summer even if the soil is only slightly moist. Make sure the top is entirely dry in the winter. You will be able to determine your plant’s watering requirements if you pay attention to it and learn about its habits.

Because bird of paradise requires careful watering, over- and underwatering are frequent problems. Here’s how to determine whether your plant receives too much or not enough water.

How To Tell If A Bird Of Paradise Is Underwatered

Large, exquisite leaves on birds of paradise are not only gorgeous to look at but also can reveal a lot about the health of the plant.

It’s a sign that your plant isn’t getting enough water if your bird of paradise’s edges is splitting and feel dry to the touch.

Leaf shriveling, brownish color and crispy leaf tips are additional signs of underwatering. Increase your watering frequency right away if you notice any of these on your plant.

How Can You Tell If A Bird Of Paradise Is Overwatered?

Many gardeners overwater their plants because the bird of paradise is a tropical plant that likes water. A good watering and overwatering are separated by a small margin.

Indicators such as droopy leaves, splitting leaves, a yellow-brown color, and a soft texture to the touch can be used to determine whether your bird of paradise is receiving too much water.

If your plant does not receive enough light during the day, you run the risk of overwatering it. Aside from harming the leaves, excessive watering can also result in root rot, which is difficult to treat. In order to prevent overwatering, make sure your plant is in a pot with good drainage and that the soil is appropriate for birds of paradise.


Should I mist the birds of paradise leaves?

Misting the birds of paradise leaves is not necessary, but it is very strongly advised. We are confident that your plant will value this treatment. Use a wet towel or a mister to mist it. Your plant will remain clean and lustrous if you mist it.

Why do I need to clean the bird of paradise leaves?

Paradise plant benefits greatly from cleaning its leaves. Additionally, cleaning the leaves gives the plant a chance to absorb more energy from the sun’s rays.

The plant obtains its energy from the leaves, and if there is dirt, the sun is blocked. You can support photosynthesis, which is so important for plants, by cleaning the leaves.

Protecting the plant from pests that lay eggs on the leaves is another significant advantage of cleaning the leaves.

Is the splitting of birds of paradise typical?

Split leaves can signal both overwatering and dehydration, as was previously mentioned. But keep in mind that splitting is normal for birds of paradise.

When we discuss excessive splitting, which is unnatural for your plant, we mean splitting brought on by water issues. However, generally speaking, splits in your bird of prey do not necessarily indicate that the plant is in poor condition.

You shouldn’t be concerned about minor splits because leaf splitting is a natural occurrence. If you have a bird of paradise plant in your garden or on your balcony, it will develop larger splits; however, this does not imply that the plant is damaged.

How can I tell if the roots of my bird of paradise plant are rotted?

All indoor plants, including birds of paradise, are fatally afflicted with root rot. In addition, overwatered plants are prone to root rot. This is because most pathogens that cause root rot, including Armillaria and Pythium, flourish in moist environments.

Long-term sitting on wet feet will cause root rot, which will weaken the healthy roots of your bird of paradise. Even though the majority of root rot symptoms show up below the topsoil, you can still tell if your bird of paradise plant has the disease without taking it out of its pot.

Some blatant signs that a bird of paradise plant has root rot infection include rapidly yellowing leaves, severely stunted or slowed growth, stem collapse, and drooping paradise leaves. The rotting roots can occasionally cause you to detect an unpleasant odor.

The plant should be taken out of its container if you want to determine whether it has root rot or not. Your plant is probably suffering from root rot if some of the roots are blacked, brown, or mushy. Use a pair of disinfected scissors or pruning shears, like the ones below, to remove any small damaged sections of roots.

After that, transfer your tropical bird of paradise to a fresh container filled with potting soil. Continually check to see if it recovers.

Drainage Required for Bird of Paradise?

Without a doubt, yes; in fact, the majority of plants, if not all of them, require drainage. If not, they’ll get bacterial or fungal infections, root rot, or another condition. You see, making sure that the bird of paradise has proper drainage is one of the most important factors in growing it and keeping it healthy. As a result, the potting soil needs to drain well, and the container needs drainage holes.