How Often to Water a Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant – Complete Watering Guide

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Generally speaking, water your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant about once a week or every 10 days.

The Fiddle Leaf Fig, also known as the Ficus lyrata has tall stature and enormous, elegant leaves. Fiddle Leaf Figs need to be positioned directly in front of a window despite where you’ve seen them in photos. They can be challenging to care for while the plant adjusts to your environment and until you figure out when to water them. Learn how to take care of and how often to water your Fiddle Leaf Fig so that it stays strong and healthy for many years to come by reading on.

How Often You Should Water Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Figs require thorough watering about once a week to match their love of natural light. You should adjust how much water you provide based on the size of the plant and, consequently, the size of the roots. A good rule of thumb is to wait until the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil are dry before thoroughly watering the plant. Watering until you see water dripping out the bottom is necessary if it’s in a planter with a drainage hole. Although root rot can easily develop if the drip tray is left full of water for an extended period of time. When you water, remember to do so slowly in a circular motion around the plant, making sure to cover all areas of the soil. In this manner, all of the roots, not just some, receive water.

Sustee Aqua-meters, which are available for purchase in our shops, are one of the best resources for determining how frequently your Fiddle Leaf Fig needs water. Since implementing these in our stores, we have come to understand that there are specific seasons of the year when our plants are significantly thirstier than usual. Once the soil’s water content is low enough to prevent overwatering, the Sustee turns white. When the soil is saturated with water, the Sustee changes color to blue.

You should water tropical plants with water that is at room temperature. A plant will undoubtedly experience shock if exposed to hot or extremely cold water, just as it would if the same conditions existed outside.

Before watering, aerate and break up the soil to improve water absorption. In order to ensure that water reaches all of the plant’s roots rather than draining out around the planter’s edges, we also advise watering very slowly around the top of the soil.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

How Much You Should Water

Giving your plant enough water doesn’t require you to drench it.

Water your plant the same amount each week to keep things simple.

One cup of water should be applied weekly to plants that are less than 2 feet tall from the soil to the topmost leaves. Water plants that are taller than 2 feet with 2 cups of water once a week. Use three cups of water for plants that are between three and six feet tall. over six feet tall? Until your container drains, or every week, water with 4 cups of water.

Never let your plant sit in water, and each time you water, make sure the container drains completely.

The Best Water For Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Do you know the type of water you use can drastically affect the way your plant grows? Some types of water contain chemicals that could cause your fiddle leaf fig leaves to develop brown spots or browning edges. The majority of tap water systems contain fluoride and chlorine, which can be harmful to the health of your plant. Learn more about the most typical chemicals in water, ideal pH levels for water, which water is best for your fiddle leaf fig, and the ideal water temperature to use by watching the video above.

If Your Plant Gets Watered Properly?

There are some surefire ways to tell if your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant has been receiving too much or too little water.

First, ask yourself the following questions about over-watering:

  1. Do you water more frequently than once per week? If so, your plant is most likely being overwatered.
  2. Is the ground an inch below the surface wet to the touch? Check it out with your finger. Overwatering is probably the case if so. (Use potting soil like this one, which has good drainage.)
  3. Are there any dark areas or edges on your plant’s leaves? This could mean there is too much water present.
  4. Is the soil around your plant smelling musty or do flies inhabit it? The problem is too much water.

Now ask yourself the following questions about under-watering:

  1. Are the most recent leaves smaller than the older ones? They might not have enough water or growth-promoting nutrients.
  2. Does your plant shed leaves? A low humidity level or thirst may be to blame.
  3. Is the soil’s top inch particularly dry? Perhaps your plant needs water.
  4. Are the leaf edges on your plant brown or yellow? They may be dry.

If, despite your answers to these questions, you’re still unsure whether you’re over- or under-watering your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, read on to learn how to distinguish between the two situations.

However, you are probably overwatering because plant owners who worry a lot about their plants have a tendency to do so. It’s clear that you care about your plant if you’re reading this article, so it’s more likely that you’re watering it too much than not enough. A moisture meter is a crucial tool for monitoring the thirst of your plants.

What Occurs When A Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Overwatered?

One issue that affects nearly all indoor plants regularly and can become severe and even fatal if not caught in time is overwatering.

Your fiddle leaf plant will begin to wilt if you continue to overwater it because the roots will begin to rot.

Signs of overwatering fiddle leaf figs:

  1. Wet soil: If the soil is wet and soggy the majority of the time, you know you are overwatering your fiddle leaf fig. And as a result, drying out takes a long time.
  2. Leaves are turning brown: The first sign of overwatering is when your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves start to turn brown and rusty.
  3. Root rot: When a plant is overwatered, root rot develops, which can be fatal if not treated quickly.

How Can You Fix Fiddle Leaf Figs That Have Been Overwatered?

If you want to combat overwatering, here are the steps you should follow.

  1. Most fiddle leaf figs benefit from weekly watering. Depending on the light, humidity, temperature, etc., it might even be less.
  2. By inserting your finger up to an inch or two into the soil, you can determine the soil’s moisture level. Before watering the soil again if it’s wet, let it dry out first.
  3. Analyze your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves for brown spots in the middle or on the edges. This is the beginning of root rot.
  4. Check to see if the pot is not holding onto water if the soil emits a musty odor. As well as attracting pests, this can result in fungus infections.
  5. Inspect the pot for drainage holes. It will be easier for the soil to drain excess water if the pot has enough drainage holes.
  6. If you see any indications of root rot, remove the plant and repot it in a new pot with new soil. Before repotting, cut off the damaged roots as well.
  7. Change the location of your fiddle leaf fig so that it is in a well-lit area with enough light for the plant to help the soil dry out.

Signs Of Underwatering Fiddle Leaf Fig

Overwatering is more frequent, but underwatering is less frequent and easier to manage. Your fiddle leaf fig will bounce back quickly if you take care of it properly.


  1. Drooping leaves: Drooping upper leaves are a sign that your plant isn’t getting enough water.
  2. Unhealthy leaves: New leaves that the plant produces will be unhealthy and crisp because of a lack of water.
  3. Falling leaves: The lower leaves of the fiddle leaf fig may become yellow from underwatering and eventually fall off. If not treated, that could lead to the plant dying.

Fixing A Fiddle Leaf Fig That Has Been Under Watered

If your fiddle leaf fig is underwatered then you need to do the following:

  1. The plant is not receiving enough water if its younger leaves are noticeably smaller than its older ones. Consider gradually increasing the water supply.
  2. Having drooping leaves can be caused by low humidity and insufficient watering. Keep the plant adequately watered and out of drafts.
  3. Keep the soil from drying out completely. This is so because fiddle leaf figs adore moisture. They prefer moist soil, so you should never allow it to become completely dry.
  4. A plant that hasn’t received enough water will have curled leaves. It’s a good idea to give your plant a bath and some recuperation time.
  5. A plant that is thirsty and dry may have brown and crumpled edges. Depending on which you are not doing enough of, it would be best to increase the volume or frequency of watering.
  6. Another effective method for rescuing a plant submerged in water is bottom watering.

How To Take Care of Fiddle Leaf Fig


The fiddle leaf fig’s water requirements may depend on the amount of light it receives. These plants adore direct sunlight.

The plant should be placed in the area of your home that receives the most light and sunshine while avoiding direct sunlight.

The soil will retain moisture and the water will take a long time to dry out if your plant is not receiving enough light. Due to the risk of plant root rot, it can be risky.

If you can’t give the fiddle leaf fig enough light, you should water it a little less frequently than usual while you work on fixing the lighting.

You can water the plant as usual if there is sufficient lighting.


The majority of potting soils are rich in nutrients that plants can use to grow new growth.

By the time your plant has used up the nutrients in its soil, it has probably already grown enough to require a larger pot.

Re-pot your Fiddle Leaf Fig when it has doubled in size or once a year, whichever comes first, to replenish the nutrients.

Potting Soil Mix

Fiddle Leaf Figs should be grown in pot mixes with well-draining soil because they dislike being in moist soil. The best indicator of when to water a plant can occasionally be found in the soil. You can feel how dry the soil is with your fingers. If your fiddle leaf fig feels dry, it’s time to water it.

Probes for measuring soil moisture are also available. If you don’t like getting muddy, they are useful additions.

Humidity And Temperature

Low humidity and high temperatures cause plants to lose water quickly. Your Fiddle Leaf Tree Fig will need water less frequently in these circumstances.

Additionally, the opposite is accurate. Because of the decrease in humidity and air temperature, you won’t need to water your plants as frequently as you once did.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Winter Tips

Winter is a challenging season for indoor plants, including Fiddle Leaf Figs, because of the obvious lack of natural light and the colder temperatures. As mentioned above, keeping an eye out for cold windows is a good place to start, but there are other things you can do to keep your Fiddle Leaf content during the chilly months.

People frequently experience problems with heating vents in the winter, and since they are typically off for more than half the year, it is simple to forget that they even exist. Plan to remove every plant from any heating vents when the time comes for them to turn on. Repeated hot air bursts have the potential to burn leaves and quickly dry out your plants.

Break up the soil a little with your fingers before watering your plant during the winter. Soil is easily clumped and compacted in winter due to the drier indoor air. By lightly breaking it up with your fingers, you can prevent water from dripping through the soil and out the sides of the planter.

It’s also important to note that a humidifier can benefit Fiddle Leaf Figs and other tropical plants all year long, particularly during the winter when the indoor air becomes dry. Your plants will flourish as they would in a rainforest thanks to the constant rise in moisture circulating in the air, which prevents browning leaf tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Effective To Water A Fig Plant From The Bottom?

The best way to feed your fig plant is to water it from the bottom so that it can draw in the nutrients it requires. You can put the pot of your plant in a tray so that you can add water with ease as needed.

Does It Matter What Kind Of Container I Use For My Fig Plant?

It must drain well regardless of whether you use a ceramic pot or a five-gallon bucket. Overwatering and water retention near the roots of your fiddle leaf fig can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to the plant.

Can I Mist My Fiddle Leaf Fig Rather Than Water It?

While misting fiddle leaf figs is a common practice to increase moisture, it can result in a wide range of issues, including pest attacks and fungal diseases. Experts advise using modern alternatives like humidifiers or organic techniques like grouping plants together or encircling the plant with pebble trays filled with water.

How Can You Tell If A Fiddle Leaf Fig Needs Water?

Check the top 2-3 inches of the fiddle fig leaf for an accurate estimation. Examine the leaves next if they appear to be dry. Withhold water if they are rigid and standing up. Alternatively, water it right away if it appears floppy.