How Often To Water Monstera – Is 1 Week Enough?

why is my monstera drooping

Monstera is a plant that we all love very much. It is beautiful in both shape and color. But do you know how often this plant needs to be watered?

How Often Should I Water Monstera?

Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. In brighter light, watering should be done more frequently, and in darker light, less frequently. Using filtered water or water that has been left out overnight before use is recommended for monsteras.

How often to water Monstera in summer?

Your Monstera expands rapidly during the summer, requiring a lot of water and nutrients to produce the energy required for growth. As a result, more water vapor is released into the atmosphere. It also increases the rate of transpiration. As a result, there is a greater need for water, which means that in the summer, your Monstera might need to be watered once or twice a week.

That only applies to Monstera found indoors. In hot, dry weather, your Monstera may even require daily watering if you place it outside, like on a balcony.

How often to water Monstera in winter?

In the winter, you should aim to water your Monstera every two weeks because it can take that long, if not longer, for the soil to dry out enough to need more water. This is because the Monstera, like other houseplants, does not actively grow in the winter and therefore requires less water to survive.

In the winter, Monstera plants undergo a period of dormancy during which new growth either slows down or ceases entirely. Given that the plant is not actively growing at this time, there is less demand for water.

As a result, during the winter, it may take your Monstera two weeks to dry out sufficiently. If the soil of your plant is really retaining moisture from the most recent watering, however, you might even find that it takes three weeks.

When To Water Monstera

If the soil around your Monstera plants starts to dry out, water them immediately. Don’t wait until the soil is so dry that it starts to pull away from the pot. In soil that is consistently moist, monstera plants thrive. This describes both soil that never completely dries out and soil that is damp but not soggy. The soil in the pot should feel dry in the top half and damp in the bottom.

When your Swiss cheese plant needs watering, frequently check the soil. Insert your finger into the soil and feel for moisture to determine the soil’s moisture content in the Monstera plant’s pot. For $10 to $15, you can purchase a trustworthy meter to keep track of the soil’s moisture. A moisture meter gives readings for dry, moist, and wet conditions and is simple to operate and read. A moisture meter is a great way to monitor the moisture level in the soil and gives you the peace of mind of knowing how moist the soil really is in the center of the pot if you are hesitant about using your finger as a guide to see if the soil is dry in your Monstera plants pot.

It is challenging to determine how frequently to water Monstera plants because it depends on a number of variables. However, by following a few easy steps and regularly checking the soil moisture, you can quickly create a watering schedule that works for you.

recognizing the elements that are most likely to influence how frequently you should water your Monstera Deliciosa plants. You can succeed with the help of a delicious plant.

How Often To Water Monstera Cutting

If given the proper care, monstera cuttings can be rooted in a vase, glass of water, or even grown in water on a windowsill. Every four to five days, or whenever it starts to look cloudy or discolored, you should replace the water in your Monstera vase.

Changing the water frequently ensures that the roots of your cuttings receive an adequate supply of oxygen and prevent stagnation. Additionally, keep in mind that a Monstera needs much more light than is provided by the afternoon sun when deciding where to place your cuttings in your house.


Factors Affect Monstera 

Temperature And Humidity

The soil in the pot of your Monstera plant may dry out quickly if it is placed close to a window that receives direct sunlight and experiences a sharp increase in temperature in the afternoon. Your Monstera plant might then start pleading for water as a result.

The soil is prone to drying out in hot, dry air. On the other hand, Monstera plants adore humidity and will dry out more slowly in humid environments, necessitating less frequent watering.

Potting Soil Mix

Like most plants, monsteras require moist soil that drains well. If your Monstera soil is too dense, it might retain too much moisture and leave the roots sitting in waterlogged soil. Because lighter potting soil blends drain more quickly, your Monstera plant might require more frequent watering.

Pot Type

Your Monstera’s need for water is also influenced by the type of pot it is growing in. If you are growing your Monstera plant in hot, dry conditions with low humidity levels, terracotta pots can dry out excessively and scavenge moisture from the soil. Terracotta pots absorb moisture and release it into the soil as the soil dries. Since plastic pots are non-porous, they tend to keep the soil moist after watering for a longer period of time.

Pot Size

Don’t be misled into thinking that just because your Monstera plant is growing in a large pot, you need to increase your watering frequency. Generally, larger plant pots require more watering to moisten all the potting soil. It may be difficult for the soil to dry out completely in a pot that is too big for the plant. Your Monstera plant needs to be in a pot with just enough space for the roots to grow without being too big.

Time Of Year

From spring until fall, almost all plants experience rapid growth before dormancy. It’s not just your Monstera plant either. Your plant will need more watering in the spring through fall when it is growing than in the winter when it is growing more slowly.

After reading this article, you must have known something about monstera.