How Often To Water Your Fig Tree And How Much Does It Require?

how often to water fig tree

Native to the Middle East and western Asia, the common fig (Ficus carica) is a deciduous tree. Many different species have become naturalized in North America and Asia, making it one of the first fruit trees to be cultivated.

Daily watering of fig trees can cause root rot, so avoid doing so. Instead, fig trees require 1-2 inches (5-10 cm) of water every week. If it rains within the same week, wait a week before watering. This is because it is safer to let the soil get a little bit dry rather than run the risk of over-moistening it.

For best results, fig trees should be watered once per week.

Fig trees don’t need daily watering.

Fig trees do not like “wet feet,” so avoid watering soon after rainfall.

If you live in a climate where frequent rainfall occurs, water your fig trees every 10 days. The same outcomes can be achieved by reducing watering in these circumstances as compared to weekly watering in dry climates.

How Should A Fig Tree Be Watered?

Using a hose or sprinkler system, evenly water the area around your fig tree. Avoid watering fig trees directly around the base because their roots spread out rather than down. Instead, you should spread the water out in a circle that is about 6 feet (1.8 meters) in diameter.

  • Water the ground evenly all around your fig tree using a sprinkler or hose.
  • Avoid watering the fig tree’s roots, which are shallow, only at the base of the trunk.

It’s not a good idea to let the water slowly seep around the trunk’s base. It should instead cover the surrounding ground. Instead of using the sprinkler or hose at full force, one of the best methods is to let them trickle slowly.

how often to water fig tree

How Can You Tell If A Fig Tree Needs Water?

Yellow foliage will appear on fig trees that do not receive enough water. Furthermore, the leaves might fall before they should. Your fig tree needs more water if it is producing fruit but the figs are abnormally small or lack color as they ripen.

  • Your fig trees need water if they have yellow foliage.
  • Your fig trees aren’t getting enough water if their leaves are falling off too soon.

Your fig tree needs more water if the newest leaves develop more slowly than the older leaves. Usually, brown or yellow edges on leaves also signify a need for more water. Unless you notice the issue after the fruit has been produced, under-watered fig trees can typically be saved. You will then be destined to harvest figs that are unusually small.

What Amount Of Water Do Fig Trees Need?

Fig trees don’t need a lot of water, and they do better in dry soil than they do in wet soil. They do, however, require a minimum of one inch of water each week.

  • Fig trees require 1 to 1.5 inches (2 to 4 cm) of water every week.
  • Fig trees can tolerate dry soil better than wet soil.
  • Underwatering is indicated by yellow foliage and falling leaves.
  • Overwatering is indicated by dark spots on the leaves and a swarm of flies at the base of the trunk.
  • Fig trees shouldn’t receive more than one weekly watering.
  • Allowing the soil to dry out will usually save overwatered fig trees.
  • Before the fruit is produced, fig trees that are underwatered can still be saved.

Fig trees are a great option for arid or semi-arid climates. They are accustomed to relatively dry soil and infrequent water because they are Mediterranean fruit. Their ease of maintenance and growth result from this. Spend some money on fig trees this year to reap the benefits of delicious fruit for many years to come.

Avoiding Water Stress

Because of water stress, a fig tree may stop producing fruit or drop off unripe fruits. Both too little and too much water can cause water stress. A tree under water stress may go into survival mode and stop producing the necessary nutrients and energy for the growth of fruit.

As soon as you notice any signs of stress, such as leaves that are wilting slightly in the afternoon or turning yellow and falling off, water the tree immediately.

How Much Water Does A Fig Tree Need

Even though an established fig tree can survive droughts and survive only on natural rainfall, it is still beneficial to consistently water your tree, especially during prolonged drought seasons. If you want to receive a bounty of fig fruits as a reward, this is especially helpful. A fig tree typically requires at least 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water per week. The tree needs to be watered if its leaves begin to yellow and fall off. Look at the tree’s leaves to see if this is the case. Keep the ground moist but not soaked. Mulch added around the tree can aid in moisture retention.

To get to the deep roots during dry summer months, water deeply at least once a month. Every week for 45 minutes, sprinkle water on the area around the tree. A fig can also be grown in a pot.

Like other trees grown in containers, fig trees typically require more frequent watering, especially during the drier months. See if the soil needs to be watered if it is dry. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and avoid overwatering. To reach deep roots, water slowly and thoroughly.

During the dry months, you can reduce your watering.

Water For A Young Fig Tree

  • Planting in a container necessitates more frequent watering, as was already mentioned. Fig trees don’t like to be completely submerged in water, so make sure your container has good drainage. When the soil becomes dry, water it. To check soil moisture, insert your finger into it.
  • Fig trees that have been planted in the ground are perfectly safe if they can occasionally receive an inch of rain every ten days during the dry season. Otherwise, thorough watering is advised if it becomes excessively dry for an extended period of time. Water slowly and deeply, soaking the soil around the roots in the process. Keep a close eye on the tree’s leaves because they can let you know whether the young tree needs water immediately.


how often to water fig tree

Fig Trees Prefer Either Wet Or Dry Soil?

Fig trees dislike wet soil and favor well-drained soil. As opposed to being overly moist, it is preferable for the soil to be just a little bit dry. This is so that they can survive short periods of wet soil, despite being semi-tolerant to drought.

  • Moist but not wet soil is preferred by fig trees.
  • Fig trees are more tolerant of dry soil than they are of excessively moist soil.

In the end, fig trees prefer soil that is just a little moist, but it is a good idea to make sure that the soil completely dries out between waterings. Fig trees can experience stress from both too-dry and too-wet soil.

Fig Trees Can They Be Overwatered?

Although the area around the fig tree shouldn’t be allowed to completely dry out, it is possible to overwater them. Despite being a drought-tolerant species of tree, fig trees dislike standing in water or overly moist soil.

Fig trees are susceptible to root rot, which can weaken and kill the tree when they are overwatered. They will also begin to lose their leaves.

How Long Can A Fig Tree Survive Without Water?

Fig trees can go without water for up to 14 days. They are reasonably drought-resistant plants that can withstand a dry top layer of soil, but if the soil completely dries out, the tree may become dehydrated and distressed. The leaves will begin to wilt, turn a different color, and fall off if this happens.

Should Fig Tree Soil Be Moist?

While it’s important to keep the soil around fig trees from becoming overly saturated to prevent root rot, fig trees do need a consistent level of moisture to grow and thrive. In order to produce figs that are both large and plentiful, fruit-bearing trees need to have adequate moisture.

Final Thoughts

Given that there are many different types of fig trees and that they improve the air quality in their immediate surroundings, it is no surprise that people keep them as both indoor and outdoor plants. It can be useful to follow this guide to make sure you are tailoring the conditions to your fig tree because they are particular about the conditions they grow in.