How To Care For Alocasia? – Plants Care


Enter the Alocasias world to find a fascinating variety of unique species and cultivars, from huge statement plants to tiny species with intricate leaves and stems. Due to their quick leaf growth and ability to bounce back from any problems, alocasias make it simple to experiment with different conditions. Additionally, you can chop them carelessly because they quickly shed any damaged or old leaves.

What’s An Alocasia?

With leaves in the shape of an arrowhead, aloesias are beautiful tropical plants. For these lovely things, choose a room that is cozy and well-lit.

The extra humidity that a kitchen or bathroom can provide is beneficial to Alocasia plants, which are native to the tropical region of the South Pacific Islands, particularly the Philippines.

Factors that affect Alocasia grow


Alocasias are tolerant and can grow in a variety of indirect light, from dim to bright. How quickly a plant grows will depend on how much light it receives. Make sure the aloe vera is in a location where it can receive plenty of bright indirect light if you want your plant to actively push out new leaves and develop the large leaves it is known for. If you put the plant somewhere with less light, it will still survive, but it won’t grow as quickly. If you bring your alocasia outside during the hotter months, put it in a spot that gets some partial shade. Burning leaves result from direct sunlight.


When the soil’s top few inches are dry, water aloe vera plants. The water needs of aloes are moderate. The ideal moisture even has to be constant. Between waterings, aloe prefers to partially dry out; however, they dislike being soggy. If the plant is not actively growing, reduce watering during the cooler months.


Loose, nutrient-rich potting soil is ideal for alocasia of all kinds. To prevent root rot, use a soil medium that can hold moisture but also allows for the draining of extra water. Any pre-mixed soil will do. Make sure the soil is rich in organic material, such as coco-coir, peat moss, or chopped leaves, and stay away from soils that have moisture-retaining crystals. Repotting your aloe vera into a compost-rich soil mixture with fewer drainage materials is advised if your soil drains too quickly. Find out how to make your own custom soil mix for all of your houseplants!


Given their origins in the subtropics, aloe vera houseplants benefit from high humidity levels. The ideal location for the houseplant is one with a high humidity level. Consider using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water if you live in a dry climate or simply don’t have an area with enough humidity. These options can assist in providing these plants with the extra boost of dampness they require. Find out how to make the environment more humid for your alocasia and other houseplants!


Alocasia, a subtropical plant, prefers temperatures that are warmer and more reminiscent of their natural habitat. Rooms should be kept at an average temperature of at least 60°F. If you place your aloe on a patio or other outdoor space during the warmer months, be sure to bring it inside well before the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the plant away from drafty windows, exterior doors, and vents for air conditioning or heating. These temperature swings may prevent growth and even harm the leaves. Remember that alocasia will hibernate during the colder months. They won’t necessarily lose all of their leaves, but they will stop growing, so you should keep them in slightly cooler temperatures so they can relax.


Regular fertilization can aid in the production of new growth in these plants, especially when they are actively growing in the house. Feedings are advantageous for cultivars with unusually large leaves. A fish/seaweed emulsion, a slow-release fertilizer, or a complete liquid fertilizer that has been diluted are all excellent options for aloe. If your aloe vera plant is dormant, avoid fertilizing it. Find out everything you can about fertilizing your houseplants!

Types Of Alocasia

There are nearly 100 species of Alocasia, and a surprisingly large number are used as houseplants. Here are some favorite species and cultivars:

  • A. macrorhiza  is the largest of the houseplant species, growing up to 15 feet tall with 3- to 4-foot long leaves.
  • A. longiloba  has dark gray-green leaves with white veins. It typically doesn’t get much taller than three feet.
  • A. cuprea ‘Red Secret’ is a 3-foot-tall plant with metallic bronze-red leaves.
  • A. amazonica  is a compact 18-inch plant with wavy, arrow-shaped red leaves.
  • Alocasia ‘Zebrina’ is a hybrid cultivar with arrow-shaped leaves and leggy, zebra-like stalks. Although it starts out as a relatively small plant, over time it can get surprisingly big.
  • Areginula ‘Black Velvet’ is a striking dark green plant with white veins. It is a pretty small plant that typically stays below 18 inches.

Propagating Alocasia

Most Alocasia plants can be propagated by clump or rhizome division, something that’s easy to do and will give you many more plants. Perform this task in the spring, when plants are growing and you can increase the amount of these plants in your garden.

  1. To ensure there are plenty of rhizomes to divide, choose root clumps that have gotten bigger over time when digging up your plant with a trowel.
  2. Cut off pieces of the underground rhizome with clean pruners and plant each one separately in moist potting soil.
  3. As new growth doesn’t start for a few weeks, keep pots warm and moist. When you pull on them and they resist because they have strong enough roots, they are ready to be potted.

How To Get Elephant’s Ear To Alocasia

Alocasia plants are grown more for their foliage than their flowers, but it’s common for them to bloom in the spring after they’ve been brought outside, more often with older mature plants than with young specimens. The flowers are not particularly impressive, but if you want to try to induce flowers for the sake of seeds, make sure your plants are exposed to the outdoors during the spring and summer.

Common Problems With Alocasia

Elephant ears are simple to grow as long as you provide them with the proper amount of water and light. have issues with yours? These adjustments should be beneficial.

Shriveled Or Drooping Leaves

Because they receive an excessive amount or insufficient amount of light or fertilizer, elephant ear leaves occasionally droop or shrivel. Your plant will reward you with healthy foliage if you make the appropriate adjustments.

Yellowing Leaves

Your elephant’s ear’s yellowing leaves could be caused by a number of factors. It’s probably a watering issue; too much or perhaps insufficient watering can result in discolored leaves. Many inches of water are consumed by elephant ears every week. That could be the cause of the yellowing if you’re giving them less or more.

Additionally, they require adequate sunlight, and when they don’t receive enough of it, the leaves may be yellow. If they’re in a small pot, their leaves may also turn yellow. When did you most recently replant? Repotting might be the solution if the plants are potbound. Finally, elephant ears might stop growing. When the plant is brought outside in the spring, active growth frequently resumes.