How To Care For Dieffenbachia? – Easy Ways In Plants Care


Because of their regal appearance and ability to reach heights of 3 to 5 feet indoors, dieffenbachia is a popular indoor plant for the home or office. They are very simple to take care of, and if you have any problems with overwatering or underlighting, you can quickly correct your care routine.

Dieffenbachia plants, which are indigenous to Mexico, South America, and the West Indies, thrive in bright, indirect light and can even adapt to fluorescent light, making them a hero of office décor. The leaves are only mildly toxic, so make sure to keep them away from kids and pets!

Types Of Dieffenbachia

The Dieffenbachia genus includes a large group of beautiful tropical perennials, but the ones most commonly grown in cultivation are D. sequence, D. oerstedii, D. maculata, and D. amoena. Several Dieffenbachia species have recently been reassigned with different names, so you may run into confusion on the precise naming of different varieties. Dieffenbachias or dumb canes are the common names for them all.

Of the many species of Dieffenbachia, only a few are commonly sold commercially:

  • D. Sequence, the most popular Dieffenbachia species, is a native of Brazil has clusters of large, ovate leaves with yellow or cream splotches along the green margins. It has the potential to reach a height of ten feet.
  • D. maculata, offers good cultivars that include ‘Perfection, with 8-inch leaves that are heavily variegated, Rudolph Roehrs, with fully yellow leaves that have ivory splotches, and Superba, with thicker leaves that are variegated in white. ‘Camille grows to a height of about 3 feet and has pale yellow leaves with white margins.
  • D. amoena is a large, 6-foot plant with 20-inch leaves. Tropic Snow, a cultivar with smaller leaves and more variegation, is one to note.

Where To Grow Dieffenbachia?

A tropical plant known as the dieffenbachia thrives in a lot of indirect light indoors. Although it can tolerate low light, its growth will be noticeably slowed. It will quickly start to grow again if given more light. Dieffenbachia grows well in the partial shade outdoors and is a wonderful landscape plant for gardeners in zones 11 and 12.

How To Care For A Dieffenbachia Plant?

In most cases, dieffenbachia plant issues can be resolved without much difficulty. Too much moisture is the most frequent issue when growing dumb cane dieffenbachia. The dieffenbachia houseplant is no exception to the widespread issue of overwatering that plagues many indoor plants. Plant the dumbcane in soil that drains well and lightly water it to keep the soil consistently moist but not drenched. Make sure the soil is an inch (2.5 cm) dry.) down before watering the dieffenbachia plant.

Insufficient lighting may result in additional issues with dieffenbachia plants. In filtered light conditions, where bright to moderate light shines through a sheer curtain or other filtering window cover, the dieffenbachia of most varieties grows best. When the dieffenbachia houseplant is growing new, tender leaves that are vulnerable to sunburn if the light is too bright or shines directly on the plant in the spring and summer, filtered light is especially crucial. Rotate the dieffenbachia houseplant on a regular basis to distribute enough light evenly throughout and stop it from bending toward the light on one side. Check the light requirements for the specific cultivar when growing dumb cane dieffenbachia. Some dieffenbachia plants require dim, filtered light. The majority of cultivars can survive in low light conditions; growth slows or stops, but the plant will still be strong and attractive.

Factors Affect Grow Dieffenbachia


Dieffenbachia plants thrive in shade, which makes them popular indoor plants. However, during the winter, these plants benefit from bright light. The plant prefers dappled shade or indirect light during the growing season. To maintain a balanced growth pattern, rotate the plant occasionally because it will favor the side facing the light.


Dieffenbachias prefer consistent moisture during the growing season and do not like to get too dry. It may be necessary to water a large dieffenbachia twice per week. You can reduce your water usage in the winter. At the same time, it’s crucial to avoid overwatering a dieffenbachia because this can result in rot issues. Before watering, make sure the soil’s top has completely dried out.


Feed plants regularly with a balanced, diluted fertilizer, like a 20-20-20, for best results. Follow the directions on the product label for the recommended amount. The practice of applying a weak, diluted fertilizer at each watering, however, is adhered to with ferocity by some growers.


Use a potting mix that is quick to drain and well-aerated. The roots shouldn’t ever be left in soggy soil; instead, make sure there is good drainage to prevent damage.

Temperature And Humidity

Between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit are preferable for this plant. The plant will probably lose its lower leaves and start to resemble a palm if the temperature falls below 60 degrees or if it is exposed to cold drafts.

Common Problems With Dieffenbachia

The condition of your dieffenbachia’s leaves will reveal a lot about it. To know what to do to change circumstances, keep an eye out for specific leaf colorations.

Drooping Leaves

Dieffenbachia favors light shade. It might be receiving too much sunlight if your plant droops. Place the plant in a location with some indirect light. The leaves could, however, droop and turn yellow if it isn’t receiving enough light. To solve this issue, relocate it to a location with a little more illumination.

Because it is cold or close to a draft, the plant might droop. Maintain a consistent temperature of 65 to 75 degrees for your plant.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Your plant’s leaves may become yellow if you overwater or underwater it. Additionally, they frequently tumble off the plant. Put your finger into the ground up to your first knuckle to inspect the soil. Wait about a week before watering if it’s wet. To determine if the soil is too dry and the plant needs to be given water, you might need to dig a little deeper. Whatever the reason, remove the yellow leaves.

Because the plant is lacking certain nutrients, such as nitrogen, the leaves may also turn yellow. It won’t hurt to try using a plant fertilizer to see if your plant can be revived, even though this can be difficult to diagnose.

Potting And Repotting Dieffenbachia

The annual replanting of dieffenbachias is common. Keep an eye out for any signs of stress on the plant, such as roots poking through the soil, overcrowding, or wilting leaves, as these could indicate that it needs to be repotted. Repotting involves simply lifting the plant as a whole, removing any old soil and dead material from the roots, and setting it in a larger container with some additional fresh soil. Give a dieffenbachia some time to get used to its new location after repotting. Wear gloves to avoid contact with the sap.