How To Save A Dying Corn Plant? – Plants Care

corn plant

An ailing corn plant is causing you concern. Fortunately, the overall plan for saving a dying corn plant is simple to put into action.

Some of the things you can do right away to save your dying corn plant include lowering the amount of sunlight the plant receives, avoiding overwatering, and making sure the plant pot is properly drained.

Why Is Your Corn Plant Dying?

Before you try to save a dying corn plant, it is important that you first know why the plant is weak and dying. Here are some common reasons why your corn plant may be dying.

1. Nutrient Deficiency

Another reason why your corn plants may be dying is a lack of nutrients. Plants that are malnourished weaken and exhibit a number of symptoms. For instance, when your corn plant’s leaves are deficient in nitrogen and other nutrients, they will turn yellow or pale.

They may also wilt when they lack potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients. You must pay close attention to these requirements for your plants because a nutrient deficiency can result in their death.

When were your corn plants last fed? Have you modified the soil or potting mix for your corn plants? If you have not fed your plants recently, they may be dying because of nutrient deficiency.

2. Drought

Corn plants cannot tolerate drought. Your corn plants will perish from drought if the soil is dry or the sun is too hot. If the leaf tips on your corn plants are dry or brown, they are drought-stressed. You will also notice dry patches on their leaves if the sunlight is too much.

How frequently do your corn plants receive water? How much sunlight do they get? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you tell if your corn plants are suffering from drought or not.

3. Temperature

Remember that corn plants are tropical plants. Corn plants are tropical plants that prefer warmth and cannot withstand cold temperatures. At temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, corn plants cannot survive.

Your corn plants will be weak with dropping leaves if the temperature is too low. Some flimsy plants will also lose their stems. Check your corn plants’ leaves because cold weather can also make the surface of the leaves feel flaky and rough.

Is autumn on the horizon? Were your corn plants planted too early? If the temperature at the moment is in the 50s, your corn plants may be dying of low temperatures.

4. Disease

Something to note about corn plants is that they are very vulnerable to diseases. Your corn plants may be infected with fungi that can even kill them, such as soft rot and root rot. Earlier symptoms are the wilting of leaves and stems, a bad smell on the lower region of the stem, and chlorosis (the plant becomes yellow).

Your plant is also easily attacked by pests such as fungus gnats and aphids. Be aware that the presence of fungus gnats suggests that your corn plant may have root rot.

When did you last amend your soil or a potting mix? Did you overwater your corn plant? Your corn plants can avoid contracting diseases by knowing when to amend the soil and how frequently to water them.

5. Light Exposure

Every plant needs just the right amount of light to grow. Corn plants require a lot of light and, if not given enough of it, may even perish. Your corn plants are lacking light if they have long and weak stems, grow in only one direction, and have pale leaves. Corn plants require as much sunlight as they can get.

Your corn was planted where? Do they have access to at least six hours of direct sunlight? Your plants may be dying if they are located in an area with inadequate lighting.

6. Overwatering

You already know that drought kills corn plants, but giving your corn plants more water than they need can kill them as well. Your corn plants may be dying for a variety of reasons, one of which is overwatering. In corn plants, overwatering can result in root rot, leaf loss, chlorosis, weak stems, and even death.

Corn plants do not need much watering, but they will not appreciate too little water.

Are your plants watered in the fall? Is the soil or potting mix well-drained and does it permit the proper drainage of water? Give your corn plants the ideal amount of water, being careful not to overwater them.

7. Natural Causes

Note that corn plants are annuals when you grow them outdoors and leave them in the winter. This implies that your corn plants won’t grow again the following spring because they will perish from the cold.

When grown in cold climates with winters, corn plants are annual perennials. Also, take note that the leaves of your corn plants have a lifespan of two to three years, so if the lower leaves of your plants are dying, you should consider this possibility as well.

How To Save A Dying Corn Plant?

1. Correctly Diagnose The Cause

The death of corn plants is caused by a number of elements, either separately or in combination. This makes it essential to look into the issue and determine the root of it so that implementing the required fix won’t be a hit-or-miss process.

If all the prerequisites for a healthy corn plant’s growth are met, that should be the first thing to think about. For instructions, see the above maintenance schedule.

2. Trim Off Dying Parts

The corn plant’s deteriorating areas are clearly visible. As an illustration, the stalk and leaves would take on an unhealthful brown hue.

Simply cut off the dead parts beginning with the wilting leaves using gardening shears. The stem should next be cut off. Cut the stem in segments and stop when the cut regions show signs of green budding.

Since this article is about saving your corn plant, you don’t need to completely remove the stumps from the ground, especially if the issue is not root rot.

5 cm or so of the healthy stump should remain above ground. It can also assist in the development of a new plant under the right growth circumstances.

3. Watering Issues

High levels of fluoride in the water could be a problem in addition to the twin problems of over/under-watering, which can be solved by providing adequate drainage and guaranteeing consistently even soil moisture.

It is not advisable to water the plant with water that has too much fluoride in it. By letting the water sit in a bucket for 24 hours, you can remove fluoride (or even chloride) from tap water before using it.

If you have been using fluoridated water, you can use distilled water to remove excess fluoride salts from the soil. Simply soak the soil slowly in the distilled water. Double the pot’s volume in distilled water before using it. To ensure that the fluoride is completely removed, repeat the procedure about two or three times. Do this periodically.

4. Eliminate Insects And Pests

Plants that grow corn are susceptible to a variety of diseases brought on by pests and insects. Use the right procedure to treat the disease as soon as possible if the diagnosed issue is related to one.

Fungal infections are a common cause of infections. Pruning the harmed stems and leaves, followed by repotting the plant in high-quality potting soil, is the best treatment if the plant already has a fungal disorder.

Spider mites and other insect pests can be a problem, especially if the air inside is dry. Growing rips and foliage are covered by tiny webs made by the mites. This may cause corn plants to perish.

The most effective remedy is to spray the plant with an insecticidal soap solution that is created by combining 6 tablespoons with 4 liters of water. Spray the plant continuously until it is completely submerged. Until the issue is resolved, repeat the problem.

7 Factors That Corn Plant Grow


In USDA zones 10 through 12, you ought to have no trouble growing corn plants because they are tropical plants. When it gets colder than 60 degrees, bring the plants inside. The optimum temperature range for this plant is 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit and never in the 50s.


Make sure the soil or potting mix is evenly moistened before watering your plants. Before watering, the soil shouldn’t become dry. Also, make sure that the substrate is well-drained so that water does not stay in it for too long.


Make sure your corn plants can get morning and afternoon sun by keeping them close to a window. You can also add a grow light if your plants do not have access to enough sunlight.


Your corn plant substrate should be organically rich. When your plants are in the spring and summer, you can fertilize their leaves with fodder fertilizer. Winter and autumn are not the best times to fertilize your plants, but at least every two years you should add compost to the soil.

Common Symptoms & Causes Of A Dying Corn Plant

Dropping yellow leaves

 Overwatering is typically to blame if the leaves on your dracaena are turning yellow and brown. The best solution is to immediately stop watering and let the soil dry before you start up again.

if the corn plant’s bottom only has yellow leaves. there is no need to panic because it is normal in a growing corn plant.

Yellow, crispy leaves

Even though corn plants are tough as nails, they would eventually start to deteriorate without water. The leaves becoming dry and yellowish is the first symptom of this.

By simply removing the dead leaves, you can revive the plant. Then gradually reintroduce water to the plant. It has time to adjust to the idea of watering once more as a result.

Additionally, overfertilization can result in crispy, yellow leaves. Remember that when using a quality potting mix, fertilizer is not actually necessary for the growth of corn plants. If you have to, skip it or use it sparingly.

Brown tips & white stripes

 Fluoride levels in the water are usually to blame for this. To get it out of the water or the soil, use the technique that was previously mentioned.

Dark, moist spots on leaves

 Fungus infection is typically to blame for this issue.

Dark, raised patches on stems and leaves to suggest that scaled insects with hard bodies are infecting the corn plant. By dabbing cotton that has been soaked in rubbing alcohol on each patch, they can be removed. If the patches continue, repeat this procedure 24 hours later.

Brown spots with the yellowing outer rim

Long-term exposure to the sun is the cause of this. In essence, this is a sign of sunburn, and the leaves may also curl inward as a defense mechanism.

If the plant is close to a window, move it to a shaded area or use a curtain to block the light.

Brown leaves

Low soil moisture levels or low humidity may be to blame for this. Especially in the winter, you can increase the humidity by using a humidifier. A humidity gauge would be great to have for monitoring humidity levels.

I think you now realize that saving a dying corn plant is not as difficult as you might have thought after reading this article.

If you follow these detailed instructions on how to save a dying corn plant, you’ll see that you don’t need to break the bank to do so; rather, it prevents you from having to spend your hard-earned money on replacing dying corn when you don’t have to.