How to Stake a Monstera 2022 Comprehensive Guide


Tropical climbing or vining plants called monsteras are found in Central and South American rainforests. These tropical plants begin on the forest floor and work their way up to where sunlight is coming through the canopy.

And when grown indoors, Monstera plants bring their innate habits with them. This includes the fact that Monsteras typically grow upward, which is fine in a rainforest where they have other trees to hang onto but a little more difficult for them in your non-jungle living room.

Due to this, many Monstera owners like to provide this support to their plants, and learning how to stake a Monstera is a great way to encourage healthy growth in your plant.

In other words, staking a Monstera plant helps the growing vines and encourages the development of mature leaves. In turn, this may be the key to ensuring that your plant develops mature leaves with their dramatic fenestrations, also known as the holes and splits in Monstera leaves for which it is so famous.

For more information on securing a Monstera to a stake, including some DIY advice if you want to give it a shot, continue reading.

When I saw my neighbors erect a Monstera plant on their balcony, I fell in love. What a beautiful scene it was.

I summoned my confidence and approached my incredibly kind neighbors. They offered to transplant a Monstera I owned, which I greatly appreciated. This journey has been incredible.

I was terribly concerned about the drooping branches after repotting my lovely gift. Had I just slain the first Monstera baby I ever killed? You have to stake it up, which seems to be the case.

To stake your Monstera plant, tie the main stem with hemp rope or plant tie tape to the desired stake. For it to know which way to grow, loose support will be sufficient.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? But if you’ve made the decision to stake your Monstera, it’s important to choose the right moment.

Even the loosest of supports, if applied early in the planting process, can choke your baby.

I’ve recorded my progress in determining the ideal moment to secure my infant in a sling. In this article, let me tell you about it.

Read more: How to Prune Your Monstera(2022 Comprehensive Guide) – New Planting

Benefits of Staking a Monstera Plant

A Monstera plant and its leaves can expand to sizes greater than the sum of several heads.

In the wild and in forests, the plants typically attach themselves to nearby trees with aerial roots and support them.

Here are a few advantages of staking a Monstera Deliciosa.

  1. The plant can be trained to grow in a specific direction by staking it. If you choose not to stake your Monstera plant, you will have to manage your space very carefully, which is not an option.
  2. Without staking, a Monstera will incline its growth in the direction of the light. Uni-direction growth will cause hazards to be tripped over as well as sneaky tripping. Perhaps it will simply topple over.
  3. Monsteras trained with moss poles have a tendency to have larger leaves and fenestration, or holes in the leaves. It will fenestrate more quickly, giving your space a beautiful feel.

Signs You Need to Stake Your Monstera Plant

The following indications will help you determine when to stake your Monstera.

1. They Start Showing Aerial Roots

Once they have sufficient support, monstera plants will begin to develop aerial roots. Once aerial roots form, they’ll begin climbing.

Some people enjoy pruning or burying the aerial roots in the ground. If Monstera is confined to a small area, doing so is ideal.

To give Monstera more room to spread out on your property, stake them while their aerial roots are still growing.

Their growth will be guided by the addition of support structures like trellises or moss poles.

If you want to train your Monstera plant, look for aerial roots.

2. They Start Growing Horizontally

Your Monstera may start to grow wider rather than taller after a few years or even months.

If you do not stake and train your Monstera during the growing stage, you will probably soon be walking under a very green ceiling.

Horizontal growth can be more enjoyable than difficult if you have a special place for plants, such as a greenhouse or a plant room in your apartment.

However, if the Monstera addition is in your personal space, trim the branches first. With stakes, you can better manage your space while also promoting vertical growth.

3. The Major Stem Starts to Droop

Without staking, the Monstera plant will droop due to the big, wide leaves’ inevitable horizontal growth.

It is typical for the plants’ wide leaves to droop a little axially because wide leaves are produced by nature.

In order to give some heavier leaves more support than others, weight distribution and placement are essential. It could assist with the drooping problem.

It’s interesting to note that when the main stem, which is where all the leaves grow, begins to sag at a certain angle, you will know your Monstera needs more support.

Your Monstera baby could totally break as a result of this.

5. Monstera is Already a Few Years Old

Take this as your cue to repot or transplant your Monstera plant if you’ve had it in your house or place of business for a few years and have yet to notice any of the aforementioned symptoms.

Like any other indoor or outdoor plant, a monstera plant will develop according to the container it is housed in.

It’s time to prod your Monstera plant if it’s been loitering by your side for a while.

To reduce the chance of death or damage, stake your Monstera plant in both the old and the new container.

Read more:Why Are My Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow-How to Fix – New Planting

How to Stake a Monstera

Staking a Monstera plant gives it a way to climb and supports the plant’s weight. To support your Monstera, you can use a wooden stake covered in jute, a moss-covered pole, or even a piece of wood. The method for staking the Monstera is the same no matter which option you pick.

Learn the specifics of how to teach your plant to climb using a Monstera moss pole.

1. Decide the Height of the Stake You Need

Add the depth of the pot to the height of the plant and then add another 12 inches to account for the vine’s growth to determine the correct height for your Monstera stake.

2. Insert One End of the Pole into the Soil Behind Your Monstera

Afterward, position the pole so that it is positioned between your plant and the plant pot’s rim.

Check to see if the stake’s bottom touches the pot’s bottom. By doing this, you give the pole support and stop it from falling over when your Monstera plant is heavy on it.

3. Firm the Soil Around the Pole

This is a crucial step because if the soil around the stake is not firmed up, the stake will become unstable and be vulnerable to wiggling or tipping over under the weight of your plant. It’s crucial to anchor the pole in its current location for this reason.

4. Gently Stretch the Vines Upward Against the Pole

When stretching out the vines, take caution not to harm the roots or vines.

5. Tie the Vines to the Pole

Each vine needs to be tied several times using soft plant ties or other soft fabric. Aim for a tie every 5 or 6 inches and keep these quite loose. If the ties currently take away from the plant’s aesthetic appeal, don’t worry.

As your Monstera plants expand, some ties will be concealed by fresh foliage. Once the aerial roots of your Monstera have a firm hold on the pole and are able to support the plant naturally, you can also untie some of the ties.

6. Guide the Aerial Roots Toward the Pole

Aerial roots play a crucial role in helping Monstera climb when you find it in the wild, clinging to rough bark. They will eventually do the job of grabbing and holding onto the moss or jute pole to support your Monstera as it climbs the pole, too.

They will be able to grasp the moss better if they direct aerial roots in the direction of the pole.

Here is the video from ‘Kill This Plant’ to show you how to stake your plant for a perfect Monstera.

How to Stake a Large Monstera Deliciosa

Staking a large Monstera deliciosa follows a similar procedure to other species. To do this, make sure your stake is sturdy enough, set it firmly into the pot to prevent it from moving, and secure the vines to the stake with plant ties or another soft fabric.

Simply put, it may take a little longer to stake a larger plant because you’ll need more ties and have to take the time to make sure that every stem—of which it may have more than a smaller plant—is attached to the pole. Overall, there isn’t much of a difference, though, and it will be very beneficial for your plant’s growth.

Find the Perfect Stake

Although Monstera plants can be staked with a tied-up rope to keep the plant from drooping, I advise you to buy proper poles to make the process simpler.

There are six potential stakes that you should think about.

Let’s examine each of them.

Bamboo Stakes

A bamboo stake should be 35 x 0.25 x 0.25 inches in size and weigh approximately 0.64 ounces.

There are a couple of advantages of bamboo stakes:

• They are affordable and accessible in all stores.

• This kind of stake can be used again. It can be used for a variety of gardening tasks, such as field or garden staking.

• They are lightweight.

• They are strong.

The good news is that fitting or shaping them to resemble a trellis won’t require any special tools. They can thus serve as stakes for both indoor and outdoor plants.

Moss Pole

This is the best option for stakes, in my opinion, and I think most gardeners would agree. If you can’t find a moss pole, it will be helpful to know that there are excellent substitutes that can be used.

17.17 x 4.33 x 2.13 inches and 13.4 ounces are the ideal dimensions and weights for a moss pole, respectively.

Moss poles’ fuzzy texture is what I find most striking about them; it mimics the mossy growth of Monsteras beneath the forest trees.

If the pole is tall and wide, your Monstera houseplant will grow more robustly and substantially.

Slender Rebars

If you’re growing the plant outside or in a green room, thin rebars should be your first choice.

It should be 7.41 ounces in weight and measure 17.63 x 4.73 x 2.36 inches.

Use some plaster and mesh to cement the structure. The plant will be adequately shielded from all weather conditions in this way.

Coco Coir Pole

coconut coir pole

A coconut coir pole is a good option if you don’t want to move your Monstera outside.

It should be 6.35 ounces in weight and 23.62 by 1.77 by 1.77 inches in size.

They are suitable for use in rooms of medium size. Both as climbing poles and plant supports, they will be fantastic.

Your Swiss Cheese plant will quickly attach to the pole and aid in the plant’s ability to take in moisture from the surroundings.

Tree Slabs

It may be difficult to believe, but if you choose to stake a Monstera, tree slabs can be effective and helpful.

The plant will have enough strength from the slabs of wood on the outside.

This is another way to imitate how Monstera plants would climb in the wild.

PVC Pipe (DIY)

This is a fantastic option if you enjoy DIY projects.

You’ll need a PVC pipe, totem or sphagnum moss, fishing line, scissors, and a sharpie.

Train Your Indoor Monstera Plant Around Support

1. Train Them Early

When the Monstera plant is young and still has not attained its full potential, training it with indoor stake support is easiest.

Each stem, even the main stem, will have some malleability. To promote growth in the direction that suits your needs the best, you can move them around the stake.

Use a stake as support to encourage the Monstera plant to grow upright so you can train it to climb. The plant will climb in accordance with its natural tendency.

2. Latching Process

You can still teach older Monstera plants to scale the indoor support. It only needs a little careful thought.

The training process will require more patience and time due to the stiffer, less flexible stems.

The stems should be loosely and gently tied to the stake. Tighten the tie every few days to make sure they are developing in the way you prefer.

3. Moisturizing the Stake

Using a moist stake will make training your Monstera plant ten times easier. The reason for this is that the aerial roots, which will aid your monstera in reaching greater heights, will look for water from the moist stake.

Every few days, mist the stake with water to keep it hydrated and growing in the right direction.

4. Extending the Stake When Needed

Monstera plants grow quickly once they are on the right track.

Create an extension plan in advance and work smarter, not harder.

Your Monstera will happily latch on for the ride if you attach an extendable pole to it or simply tie two poles together.

5. Rotation for Even Growth

Never leave a Monstera facing the same direction for an extended period of time. It will quickly locate the light source and tilt in that direction.

For an extended period of time, if the plant is left facing only one direction, all of the leaves will develop in that direction, tipping the plant’s balance and causing it to grow precariously.

Plant rotation should be regular. Every time you water your Monstera, you might want to move it a few inches. As a result, growth will be uniform.

6. Consistent Trimming

If you do not properly and consistently trim, Monstera will take over the entire area. Regularly trim the branches and leaves.

The trim does not have to make you sad. Use the chance to expand your collection of indoor plants or to thank a kind neighbor like mine with a Monstera baby gift.

Tips for How You Secure Monstera to a Stake

It’s simple to attach your Monstera vine to the stake, but if you want your plant to climb the stake, you must do so. Working gently to prevent damaging the plant is essential for success when securing your Monstera to the stake.

  • The vines should be stretched up slowly. Be careful not to overstretch the vine or harm the stems and foliage. The vine should be allowed to spread out completely without being forced. The roots of the vine may be damaged or disrupted if you pull it.
  • Use soft ties to secure the vines to the stake. To use, cut strips of old pantyhose, soft plant ties, or fabric from a t-shirt. Hard ties, such as wire plant ties, can cut or bruise growing stems and leaves. Soft ties have some give, allowing the vine to spread.
  • To provide support for the entire vine, tie the vine to the stake several times, each tie being 5 to 6 inches apart. This makes the vine’s weight more evenly distributed. Too-wide ties may stress the plant.
  • So that the vine is supported as you work, make your ties from the bottom up. Working from the bottom up ensures that no one tie will ever bear the entire weight of the vine.


Why is My Monstera Falling Over?

The plant needs support if it appears to be in good health but is constantly toppling over. The Monstera plant will topple over if only one side faces a light source because the leaves will be constantly looking for light. If the plant exhibits any damage-related symptoms, such as yellow, brown, or curly leaves, you will need to perform a closer inspection. The plant could be suffering from these problems for a variety of reasons, including root rot, overwatering, and underwatering.

Do You Need to Keep the Moss Pole Wet?

Poles covered in moss offer aerial roots a rough surface to cling to. They work best when misted with moisture. The aerial roots of your Monstera plant are better able to support your plant if you maintain the moss’ moisture.

To keep the moss moist and stop it from drying out, mist it every day, but take care not to overspray it or drown it in water. Your Monstera may attract pests and develop mold problems if the moss is wet.

By pouring water over the top of the moss-covered pole slowly and gently and allowing it to run down the pole, you can also moisten the pole. If you decide to water your moss-covered pole in this manner, be sure to check the soil and empty saucers and catch basins.

A Monstera plant can gain the stability it needs to grow upward by being staked. Your Monstera plants can make lovely trailing or vining plants that spill over the sides of the pot without stakes, but they won’t grow upward. Your choice of stake depends on your personal preferences.

Final Thoughts on Staking a Monstera

This isn’t too difficult to do, whether you buy one already made or make a Monstera stake yourself. However, by simply adding a pole, you can transform your Monstera from toppling or cascading into something absolutely stunning. In addition, you’ll be assisting it in surviving as it would in its natural environment.

That is to say, learning how to stake a Monstera will enable it to continue climbing and, as it grows, produce those amazing leaves for which it is so well-known, even in the absence of other trees allowing it to reach up to the canopy.