When And How To Water Your Snake Plant

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In contrast to other indoor plants, the snake plant can withstand severe droughts. This characteristic allows the snake plant to only need watering every 1-2 weeks. The most serious issue to be on the lookout for is overwatering. If the soil isn’t allowed to dry out between waterings, your snake plant is likely to develop root rot. During the growing season, check the potting mixture every 5-7 days and water only when the top 2-3 inches are completely dry. Your plant can survive for even longer periods without water in the winter.

Do Snake Plants Tolerate Drought?

You might think it’s strange that we’re telling you to water your snake plant as soon as the soil becomes dry. Aren’t these succulents meant to live in the desert and withstand extended dry periods?

It’s true what you say: Snake plants can go for a long time without water. To survive through droughts, their large, waxy leaves and waxy outer covering help to trap and store moisture. Your Sansevieria is probably a long way from passing out from dehydration, even if it does start to wrinkle and wilt. After you give it a drink, it will probably recover quickly.

Don’t confuse tolerance for drought with a love for it, though. Your Sansevieria’s growth may be stunted and slowed down by repeated submersion. Don’t leave your snake plant without water for any longer than necessary if you want to see the large, stunning foliage it is capable of producing.

In conclusion, it’s always better to wait if you’re unsure whether your Snake Plant needs water. It is much more likely to die from not getting enough water than from getting too much. However, if the soil is obviously dry, don’t purposefully deprive it of water.

Snake Plant

How Often To Water Snake Plants

Succulents of the type known as snake plants have unique adaptations for growing in hot, dry climates with infrequent rainfall and well-draining soils.

To prevent water loss from the leaves during hot, sunny days, snake plants only open their stomata at night and store water in their thick, fleshy leaves.

Snake plants’ drought-resilient adaptations cause them to prefer drier soil conditions and less frequent watering than most house plants, and they can also be vulnerable to root rot.

If the soil is consistently damp then the snake plant leaves turn yellow or brown and have a soft texture as a sign of stress.

Only water snake plants when the soil around the roots is nearly dry between irrigation sessions. Typically, this entails watering your snake plant once every two to three weeks.

It is important to note that the rate at which the soil around your snake plant dries out can vary due to several different factors and at certain times of year…

  • the climate’s relative humidity and means temperature.
  • how big the pot is—smaller pots dry out more quickly.
  • Whether or not the snake plant is directly exposed to air conditioning or forced air (which can quickly dry the soil and rob the leaves of moisture).
  • moisture-retention capabilities of the soil.
  • heating-related changes in the indoor climate.
  • the season (wintertime sees a decrease in moisture demand for snake plants).

Feel the soil at the bottom of the pot through the drainage hole to determine how frequently to water snake plants based on the conditions in your environment.

If the soil feels wet, wait to water; however, if it feels a little dry, now is the ideal time to water.

When you know how long it takes for the soil in your potted snake plant to dry out, you can create a watering schedule that mimics the drought-followed-by-rainfall cycle of watering to which snake plants have become accustomed in their native habitat in Africa.

How To Water A Snake Plant?

The first way is to pour water on the surface of the soil using a watering can or jug. Continue filling the pot with water until you see it drain from the holes in the bottom by placing it in a sink or basin. To collect extra water, you can also use a plant saucer. Be careful not to water the lovely cylinder-shaped leaves; only pay attention to the soil.

The second way is to place the pot in a plant saucer or basin of water, and the water will eventually soak up by the process of osmosis. To prevent issues like mold, make sure to drain the excess water from the saucer or basin.

When To Water Snake Plants

As a general rule, snake plants need to have their soil completely dried out before being watered. Due to increased light, warmer temperatures, and more active growth in the spring and summer, you can anticipate watering your snake plant more frequently than in the fall and winter. For instance, you might only need to water your snake plant once every two to three weeks in the fall and winter but once every week during the spring and summer. In general, it is better to underwater a snake plant than to overwater it if you aren’t sure when to water it. Keep this in mind if you’re unsure. You can also buy a moisture meter to check the soil’s moisture content and make sure it is completely dry before watering.

When Your Snake Plant Needs More Water

You may need to water your snake plant more frequently under some circumstances. To know when watering should be closely monitored or more water should be given, it is important to pay attention to specific environmental factors in your home and garden space.

  • The snake plant is placed in direct light: If your plant is near an artificial light source or in direct sunlight, which is drying to the plant, it will need to be watched more closely and watered more frequently. Snake plants can grow successfully in low light and do not require a lot of it.
  • There is active plant growth: Your young plant will use more water when it is actively growing. Now is the crucial time to avoid letting the soil dry out and to keep it moist at all times.
  • If the plant grows in dry air (central heat): An indoor snake plant may find central heating drying. Keep an eye on your plants and keep watering your snake plant if it appears dry if you live in a cold climate and need to use heating.
  • If the roots completely fill the pot: The soil will dry out more quickly if the roots completely fill the pot or if the pot is on the small side. Provide more water until you can begin the repotting process.

When Your Snake Plant Needs Less Water

Your snake plant may require less water at other times. Keeping in mind they like to dry out between watering and do not like having “wet feet” check these conditions and water accordingly.

  • Plants are grown in a cool room: In the same way that heat dries out a snake plant, a plant grown in a cooler environment won’t dry out as quickly and can go longer without water.
  • After transplanting: As previously stated, a newly transplanted snake plant won’t require additional watering because the soil is probably already moist.
  • Leaves show signs of overwatering: You may need to refrain from watering your snake plant and let the soil dry out if it is displaying overwatering symptoms like yellow or mushy leaves. You will need to move it to bright light or more sunlight to help with drying, or you can replant the snake plant in new soil and a new pot.
  • Soil is damp or dark in color: Use the touch test and pay close attention to the soil to see if your snake plant needs water. The snake plant doesn’t need water right then if it looks dark or feels damp to the touch. To check for moisture beneath the soil’s surface, be sure to dig your finger deep into the ground. A situation of overwatering and a water-logged plant could result from more water.
Snake Plant

How To Tell If Your Snake Plant Is Underwatered

One possible indicator that a snake plant isn’t getting enough water has already been mentioned: slow or nonexistent growth. During the growing season, Sansevierias usually gain 1-3 inches in height per month and develop 2-4 new leaves per year. That’s not exactly quick, but if the plant seems to be growing very little, you might not be watering it enough.

Your Snake Plant’s foliage will start to look rumpled as its thirst becomes more intense. Only when their cells are fully hydrated will their fleshy leaves remain taut and smooth. The amount of moisture lost by the plant determines how saggy and wrinkled it will appear.

As the tissues of the leaves become lax, the leaves may begin to droop toward the ground. The foliage may also crinkle or fold in an effort to prevent dehydration. Evaporation is slowed down as a result of this reaction because less leaf surface is exposed to the air.

Dehydration may cause some of your snake plant to start dying off; this usually starts at the leaf’s edges and tips. The affected foliage will turn yellow, white, or brown as well as become dry and crispy.

Be aware that many of the symptoms listed above could also be caused by conditions like sunburn, temperature stress, or damage to the roots. Dehydration can result from anything that hinders your snake plant’s capacity to absorb or retain water.

Because of this, you should never assume that your plant is drowned before checking the soil. The soil will typically be crusting over and peeling away from the edges of a snake plant’s container because it is completely dry by the time it becomes so thirsty that it is wilting and turning brown. If your plant doesn’t come back to life after getting a drink, you probably have a different issue on your hands.

How To Tell If Your Snake Plant Is Overwatered

A snake plant will suffer if its water supply is cut off, but overwatering it poses a much greater risk. What are the telltale signs of an overwatered Sansevieria?

Your first cue is in the soil. If you’re keeping an eye on it frequently, as we advised above, you probably have a good idea of how quickly or slowly it’s drying out. There is a problem if the soil is still noticeably moist 5 or 6 days after you have watered it; it is typically a drainage issue with the soil or the pot (more on that later).

Other early indications of overwatering are comparable to those of underwatering. Because the roots are deprived of oxygen by an excessive amount of water in the soil, the rest of the plant cannot get enough water. This results in the kind of drooping, wrinkled, and discolored foliage that you would see on a thirsty Sansevieria. Overwatered snake plants are particularly prone to yellowing, which typically starts at the base and moves upward.

Those signs are bad enough, but you should be especially alert for symptoms of root rot. Because opportunistic microorganisms can multiply quickly in sluggish soil, this condition is frequent in overwatered Snake Plants. Recognizing root rot early on is essential. If it has time to spread throughout the root system, it may cause the death of your plant.

Root rot symptoms include:

  • Sour or musty odors from the soil
  • Leaves turning soft at the base
  • Infestations of fungus gnats
  • Brown, slimy spots on the leaves
  • Foliage dropping off the plant

Remove your Snake Plant from its pot and look for any roots that have changed color to brown, gray, black, squishy, or smelly. This is the only surefire way to identify root rot. Trimming off each infected root is the only remedy.

If you don’t disinfect your blades between cuts, pathogens will have a free ride to healthy areas. Examples of disinfectants include 10% bleach or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Repot the plant in a clean container with new soil once you’re done.

Snake Plant

What To Know About Watering Snake Plants

The majority of snake plants don’t need a lot of watering, so it’s crucial to pay attention to the plant and monitor both the plant and the soil to figure out how often to water it. Check for signs of over or under-watering, such as drooping leaves, and keep an eye on the soil’s moisture content using the techniques described. If you know the warning signs and how to handle them, caring for a snake plant is typically very simple.

They Like To Dry Out In Between Watering

As mentioned above, the snake plant does not like having “wet feet”. The chance for the plant’s roots to soak up the water and slightly dry out before being watered again will be appreciated by your snake plants. Every two to three days, or longer if the soil still seems wet after a few days, it will be a good idea to check on your plant and water it. The type of garden soil you used will, once more, likely be a factor in this.

Don’t Water The Leaves, Just The Soil

It’s crucial to concentrate on moistening the soil only when you water your snake plants. Through its roots primarily, your snake plant absorbs water, along with nutrients from the soil and fertilizer. If you don’t apply the fertilizer to the soil (a process sometimes referred to as “soil drenching”), even if you do your research and purchase the best fertilizer for your snake plant, it won’t have the desired effect. The snake plant is not one of the many plants that can stand having their leaves or flowers wet. Your snake plant could die if its leaves become wet, which can cause rotting.

Make Sure There Is Good Drainage

Make sure your pot has effective drainage holes in the bottom, especially if it will be used for indoor plants. Indoor plants are confined to their pots and require the good drainage that an outdoor garden provides by nature. These minuscule openings allow extra water to permeate so that it does not collect at the bottom of the plant’s pot. It is crucial to use a free-draining potting mixture for the snake plant because it is easily susceptible to root rot. Cacti or a soil mix for African violets will allow for adequate drainage and drying in between waterings. The majority of popular potting mix varieties should be avoided because they are frequently designed to hold as much water as possible. Also, don’t forget to let the extra water drain out or, if it has accumulated, throw the plant saucer away. It might be best to repot your plant and switch to new soil if your soil becomes waterlogged.

Watering A Snake Plant In The Summer And Winter

For those who enjoy routines, there is good news: while we are unable to advise you on how frequently to water your Sansevieria, we can give you a pretty good idea of how frequently you should test its soil. Here’s our rule of thumb: check whether you’re During the growing season, snake plants require watering every 5-7 days.

The “growing season” will vary depending on your climate, but in northern regions, it usually falls between October’s middle and April. Your snake plant will use more water at this time because it is getting enough sun to produce new growth. As its growth slows and stops during the fall or winter, it will get much less thirsty; you only need to check your Every two to three weeks in the colder months, the pot of a snake plant.

These schedules are merely general guidelines. Paying attention to how quickly your plant’s potting mix dries out will help you become more adept at knowing when to check on it. For now, just keep in mind that if your snake plant’s potting mix is coarse and quick-draining, you should test it more frequently. We’ll talk more about soil quality further down.


How Long Does A Snake Plant Need To Be Dry?

recalled that we had mentioned how succulent snake plants are. If you are familiar with succulent plants, you should be aware that they can go for an extended period of time without water.

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For snake plants, the same rules apply. Snake plants can go up to six weeks without receiving any water.

The length of time mentioned here is not dependent on environmental variables like temperature, light, humidity, or even the particular variety of the snake plant.

In the summer, give your plant at least one monthly watering.

Is It Possible To Overwater Snake Plants?

Yes, we did mention that snake plants are more likely to be overwatered than underwatered. In fact, in an effort to give their snake plants the best chance for success, the majority of novice gardeners overwater them.

In general, snake plants can survive for a long time without water, possibly due to their resemblance to succulents.

When a plant is overwatered, the soil becomes overly wet, pushing oxygen to the topsoil and away from the roots.

Overwatering can occasionally cause water to collect at the base of the saucer of the pot, causing root rot and bacterial and fungal infections.