Neanthe Bella Palm Care Indoors: Ultimate Growing Guide

neanthe bella palm care

Neanthe bella palms are among the palms that require the least maintenance indoors. It can withstand dry, low-light conditions much better than other palms. Here’s a brief rundown of its care requirements:

  • WATER – When the top 1-inch of soil dries out
  • HUMIDITY – Moderate
  • FEEDING – Monthly, spring, and summer
  • LIGHT – Low to medium
  • TEMPERATURE – 65 – 80 degrees F (18 – 27 degrees C)
  • SAFETY – Non-toxic, safe for children and pets

For more detailed care instructions, including how to feed, re-pot, propagate and keep your Neanthe bella palm healthy, keep reading. Additionally, if your plant seems to be having trouble, I’ll go over some troubleshooting tips.

Neanthe Bella Palm Basic Care Guide


Watering neanthe bella palms indoors is one of the most crucial aspects of care. Every time the top inch of soil dries out (roughly every 7 to 10 days), water the plant. Avoid overwatering because this palm recovers much better from occasional dryness than from extremely wet conditions.

Put your finger up to your first knuckle into the ground to check the moisture level of the soil. Provide water to your plant if the soil seems dry. Wait another day and recheck if it still feels wet. Moisture is necessary, but too much water can actually kill your palm.


Despite being able to tolerate dry indoor air, neanthe bella palms benefit from moderate humidity. To stop the leaves on your palm from drying out, mist them a few times a week with a spray bottle filled with room temperature water.

A humidity tray, which is a small tray filled with pebbles and water, can also be used to place smaller Neanthe bella palms on to increase humidity. Alternately, put a superior humidifier close to the plant in the space. For my indoor plants that enjoy humidity, I like to use the Honeywell Coolmist humidifier.


More fertilizer is required for Neanthe bella palms than for other indoor palms, especially in the summer when the plant is actively growing. Any high-quality fertilizer made specifically for indoor plants may be used. In the spring and summer, use half-strength once a month. Avoid feeding during the fall and winter.

Jack’s All-Purpose Fertilizer is my preferred fertilizer for indoor plants, but any all-purpose food will do. You can find out why I adore Jack’s Fertilizer by reading my review. Except for plants like cacti and flowering plants that require special nutrients, I use it on almost all of my houseplants.

Light Requirements

Although they prefer moderate light, Neanthe bella palms can thrive in low illumination. Place in an east- or west-facing window with gauzy curtains to filter the light for the best results. They also thrive under artificial plant lights.

Steer clear of the sun. Additionally, avoid placing the delicate leaves of the Neanthe Bella Palm in south-facing windows because of the risk of afternoon sunburn. If the weather isn’t too hot, you can put it outside in the summer, but make sure it’s in a shaded area away from the sun.


Neanthe bella palms prefer temperatures that range from mild to warm. All year long, this plant prefers temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees F (18 and 27 degrees C). It can withstand nighttime lows of 60 degrees F (15 degrees C), but it needs to warm back up during the day.

This palm does not like cold temperatures because it is a tropical plant. Never let the temperature fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) for an extended period of time; otherwise, your plant might not be able to recover. Prevent drafts and hot air bursts from heating vents from touching it.


This plant frequently produces minuscule flowers and seeds all through the year. On a mature, well-kept, and well-cared-for plant, these blooms can be seen. Yellow, orange, or red-hued flowers can be found growing below or in between the fronds. They gather into a mass of minuscule, unpetalless balls.

Because they don’t have a potent scent or a striking appearance, this plant is not well known for its flowers.


Neanthe Bella Palms are primarily grown for indoor use in 6 & 14 inch containers that range in size from 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) tall. This variety can even grow to a height of 6 to 8 feet (1.8 – 2.4 meters) with proper care.

The growth of this palm is upright and spreading. Compared to other palm varieties, this one’s leaves are long and thin.

Each cluster of leaves develops from a large, fleshy petiole. The long fronds measure approximately 6 inches (15.24 cm) in length and 1 inch (2.5 cm) in width.

Each of the ¾ inch-diameter, bamboo-like stems has 12 or more pairs of leaflets. In USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12, Neanthe Bella Palms can survive the winter.

neanthe bella palm care

How To Prune Neanthe Bella Palm

Pruning is normally not advised because Neanthe Bella Palms don’t get very tall. However, feel free to trim any yellow or brown fronds that may be present. Pruning the naturally dying dead leaves is also secure.

Over pruning will cause these slow-growers to completely stop growing.

To avoid allergies to plants, wear gloves and safety goggles while pruning.

Use disinfected and razor-sharp pruning shears or blades. Use a solution of bleach and water to disinfect, or you can use rubbing alcohol instead. To protect a plant from diseases and pests, always keep the area around it clean.

How To Pot Neanthe Bella Palm

Use any organic, permeable potting soil designed for indoor plants. My preferred potting mix is this one by Happy Frog because it has mycorrhizal fungi and helpful soil microbes, but any premium potting mix with good drainage will do.

Repot young, active-growing palms every year in the early spring. Once your palm reaches maturity, it only needs to be repotted every other year until it reaches its full size (roughly 4 feet or 1.2 meters tall). Use a pot that is at least 4 inches larger in diameter than the previous pot when repotting.

How To Propagate Neanthe Bella Palm

The division is a simpler method for splitting a Neanthe Bella Palm into two plants if you do decide to try it at home, though it isn’t guaranteed.

By dividing one of the stem clusters in your existing plant, you can propagate your Neanthe Bella Palms.

On both the new and parent plant, you might notice some foliage dieback, which can be removed without affecting the healthy leaves. Start with a Neanthe Bella Palm that is flourishing in its container and has several strong stems.

  • Choose a container that is the right size to house just one stem from the mother plant. It should be filled with a soilless mixture of peat moss and either perlite or vermiculite in equal parts.
  • Take the mother plant out of the container slowly.
  • To see the bare roots of the root ball, you should loosen the potting soil surrounding it.
  • Look for a stem that appears to be in good health and has its own root system. Use a clean, sharp blade to gently cut away any roots that are connecting it to the main plant.
  • In order to ensure that the roots and stems are shielded by the soil, plant your fresh stem in the container with the soilless mix. Replant the mother plant in its original container and fill it with new soil.
  • Water to make the potting soil moist and humid. Keep the parent plant and the new plant in a warm, shaded location until they are able to be cared for normally.

Common Problems For The Neanthe Bella Palm

With insufficient water and light, there are a few potential issues. Overly dry Neanthe Bella Palms can attract pests, and drenched roots can harbor pathogens. Here is a list of possible pests and diseases:


If your home is overly dry and warm, spider mites may thrive there; if you see tiny webs on the underside of the leaves, you may have an infestation.

They can be destroyed with the aid of neem oil and insecticidal soap. To make your home more palm-friendly and less bug-friendly, make changes to the indoor environment.

Palm trees kept indoors are susceptible to scale insect infection. There are approximately 8,000 different species of scale, and they all primarily develop some kind of waxy defense covering.

The plant will develop moldy fungus as a result of the soft-scale’s honeydew. Significant indicators of their presence include wilted and yellowing leaves.

The simplest way to manage a small population is to physically eradicate them. Attempt to capture the tiny insects when they are more vulnerable—the crawling stage.​ The alternative is to use insecticidal sprays.

On the leaves of Neanthe Bella Palms, mealybugs cluster in large groups. Mealybugs drain the plant’s juices like spider mites do, resulting in discolored foliage. The damage the pest does to Neanthe Bella Palms increases with their size.

Remove any affected foliage with a clean, damp cloth in cases of minor infestations. Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil to the plant’s foliage on both sides. Apply again to eradicate all mealybugs.

Root Rot

Weak growth, faded leaves, early leaf decline, branch dieback, and eventual death are indicators of this deteriorating disease, which shares these traits with other diseases and pest issues.

In moist, damp soil, it tends to happen more frequently. Root or stem rot has no effective treatment; as a result, reduces watering to prevent contracting the disease. Ensure that the Neanthe Bella Palm is planted in soil that drains well.


This issue may have a number of causes, including fungi, frost, or bacteria.

The upward movement of vital nutrients to the remaining portions of the Neanthe Bella Palms plant can be stopped by an infected lesion. Normal plant maintenance is usually sufficient to prevent cankers from developing.

Leaf Spot

The mole-like spots that can combine to form larger leaf blights are caused by either a bacterial or fungal source. It could harm the foliage if it is not treated.

Increase airflow for the remainder of the plant and remove the diseased leaves. In order to stop the growth of fungus, you should also avoid overhead watering. Additionally advantageous is a regular fungicide application.

neanthe bella palm care

Tips For Growing Neanthe Bella Palms

  • The Neanthe Bella Palm does not require pruning; in fact, pruning can actually harm your plant. Only trim back leaves that have naturally fallen off.
  • For happy and healthy growth, give your Neanthe Bella Palm plenty of bright indirect sunlight. An east or west-facing window is the ideal location for this.
  • Give your Neanthe Bella Palm the water it needs; don’t overwater it as this will cause your plant many issues.


How Much Light Does a Neanthe Bella Palm Need?

Neanthe bella palms prefer bright indirect light; they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal location is in an east- or west-facing window with sheer curtains to diffuse the light.

Neanthe bella palms shouldn’t be placed in south-facing windows. Although it can tolerate low light levels (such as those from a north-facing window), its strength and growth rate will be reduced.

How Are Neanthe Bella Palms Maintained?

To provide the best possible neanthe bella palm care indoors, here’s what to do:

  • An east-facing window should be used to provide the plant with bright indirect light.
  • Use water that is at room temperature to mist frequently.
  • During the spring and summer, fertilize once a month using a balanced houseplant fertilizer that has been diluted to half strength.
  • maintain a warm environment.
  • Regularly hand-clean the leaves.
  • Snip flower stalks off when they start to turn brown.

Is Neanthe Bella Palm Maintenance Simple?

Yes, one of the simplest indoor palms to maintain is the neanthe bella palm. Much better than other types of palms, it can withstand dry conditions and low light. Additionally, it requires little maintenance.

Its leaves should be occasionally cleaned, watered, misted, and fed once a month in the spring and summer. Other than that, all it requires is a good location!

How Big Can a Neanthe Bella Get?

It is commonly referred to as the “Neanthe bella palm” in the trade and is grown primarily for indoor use in 6″ – 14″ inch containers, growing from 18″ inches to 3–4 feet tall.

Although I’ve seen plants that are 6 to 8 feet tall, this is unusual. In a “growing” environment 4′ feet tall is about the maximum.

It is frequently grown as a low stand-alone plant, a tabletop plant, and in groups as underplantings in beds.

These diminutive trees have dense, attractive foliage that develops in a compact shape on its own. The twelve sets of narrow leaflets on the arching, pinnate leaves are typical.

Does Bella Palm Flower?

Small yellow flowers may be produced by the seasonally blooming miniature fishtail dwarf palm when it is grown outdoors.

If the plant receives enough light, the loose, spiraling clusters of yellow flowers will bloom in the spring. Clusters of appealing black fruit develop from the flowers.

Recognize that not every tabletop palm tree will bloom and bear fruit as they are dioecious, or have both male and female versions.