Philodendron Erubescens Care Guide: All You Need To Know

caring for an philodendron erubescens

Some of the most exotic and stunning plants to grow in tropical climates are philodendrons. There are about 400 species of philodendron worldwide, including the Philodendron erubescens, or ‘The South American rainforests and Costa Rican rainforests are home to the Red Emerald.

Large glossy heart-shaped leaves with a dark green and burgundy color are a characteristic of the Philodendron erubescens. Depending on its surroundings, this majestic member of the Araceae family can reach heights of 3 to 6 meters. It usually takes about 5 years for an Erubescens to reach full maturity

Types Of Philodendron Erubescens

  • P. scandens: Similar to Philodendrons , this variety grows with light red coloration on its leaves. Its leaves are much smaller, and it has a climbing growth habit.
  • Philodendrons ‘Green Emerald’: This variety of Philodendrons features vibrant, bright green leaves.
  • Philodendrons ‘Pink Princess’: The “Pink Princess” variety, which is prized for its vibrant hues (and high price), has marbling of pink and green color on its leaves.

Philodendron Erubescens Basic Care

Philodendrons are less cold- and drought-tolerant than other species of philodendron, but if you can provide ample warmth and humidity, Philodendrons will stay healthy. This species has particularly lovely, large, waxy leaves.

Philodendrons can survive without water for a short time like many philodendrons, but it’s best to water your plant when its soil is dry, allowing for drainage as necessary. It doesn’t require full, direct sunlight, making it fairly simple to grow as a houseplant. ‘Despite the fact that Red Emerald is widely available, it is said to be somewhat scarce. The Pink Princess philodendron is the rarest variety.


Philodendrons is a shade-loving philodendron. These plants shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight outside because they don’t like it. An east-facing window indoors that receives morning light would be ideal. Avoid letting the sun’s rays touch the foliage; if several of its leaves start to turn yellow, it may be receiving too much sunlight.


The majority of common potting soils are suitable for philodendron plants because they don’t have very specific soil requirements. A loamy, nutrient-rich, quick-draining soil is ideal for the plant’s growth. Select a mixture with a pH range of neutral to acidic. Add some sand to the soil mixture if it is too heavy.


When the soil’s top is dry, water the plant. Philodendrons are drought-tolerant, but it doesn’t do well when overwatered, which can cause the plant to rot. The leaves will start to turn yellow if there is excessive moisture. Opting for a pot with plenty of drainage holes combined with regular watering is a great way to keep Philodendrons healthy.

Temperature and Humidity

Like other philodendrons, Philodendrons likes plenty of moisture and heat to thrive, although it can withstand shorter periods of cold if it’s well-established. The plant does exceptionally well at normal room temperatures and does best in a temperature range of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


During the spring and summer growing seasons, fertilize Philodendrons one to two times a month with a regular houseplant fertilizer. Refer to the product label’s instructions for the amount to use. During the fall and winter, fertilizer applications can be reduced to roughly every other month.


The plant can grow up to 60 feet tall in its natural habitat, and if its connection to the ground is broken, it will occasionally switch over to fully epiphytic growth. But as a houseplant, it’s likely that your plant will stay about 3 feet long, and it’s simple to care for.


Be careful not to allow pets or young children to consume any plant parts when growing an Erubescens indoors. Despite how alluring it may seem, both humans and animals cannot tolerate this variety. The calcium oxalate crystals in the Erubescens are known to irritate the skin.

caring for an philodendron erubescens

How To Prune Philodendron Erubescens

Although philodendrons don’t require frequent pruning, they occasionally become a little too big for their surroundings or grow long and leggy. The best time of the year to prune Philodendrons is during the spring or fall, though you can remove yellow leaves or trim thin growth at any time of year.

Use sharp, sterile scissors or pruning shears to make cuts on the philodendron. If you can’t see where the stem connects to the plant’s main vine, cut the stem off at the soil’s surface. Otherwise, cut where the stem meets the vine.

How To Propagating Philodendron Erubescens

Like most vining philodendrons, Philodendrons can easily be propagated by cuttings and division. Make sure to take a piece of the stem that has numerous aerial roots when you cut it. Older plants develop aerial roots on their leaf nodes that function as roots and grasp objects. Philodendrons should be propagated in the spring when they are actively growing, but if they are outgrowing their pots, they can also be propagated at other times of the year. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Get a fresh container for the cutting, then put the right soil mixture in it.
  • Step 2: Choose a stem that has numerous aerial roots and take a cutting from it. Find a stem that is growing on the side of the plant if you are propagating by division.
  • Step 3: Trim off the stem of your choice using a fresh pair of gardening shears.
  • Step 4: Place the stem in its new container and in an area with direct light that is bright.
  • Step 5: After watering the soil and allowing it to completely drain, tend to the plant as usual.

How To Pot And Repot Philodendron Erubescens

Younger Philodendrons plants are rampant growers. Every spring, at the start of the growing season, you’ll probably need to repot your plant. It’s helpful to provide some structure for it to climb on after its first year, when it’s ready to climb (or even on its first repotting after sprouting).

This plant isn’t necessarily picky about what it likes to climb, but it can be difficult to train a plant to “take hold” of its climbing pole and begin its ascent. The main vine should be carefully tied to the support and trained upward to promote climbing. It’s hoped that eventually it will decide on its own to grab onto the pole. Because of the climbing poles, it is much more difficult to repot older plants. If this is a problem, just remove the top soil layers and replace them with new soil and fertilizer.

How To Grow Philodendron Erubescens From Seed

Growing Philodendrons from seed is a relatively simple process. Collect a new pot with soil in it, some plastic wrap, and your philodendron seeds. Plant the seeds in moist soil about a third of an inch deep, and then cover the pot with plastic wrap to keep moisture in until the seeds germination. To make sure the soil doesn’t dry out, check it frequently. Set the pot in a location with constant temperatures between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as bright, indirect light. The seeds should germinate in two weeks to two months. The plants can now be cared for as normal.

How To Get Philodendron Erubescens To Bloom

Philodendrons are not self-pollinating, so it’s necessary to hand pollinate your indoor Philodendrons plant to encourage blooming. A few days at a time, this species produces deep red flowers in the spring and summer. Before it blooms, keep your philodendron somewhere that is consistently warm. When your plant’s spathe is open at night, you can pollinate it by dusting pollen on the spadix. You can trim (or deadhead) the flowers from the plant after they have bloomed.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Aphids, mealybugs, scale, and white flies are just a few of the pests that can harm philodendrons. As soon as you can, determine whether there are any pest infestations. Treat pests on your Philodendrons plant by mixing 2 1/2 tablespoons of Spraying the entire plant with a solution of one gallon of water and Dawn dish soap.

Your Philodendrons may also be susceptible to leaf spot diseases, which appear as either brown or yellow spots on the leaves. Thankfully, you can typically avoid these fungus diseases by watering your plant from the bottom up rather than directly on the leaves to keep them dry. Apply a fungicide to all of the stems and leaves of plants that have already experienced mild damage.

Common Problems With Philodendron Erubescens

The majority of the time, philodendrons are thought to be among the easiest plants to grow, but there are still some typical issues that can arise. This is frequently caused by the plants receiving too much sunlight or water (or not enough), and the majority of problems can be fixed using a few straightforward techniques.

Yellowed Leaves

The conditions in which the plant is growing can help identify one of several causes if the leaves on your philodendron are turning yellow. For instance, a philodendron that has received excessive water may experience yellowing of the leaves or root rot. On the other hand, the leaves may start to turn yellow from too much sun. Depending on the needs of your plant, move it to a more shady location or reduce the amount of water it receives.

Brown Leaves

The leaves of a submerged philodendron might start to turn brown. If so, up the amount of watering you give your plant while making sure there is still plenty of drainage space in the pot to prevent the onset of root rot.

Dark Leaf Spots Or Edges

Philodendron plants that are growing in areas with excessively bright light frequently suffer from leaf scorch. Dark leaf spots or dark leaf edges are how this manifests itself. Your plant should be moved to a more shaded location, and you should look for any indications of a fungus disease that might also cause dark spots.


How Old Is The Philodendron Erubescens?

When properly cared for, philodendrons can live up to 20 years. By ensuring your philodendron erubescens stays healthy, this houseplant can grow for years to come.

What Other Plants Resemble Philodendron Erubescens?

While there are hundreds of species of philodendron plants, there are similar varieties to philodendron erubescens with climbing growth habits and long, pointed leaves. Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ climbs sideways, and philodendron mamei offers silver variegation on its leaves.

What Can I Do To Hasten The Growth Of My Philodendron?

When given the right amount of light, water, and fertilizer for its requirements, your philodendron plant will grow the best and most quickly. Keep the plant in a location that receives plenty of bright, indirect light, and water it whenever the soil becomes dry. During the spring and summer growing seasons, a boost of fertilizer every two weeks to one month can also help your philodendron grow quickly.