How To Save A Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig Easily

fiddle leaf fig

A Fiddle Leaf Fig’s leaves will start to turn brown if you overwater it. Additionally, your plant’s leaves might drop off or turn yellow, and it might stop growing. Your plant may suffer this kind of damage from overwatering due to root rot, nutrient deficiencies, mineral buildup, and other issues.

Signs Of Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig

Root Rot

Brown spots can be seen on the edge and in the center of the leaves as a result of root rot. As a result, leaves start to fall.

Examine the roots closely to determine for certain whether your plant has root rot. Rotted roots will have a mushy, wet, and brown appearance.

Leaves Turn Brown and Wilt

Overwatering is evident if your plant’s leaves are turning brown and have shaded patches near the edges or in the center. In addition, the leaves will seem to shrivel and wilt.

Yellowing of Leaves

Yellowing leaves are a clear sign of overwatering. The lower leaves of the plant may experience this discoloration first.

Leaves Dropping

When a plant is attempting to conserve energy, leaves will fall from the plant. This frequently points to a problem inside the plant.

Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves falling off may indicate overwatering, which may have led to root rot or nutrient deficiencies.

Stunted Growth and Curled leaves

Fiddle Leaf Figs regularly develop new leaves. New growth will appear every 4 to 6 weeks.

Overwatering may be the cause of a decrease in new leaf growth. Additionally, it may make leaves curl.


Fiddle Leaf Fig plant leaves develop a dappling of tiny red or brown spots that are indicative of edema.

When a plant receives more water than it can handle, these spots develop on the surface.

The result is the bursting of leaf cell walls. The dark spots on the leaves are these dead cells.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

How To Fix Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig

You’ll be relieved to learn that you can start addressing the issue right away if you’ve noticed overwatering symptoms in your fiddle leaf fig.

You’ll find a number of suggestions for assisting your overwatered fiddle leaf fig in recovering below.

Repot Your Plant

If your plant is suffering from overwatering, repotting your Fiddle Leaf Fig will help for the following reasons:

  • Too much water may have soaked the soil. Start over in this situation if it will be helpful.
  • Since the original pot might not have had enough drainage, making sure there is good drainage will help prevent future overwatering.
  • The soil might have retained too much moisture if the container was too large for your plant, putting the plant’s roots and leaves (Edema) at risk of damage.

Instead of repotting with just soil, add 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of gravel to the pot’s bottom to aid in drainage. Place soil on top of the gravel.

If you want to make sure that extra water can drain easily, choose a pot with lots of large drainage holes in the bottom.

Every one to two years, you ought to repot your fiddle leaf fig. When repotting, pick a pot that is 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) larger in diameter than the one you previously used.

Repotting will address issues with poor drainage and waterlogged soil, which cause Fiddle Leaf Figs to be overwatered.

Don’t Overwater

You can take immediate action to ensure that you don’t continue to overwater your Fiddle Leaf Fig once you become aware that you have been doing so.

Measure the water you give your fiddle leaf fig and steer clear of sprinkling it on at random.

In accordance with their size, these plants only require 1 to 4 cups of water per week.

It’s crucial to measure the water and use it consistently to prevent unintentional overwatering.

This will prevent your plant from sitting in excess water, which is one of the biggest issues a Fiddle Leaf Fig can encounter.

Check The Lighting

Your Fiddle Leaf Fig’s water requirements will vary depending on how much light it receives.

Overwatering could cause root rot in a plant that doesn’t receive enough light. The warmth produced by light promotes the evaporation of soil-borne water.

Fiddle Leaf Figs favor open spaces with constant sunlight. It is best to keep leaves out of direct sunlight because it can cause leaf burn.

Avoid keeping your plant in the shade because this is where the issues with an overwatering start.

  • Temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 29 degrees Celsius) are ideal for fiddle leaf figs because they ensure that the soil doesn’t stay wet for an extended period of time.
  • Choose the best location for your Fiddle Leaf Fig by measuring the temperature of each room with a thermometer and taking into account its preference for strong light. (Source: Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University)

Follow A Watering Schedule

When they are watered, fiddle leaf figs can become sensitive. A simple way to make sure you’re not overwatering your plant is to adopt a regular watering schedule.

First off, Fiddle Leaf Figs should only be watered after the top 2 inches (5 cm) of soil feel dry to the touch.

Typically, these plants only need to be watered once every one to two weeks. Start noting when you water your fiddle leaf fig, and the following week, check the soil’s dryness.

Check again in a few days if the top two inches are still moist.

Calculate your watering schedule using the number of days it takes for the topsoil to completely dry out.

To maintain consistency, water your plant at the same rate each week.

It might not seem like enough to water your plant once every one to two weeks, but it’s crucial that the roots have time to dry out.

Your Fiddle Leaf Fig may experience root rot or other issues related to overwatering as a result of unnecessarily frequent watering.

Use A Moisture Meter

The overwatering issue can be effectively resolved with a moisture meter.

Moisture meters are small devices with “legs” which are placed into the soil. These “legs” have sensors that monitor the amount of moisture in the soil.

If the soil is dry, moist, or wet, the moisture meter’s display can indicate that.

This is a simple way to determine the environmental conditions close to your Fiddle Leaf Fig’s roots because, even if the topsoil seems dry, the roots may still be wet.

You can easily avoid overwatering by using a moisture meter to determine when the soil is dry enough to need watering.

Another excellent way to determine whether there are drainage issues in the pot, which will harm the roots, is to use a moisture meter.

Combat Root Rot

Overwatering your Fiddle Leaf Fig, which results in root rot, can be a serious issue. Because the roots are sitting in too much water, they rot.

When you see browning leaves, which could be a sign of root rot, act quickly. When brown spots cover the leaves, the leaves eventually fall off.

  • Start by looking for rot in the roots of your plant. Squeeze the planter’s base to break up the soil prior to removing your plant from its pot.
  • With care, take out your fiddle leaf fig from the container while holding it gently by the trunk.
  • Look at how the roots appear. You must pull out some roots if they are extremely soggy and look mushy and brown.
  • So that you can clearly see the roots, wash the root ball with water.
  • Remove any rotted, squishy, or brown roots with a pair of sharp pruning shears.
  • To prevent the rot from spreading, repot your plant in a fresh container with new gravel and soil.

Rot removal aids in resolving the current issue. You can prevent root rot by avoiding overwatering in the future:

Make sure your plant is in a pot that is the right size, has the right soil, gets the right amount of light, and receives the right amount and timing of watering.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

How To Water Fiddle Leaf Fig

When it comes to your fiddle leaf fig’s happiness, following a few basic watering guidelines can really make a difference.

The care of your plant will become much easier once you understand how it prefers to be watered.

Watering Rules

  • Never water the leaves; always water the soil. The roots of your plant won’t get enough water if water is sprayed directly on the leaves, which will also damage the leaves. Spritz water directly into the plant’s base’s soil.
  • Before watering, make certain the topsoil is completely dry. By doing this, the roots won’t be left sitting in excess water, which the Fiddle Leaf Fig absolutely detests!
  • Because cold water can shock the roots, these plants prefer lukewarm or room-temperature water.

Watering Frequency

  • Create a watering schedule to water your plant at the same time every week.
  • Only one watering every one to two weeks is necessary for fiddle leaf figs. Watch how long the topsoil takes to dry and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Water Quality

  • Chlorine and fluoride are two common chemicals found in tap water.
  • Tap water may also contain salt and minerals. Your fiddle leaf fig’s roots and leaves could burn if certain chemicals or minerals are present.
  • As it mimics the water in its natural habitat, rainwater collected from the roof is the best water to use on your plant.
  • As many of the chemicals and minerals have been removed, distilled or filtered water is preferable to tap water for your fiddle leaf fig.

External Factors Which Influence Watering Frequency

Consistency is key when caring for a fiddle leaf fig. This entails keeping an eye on outside factors and adjusting watering as necessary.

so that your plant is always receiving the same amount of moisture.

Water from the soil will evaporate more quickly in areas with lots of sunlight.

You may need to modify your watering schedule if it is particularly sunny or warm to account for the water loss brought on by the temperature.

Water does not evaporate as quickly in humid conditions. If there is a lot of humidity, you might not need to water your plant as frequently because the air is so moist.

Similar to this, you might need to give your Fiddle Leaf Fig a little bit more water where it’s less humid.

What Your Fiddle Leaves Are Telling You

When there is a problem, fiddle leaf figs are excellent at communicating. These are the most common signs that your Fiddle Leaf is crying for help:

  • Brown Spots– Usually denote some watering stress is present. Spots can develop as a result of excessive watering or poor drainage, which can also result in fungi like root rot.
  • Yellowing Leaves– This sign is caused by a few different things. Yellowing leaves are typically a result of inadequate sunlight, nutrient deficiency, excessive fertilization, and an imbalance of water. Check out our more detailed advice on how to identify and treat yellowing leaves if you’re unsure of why your plant’s leaves are yellow.
  • Leaf Drop– The most frequent causes of this symptom in Fiddle Leaf Figs are variations in temperature and light, as well as an inconsistent watering schedule. Check out our blog on how to deal with leaf drops to learn more about the problems that other houseplants face.
fiddle leaf fig


How Can A Fiddle Leaf Fig Be Saved From Death?

Give it enough sunlight – in a bright room for at least a few hours a day

Keep it away from drafts and cold air.

Rain or distilled water should be used to water every 10 to 14 days.

Check for root rot and get rid of it if it’s there.

Place the seedling in a pot with good drainage holes and a soil and gravel mix.

If the stem is crooked and the plant is very sick, chop it off at the base, leaving 12 inches (30 cm) of the stem, and it should regrow.

What Symptoms Indicate Root Rot In A Fiddle Leaf Fig?

The leaves of a fiddle leaf fig will display symptoms of root rot.


On the leaf’s middle and edges, there will start to appear and spread dark brown spots.

There will be a leaf fall.

The presence of root rot can be verified by inspecting the roots. Roots that are rotting will appear moist, brown, and mushy.

Does My Fiddle Leaf Fig Need Any Brown Leaves Removed?

Wait a few weeks before removing any brown leaves that have already started to appear; if the leaves are not too badly damaged, they might even start to recover.

Instead of completely removing the leaves, it is preferable to cut out the brown portions.

After a few weeks, if the leaf hasn’t healed, remove it with sterile shears.