When And How To Fertilize Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

fiddle leaf fig

Due to the size and density of their leaves, fiddle-leaf fig plants require fertilizer for healthy growth. Fertilizing a fiddle leaf fig plant at all is a common error people make, which leads to your plant’s slow growth and poor general health. It’s crucial to pick the best fiddle leaf fig fertilizer so that your plant can support those large, gorgeous leaves and develop into a strong tree.

For all of their nutritional needs, potted fiddle leaf figs rely on their potting soil, unlike plants that are grown outdoors in the wild where roots can reach deeper for more food and nutrients are added to the soil naturally as plant and animal matter decomposes. It’s likely that your fiddle leaf fig needs fertilizer badly if you haven’t given it a new pot in over a year.

If your fiddle doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, you might notice slow or stunted growth, smaller leaves, or leaf discoloration ranging from yellowing to browning

When To Fertilize Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

It is best to fertilize your Fiddle Leaf Fig primarily in the growing seasons of spring and summer. I typically water my fiddle leaf fig once per week. I’ll then take it outside once a month (or every four weeks) to fertilize it while I water it. Additionally, now is a good time to hose the leaves down to remove any dust. I then water it with a solution of liquid fertilizer. If you’d rather, you can fertilize for maintenance once every two weeks or once every week with a more diluted mixture.

Follow the recipe’s instructions when preparing the mixture. 10mL per gallon (almost 4 liters) is a good regular dosage if you’re using the product I’ve suggested. If you’re using a different fertilizer, keep in mind that the dosage may change depending on the fertilizer’s concentration. Always read the instructions and use the fertilizer as directed.

After that, keep watering the plant until the excess runs out of the pot’s bottom. For mine, this typically amounts to 3-5 liters; be sure it’s saturated! Making sure your fiddle leaf fig pot has a drainage hole in the bottom is crucial for this step. If it doesn’t, it might drop leaves or develop other issues, like root rot. I then take it back inside after leaving it outside for a few hours until the drip stops. I use a weaker mixture when fertilizing my plants in the winter because I don’t do it very often. Your fiddle leaf fig typically slows down during the winter, making fertilizing less necessary.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

It is best to completely saturate fiddle leaf figs when watering and fertilizing because they prefer a lot of water but not frequently. This ensures that nutrients are distributed equally to all of the roots. When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry, it is generally best to water them. To determine whether the soil is sufficiently dry to re-water, feel the soil or use a dependable moisture meter.

Your plant may require less watering once you start to completely saturate it with each watering. This is due to the fact that the time between waterings will take longer for the soil to dry out. This is perfectly normal.

Fiddle Leaf Fig fertilization has additional advantages for the plant’s health. Shorter lead spacing on the stem will aid in the development of a robust root system and trunk, giving your fiddle leaf fig a more lush appearance. fiddle leaf figs benefit greatly from this because they are prone to leaning due to their thin natural trunks and enormous leaves.

So there you have it—all the information you need to fertilize your fiddle leaf fig! The reputation of fiddle leaf fig for slow growth may exist. However, if you provide the ideal conditions for them, including the proper fertilizer, you can have your Ficus Lyrata growing in lush leaps and bounds. In order to see your Ficus transform into a Frankenstein plant, make sure you address all of the additional factors that may have an impact on the growth of your FLF.

I’ll never again skip fertilizing my fiddle leaf fig! I can’t wait to see how much it grows in just one more season. Do you want to know more about fiddle leaf figs? Visit my other well-liked posts right here.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

How Often To Fertilize A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Your ability to apply fertilizer frequently and the environment in which your fiddle leaf fig is growing are two factors that affect how frequently your plant needs it. An organic slow-release fertilizer may be preferable to applying liquid fertilizer more frequently if it is simpler for you to apply it once a year.

A fiddle leaf fig can receive liquid fertilizers every two to four weeks with water, but some fiddle leaf fig parents will administer a very diluted dose of liquid fertilizer once every week or two with their typical watering schedule. Generally speaking, fertilizer should only be applied to plants during the spring and summer growing seasons. This will apply to your fiddle leaf as well, depending on where you are.


After letting your plant rest for several months, the best time to begin fertilizing it is at the start of spring. For many plants, especially those that are tropical houseplants but don’t live in tropical environments, spring is the time of year when they grow the fastest. The ideal conditions for fiddle leaf fig trees include increased outdoor light, higher air moisture levels, and warmer temperatures.


In the summer, plants benefit from longer days and warm temperatures by growing steadily. If you applied solid fertilizer to your fiddle leaf tree at the start of the growing season, you can conduct a soil nutrient test to determine the levels of the NPK macronutrients and add a second application as required.

Make sure you are not overapplying if you have been consistently giving your fiddle leaf diluted fertilizer servings with regular waterings. A fiddle leaf plant prefers slightly more fertilizer than the average plant, but too much fertilizer can easily harm it.

Fall And Winter

Plants enter dormant states, where they conserve energy and slow their growth, in climates where winter lows are below freezing. The daylight hours are also shorter and the air is dryer. As their energy-conserving states won’t allow them to absorb the additional nutrients, plants shouldn’t be fertilized when they are dormant. The delicate roots of the fiddle leaf can be stressed and harmed by excessive fertilizer, especially synthetic varieties made of salt-based concentrations.

A steady supply of diluted liquid or twice-yearly applications of organic fertilizer would be the best course of action if fiddle leaf figs were growing in a tropical region where there were no cold seasons.

What Is The Ideal Fertilizer?

Native to subtropical and tropical gardens, fiddle leaf figs are well-liked ornamental trees. They serve as an eye-catching centerpiece for any home thanks to their distinctive, banjo-like leaves, which can get up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. Their leaves also have a leathery texture and prominent veins. They have won the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society and are well-liked among interior designers.

They require fertilizers with a high nitrogen content because of their thick, emerald-green foliage, which aids in promoting leafy growth. With an NPK ratio of 3-1-2, they grow most robustly.

Two main factors typically determine a plant’s product quality. The NPK ratio is the first consideration, followed by the quality of the ingredients. A quality product will ultimately encourage proper root growth while also assisting in your tree’s growth into a strong and healthy specimen.

Types Of Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizers

Compared to other houseplants, your fiddle leaf fig tree is a bit more difficult to care for and has more specific fertilizer needs. For a fiddle leaf, which has large leaves and small roots, the ideal NPK ratio is 3-1-2 (or 6-2-4). Although a balanced fertilizer will make it happy, it uses more nitrogen and less phosphorus. Fiddle leaf figs, like most indoor plants, prefer a slightly acidic soil, whereas too much phosphorus can make the soil too alkaline and nutrient-restrictive. When phosphorus builds up in the soil due to unused amounts, it can prevent the availability of iron and other micronutrients.

1. Liquid Fertilizers

Fiddle leaf fig plants prefer the direct and concentrated nutrients found in liquid fertilizers, which are similar to those found in their natural environment. These plants, which resemble a monstera or jade plant, have roots that are relatively small for their mature size. Instead of their roots, fiddle leaf figs store the majority of their moisture in their woody stems and leaves.

A fiddle leaf can be given liquid fertilizers more frequently and at a lower concentration, simulating the familiarity it has with a steady supply of nutrients. Furthermore, their roots are less stressed by a light, regular supply.

2. Slow-release Organic

Slow-release organic fertilizer is the next best option for a fiddle leaf tree if you don’t use liquid fertilizer. Since roots prefer to be root-bound in their pots (more roots mean less soil to hold and act as a buffer against solid fertilizers), this will provide a slow, steady flow of nutrients that won’t burn the somewhat delicate roots. A plant’s root system can be burned and harmed by fertilizer that is released too quickly.

3. Granular Fertilizers

Although they release nutrients more quickly than slow-release formulas and materials, granular fertilizers remain in the soil longer than liquid fertilizers. But there are granular products made specifically for fiddle leaf figs that deliver a gentle, specially formulated balance of nutrients for their unique needs.

Fiddle Leaf Fig


If I Overfertilize My Fiddle Leaf Fig, What Should I Do?

There are various methods you can use to deal with an over-application of fertilizer, depending on the type that you used. Don’t add any more fertilizer, in any case! Liquid fertilizer should be rinsed out over several waterings if you accidentally added a little bit too much. It might be necessary to rinse the roots of the plant and repot it in new soil if you’ve added too much liquid or solid fertilizer. However, because many potting soils contain fertilizer, take caution. You should look for fertilizer additives in an all-purpose potting soil if you use it. Your fiddle leaf should be able to recover in soft, organic material-based soil. A root repair product can aid in the root regeneration of your fiddle leaf tree, resulting in a robust, healthy tree.