Why Are My Bird Of Paradise’s Leaves Curling? With Solutions

The Bird of Paradise

Insufficient water and low humidity are the main causes of leaf curling on bird of paradise plants. But there are other factors that can cause leaves to curl, such as poor water or soil quality, cool temperatures, improper lighting, improper fertilization, pests, diseases, being rootbound, and transplant stress.

What Causes Bird Of Paradise Leaves To Curl?

As a 5 to 30 foot (1.5-9 m) (1.5-9 m) (1.5-9 m) (natural form), bird of paradise.) tall tree. There are various types, but they all have enormous paddle-shaped leaves that are initially curled tubes from the main body. As the leaves ripen, they unfold, but even mature foliage has an edge curve. A tropical plant with 18-inch (46 cm.) long leaves on average, grows out of the main crown in a clump. On bird of paradise plants, a slight amount of leaf curl is typical; however, on occasion, these plants may exhibit a more pronounced curvature as well as other damage indicators.

1. Watering/humidity Issues

Most of the time, soil that is just slightly damp is what the bird of paradise prefers. It won’t tolerate complete dehydration in between waterings very well.

The leaves large surface area can also make it simpler for them to lose moisture, but high humidity can thwart this process.


Keep up a regular schedule for watering your bird of paradise.

When the top few inches of soil are dry, water it well. Until you’ve established the ideal watering schedule for your plant and environment, check the plant frequently.

By using a humidifier, misting the leaves twice weekly, or placing a pebble tray under the plant, you can maintain high humidity.

I recommend using this ultra-quiet humidifier with a rotating nozzle so that you can accurately direct the mist straight toward the plant.


2. Water Quality Issues

Your local area may have different levels of chemicals and trace minerals in your tap water.

These substances may occasionally be present at levels that are harmful to your bird of paradise’s health.


Use only filtered water for your bird of paradise if you know your water is particularly hard or if you just want to be proactive.

You can let your watering can (filled with tap water) sit outside all night before watering if you are especially worried about chlorine. This effectively eliminates most of the chlorine.

3. Temperature Issues

An environment between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for the tropical plant known as the bird of paradise.


All year long, keep the temperature moderate to warm. Furthermore, avoid placing the bird of paradise too close to a heater or a vent for an air conditioner.

4. Lighting Issues

Very bright indirect light or a little bit of sunlight will be beneficial for your bird of paradise. Uncertain of the precise distinction? All of it is explained here.

However, it still has a “goldilocks” zone where too much direct sun can cause leaf burn and curling. The leaves will wilt and curl, however, if there is insufficient light.


Find a spot in your home with bright, indirect light and/or some direct light for your bird of paradise.

But the direct sunlight shouldn’t be the piercing midday light that many regions experience in the summer.

5. Soil Issues

To keep vibrant, healthy leaves on your bird of paradise plant, it is crucial to plant it in soil with the right nutrients, pH, and structure.

Due to its heavy feeding habits, the bird of paradise requires nutrient-rich, well-draining soil to thrive.

Overfertilizing, however, can contaminate the plant and poison its roots. A soil’s pH should range from 5.5 to 7.5 to be considered the best soil.


Use sulfur or peat moss to lower the pH of your soil mixture.

Remove the top few inches of soil from your bird of paradise plant and replace it if you think you overfertilized it.

Take your plant outside and give the soil a thorough rinsing several times, letting each time soil dry completely.

For poor-quality soil, consider repotting your bird of paradise in fresh, quality potting soil (like this organic mix) or adding a couple of inches of fresh soil to the pot.

6. Pest Issues

Any common pest that affects houseplants can infest birds of paradise.

The most aesthetic harm to the leaves will be done by insects that feed on sap, such as mealybugs, scales, mites, and thrips.


Regularly check your plant for pest activity. Treat the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil at the first sign of any pests.

As a preventative measure, you can also treat the plant every month or every other month.

7. Disease Issues

Since the bird of paradise likes moisture, fungus infection is always a possibility. Leaf spot and root rot are two common names for this.

While root rot can frequently get out of control before the plant can be saved, leaf spot is usually treatable and containable.


After root rot is discovered, any parts of the plant that can still be used can be cleaned with diluted hydrogen peroxide and then replanted in fresh soil and a fresh container.

For leaf spot, treat the infected area with a copper-based fungicide.

8. Repotting Issues

Every couple of years (at the very least) your bird of paradise will need to have its pot replaced.

When roots are confined to nutrient-poor soil, they are unable to transport and absorb the water and other resources the plant requires.

Your plant might experience transfer shock after being replanted, which could also cause leaf curl.


If your bird of paradise plant displays any signs of being rootbound, such as roots poking through the soil surface or drainage holes, it may be time to repot it.

Try to disturb the plant as little as possible to avoid transfer shock. Maintain the same watering and fertilizing routines while relocating it to the same spot.

Even if the leaves curl after repotting, the plant should recover in a few weeks.

The Basic Care Requirements

The Bird of Paradise


Direct or indirect bright light is necessary for your bird of paradise. Basically, put your plant in the room that receives the most sunlight. It would be ideal to place this close to a window that faces south and gets direct sunlight.


What about water? Before watering again, let the top 50 percent of the soil completely dry out. This might happen every one to two weeks, depending on the environment in your home and the dirt you selected. During dormancy, let your plant dry out even more.

Bird of Paradise plants are sensitive to chemicals. If you are using tap water, you should let your water “rest” overnight, which will allow some of the harmful chemicals to evaporate. Another great option is to use filtered, distilled, or rainwater.


Bird of Paradise plants can survive with normal household humidity levels. However, higher humidity is required to produce a thriving, lush specimen. How are you going to do that?

  1. Summer Vacation: During the summer, outdoor humidity is frequently much higher than indoor humidity. When it’s warm outside, put your Bird of Paradise there. If you reside in Hardiness Zones 9 through 11, you may leave your plant outside all year.
  2. A humidifier: The easiest way to increase the humidity in your home is to buy a filterless humidifier. All your houseplants will thank you, including your Bird of Paradise.
  3. Create a Cluster: Humidity is generated by plants. Create a mini-ecosystem by gathering a few plants together.


During the first two weeks of the spring growing season, you should fertilize your Bird of Paradise. During the summer months, “back off” to once a month. While a plant is dormant, avoid fertilizing.


This adaptable plant can grow in a wide range of soil types, but its preferred soil type is nutrient-rich and well-draining. Add more peat moss, sand, and perlite to a traditional potting mix for improved drainage.


Your Bird of Paradise enjoys temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees during the growing season, with lows of 50 degrees at night.


The Bird of Paradise

The Leaves On My Bird Of Paradise Are Splitting; Why?

because they should! Yes, your bird of paradise naturally splits its own leaves along the horizontal axis. You’re not acting improperly at all!

They do this because wind gusts could easily damage their large, parachute-like leaves, so they split the leaves themselves. Therefore, wind won’t harm your plant as it passes through easily.

If these splits are messing with your decor aesthetic, there are a few ways you can “slow down” the process:

  1. Keep vents and drafts away from your Bird of Paradise.
  2. Boost your humidity.
  3. Maintain a good care schedule.
  4. Cut off the ugly leaves an inch above where they emerge from the plant as your plant grows new leaves. A leaf’s likelihood of having multiple splits increases with age.

Why Are The Leaves On My Bird Of Paradise Yellowing?

You shouldn’t be overly concerned if one or two random leaves yellow here and there. Especially vulnerable to moisture changes that can occasionally be unavoidable are Bird of Paradise plants. (Elderly leaves will also by nature turn yellow (let’s be honest!).

Are there several yellow leaves on your plant? This is most frequently a sign of watering issues, but humidity and fertilizer can also come into play.

  • Have you increased the humidity in the area around your plant?
  • Has your Bird of Paradise recently received fertilization?
  • Is your plant rooted in place?
  • Do you maintain a wholesome watering schedule? Lack of water is indicated by yellowing that stops at a leaf’s edges. Overwatering is indicated by leaves that completely turn yellow (or by leaves with yellow bottoms).

Why Are The Leaves On My Bird Of Paradise Turning Brown?

Your Bird of Paradise’s leaves could also have browning issues in addition to curling and yellowing. When we think of “brown tips,” a few things usually come to mind: underwatering and humidity issues. But the Bird of Paradise has an exciting plot twist: brown edges can indicate overwatering in some cases. How can you distinguish between the two?

  • Brown outer edges with a yellow “halo”: if your brown edges are outlined with yellow, this means that you are overwatering your plant. Drooping frequently goes hand in hand with these symptoms. Less frequently water your plant. In severe cases, look for evidence of root rot in the roots of your plant. Allow the root ball to dry out for a few hours before repotting if your soil feels soggy (looks muddy) at that point. Make sure your container has adequate drainage, and repot your plant in soil that drains well.
  • If your Bird of Paradise’s leaf edges is curling inward, crispy tips, and completely brown, shriveled bottom leaves: this signals underwatering, which is relatively easy to bounce back from. Increase your watering frequency while making sure that each time you soak the soil completely. Water your plant from the bottom to rehydrate the soil.
  • Bird of Paradise’s leaves that are curling (almost creating a spiral, with the tip of the leaf curling towards the stem) and shriveled big leaves: indicate a lack of light. Because some of the large leaves will appear distorted, these symptoms are difficult to ignore. This is typically accompanied by disfigured, discolored, or stubborn new growth.

What Kind Of Fertilizer Works Best For Bird Of Paradise?

Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food will provide your bird of paradise all the nutrients it needs.

When used in accordance with the instructions, this solution feeds your plant for up to six months and won’t burn it.

What Causes The Lean In My Bird Of Paradise?

If your bird of paradise is sagging, there is typically a health issue. This might be the result of transplant shock or root rot.

The plant might also be getting an uneven amount of sun exposure or not enough water.


You can undoubtedly avoid the broad, lovely leaves on your bird of paradise from curling by giving it the proper care.

However, if you ever experience curling leaves, the information above can assist you in troubleshooting.