Why Are My Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow-How to Fix


Various factors could be at play if your Monstera’s leaves are turning yellow, improper watering, light, fertilization, temperature, repotting, etc. Here, we’ll go over 12 reasons that could cause your Monstera leaves to turn yellow, along with the most effection solutions.

The Reasons Why Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow


1. Improper Watering


The yellowing of your Monstera plant’s leaves can be brought on by underwatering. Fortunately, this problem is very simple to fix and is much less likely to kill your plant.

Checking to see if your plant is actually underwater is a good idea first. Your Monstera probably needs some watering if you stick your finger in the soil and pull it out dry.

Your Monstera Adansonii or Monstera Deliciosa will exhibit underwatering symptoms such as drooping, yellowing, curling, and light brown and crispy leaves. Your plant needs some extra thorough watering because the potting soil is so dry. You must move your Monstera to a location where you can provide it with plenty of water, such as in the shower or outside with a hose. You might need a friend’s assistance to carry your Monstera plant if it is large.

Once the water starts to drip out of the bottom of the container, water your Monstera some more. The soil may turn hydrophobic after drying out for a long time. The soil won’t be able to absorb water effectively as a result. Therefore, be sure to have a good watering schedule so that you don’t harm the plant and the soil at the same time.

Watch the soil moisture and the yellow Monstera leaves after you’ve given your plant plenty of water. It might be necessary to increase the regularity of your Monstera plant’s watering.

Even after giving your Monstera a good watering, more leaves may start to turn yellow, which could indicate that your plant has other issues like pests or diseases.


If you notice that the leaves on your Monstera are turning yellow, you need to check the soil for excess moisture. Pull it out of the potting soil after sticking your finger in it.

  • Does the soil have a somewhat rotten or funky odor?
  • Is the soil soggy?
  • Is it wet?

If you responded in the affirmative to each of these queries, your Swiss cheese plant is probably suffering from root rot brought on by overwatering. If root rot is actually the issue, you will need to completely repot your plant.

Additionally, the leaves of an overwatered Monstera Adansonii or Deliciosa plant will droop, get brown spots, and turn yellow. A fungus growth on the topsoil is also a possibility, and the soil will take a very long time to dry out.

Recall that excessive soil moisture retention and frequent irrigation cause overwatering. not by how much water you water it with each time.

You must first check the soil to make sure it isn’t wet before watering your Swiss cheese plant. If the soil doesn’t appear to be overly wet, water it until water begins to drain through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

Before performing any maintenance or care, especially before you water it because it could make the issue worse, make sure your Monstera plant doesn’t have root rot because it can quickly kill it.

2. Improper Light


Monsteras prefer moderate levels of lighting, much like they do with temperature and water. Insufficient or excessive lighting can cause the leaves of monsteras to turn yellow. Fortunately, it’s simple to solve this issue!

Too Little Light

It becomes a little tricky when there is not enough light. Yellow leaves on your Monstera may be a secondary sign of overwatering rather than a direct result of not getting enough light.

Your Monstera Deliciosa or Adansonii plant will grow more slowly if it doesn’t receive enough light. So it doesn’t need a lot of water or fertilizer. In these circumstances, it is much simpler to overwater your Monstera plant, which will cause the leaves to yellow.

Other signs of lack of light include the following:

  • Between irrigations, the soil takes a while to dry out.
  • Leaning in or out of the direction of the window, stem.
  • Stunted growth.
  • smaller leaves with fewer splits, holes, and fenestration, or none at all!
  • Etiolation, also known as an extended stem seeks light. Your plant will appear leggy or spindly.

You must inspect your Swiss cheese plant’s roots for any potential root rot if it displays any of these symptoms and starts to produce yellow leaves. Just take the plant out of the pot to inspect it.

Your Monstera may experience some stress as a result of this, but if root rot is allowed to spread, your plant may experience even greater stress. You must repot your plant into fresh potting soil if the issue is actually root rot.

You need to try to find a new location for your Monstera plant if you want to prevent future excessive watering brought on by a lack of light. Ideally, place it nearer a window that faces west or south. If you can’t do this, you need to think about getting your plant a grow light.

Too Much Light: Yellow Monstera Leaf Burn

Swiss cheese plants don’t typically thrive in direct sunlight, as we’ve already mentioned. Leaf burn will result from excessive direct light on the leaves.

A burned area on a Monstera leaf will turn crispy and dark brown or black as a result of too much light. The areas of the leaf closest to the affected area will also turn yellow.

The entire leaf may or may not die and fall off depending on the extent of the scorching. If your plant is placed in front of a west or south-facing window, this is more likely to occur. Moving your Swiss Cheese plant a few feet away from a location that receives excessive light will prevent leaf burn.

3. Temperature And Humidity

These plants require moderate temperatures and humidity levels to be maintained when grown indoors. If it’s too cold, their growth and ability to thrive may be stunted. They could quickly dry out and perish if it gets too hot. Although they prefer warmer temperatures during the winter, humidity must be maintained and they cannot be allowed to dry out, which can be a problem with heating. During the winter, when indoor humidity may be low, misting the monstera plant once a day can help.

4. Pests

Monstera that is stressed or weaker are more prone to insect infestations. Spider mites and other insects that feed on plant sap can dehydrate your plant. Leaflets and fronds start to yellow, which is a problem that shows up quickly. In an indoor environment, scale, mealybugs, and spider mites are frequently present. These tiny pests multiply and move into nooks and crannies along frond parts if they are not eliminated at an early stage. The insects’ piercing mouths exhaust your plant and hasten yellowing, particularly if your Monstera is already unwell due to inadequate lighting, nutrient deficiency, or insufficient soil moisture.

5. Fertilization

Due to their slower growth rates, most house plants do not require a lot of fertilizer, but the Monstera plant can benefit from sporadic fertilization with a nitrogen-rich mix. The longer a plant is kept indoors in a pot, the more likely nutrient deficiency will develop. As a plant that primarily produces foliage, nitrogen will benefit it by keeping the leaves lush and vibrant. Although overfertilizing can burn the roots and stems and cause yellow leaves as the fertilizer burn spreads through the plant, it must be done sparingly and carefully. The ideal time to apply a light mixture of nitrogen-rich fertilizer is once a year, just before the warmer months.

6. The Soil Mix

Choosing the right soil mix for your Monstera deliciosa is another crucial factor affecting growth. The plant prefers soil that drains well and lets oxygen get to the roots. A Monstera leaf or two will frequently turn yellow when planted in a heavy, wet soil mixture.

If you suspect that the soil moisture is the issue, you should re-pot your monstera plant using a quality aroid mix or amend the potting soil by adding some perlite or orchid bark.

7. Potting Container

Monstera plants require a container with drainage holes. Drainage holes avoid soggy conditions that lead to yellow leaves and root rot. They also prevent waterlogging.

Taking into account the pot’s size is another important step. When you use a pot that is too big for your plant, the roots won’t have enough room to fill the container, leaving the extra soil moist and encouraging root rot.


8. The Seasons

Seasons can indirectly cause yellow leaves on Monstera plants, just like other external factors. For instance, the plant is more susceptible to overwatering during the winter because the soil dries out more slowly. Seasonal changes result in variations in temperature, which can also cause the yellowing of the leaves.

To prevent any further yellowing, try to maintain consistency in your indoor environment.

9. The Effects Of Pruning

The first step in caring for a Monstera is routine pruning. Monstera plants can use their resources more effectively by cutting off or removing damaged or dying leaves, which stops the leaves from turning yellow.

On the other hand, excessive pruning can shock the plant, which also causes the leaves to turn yellow. Always cut above a node to encourage new growth, and avoid removing too much of the plant at once. Because monstera plants are thought to be only slightly toxic, it is best to handle them while wearing gloves.

10. Moving The Plant To A New Location

A stressed plant will show signs of yellowing leaves. Houseplants like Monstera experience significant stress when moved from one location to another. A Monstera plant needs time to adapt to its new surroundings when you move it to a new location or bring it home from a store.

It may consequently lose some of its leaves and have some of them turn yellow. Despite this, there is no reason to be alarmed. Once the plant has adjusted, it will eventually recover and return to a healthier state.

11. Repotting

Repotting is another procedure that, if carried out incorrectly, may stress Monstera plants.

When you repot a plant at the wrong time of year, you cause transplant shock, which results in yellow leaves. It may also occur if you use a different variety of potting soil or if you transplant a plant while leaving the aerial root (rather than the roots below the soil) exposed for an extended period of time.

12. Natural Process

A yellow leaf can occasionally just be a yellow leaf. The size of the new leaves on your Swiss cheese plant increases as it develops. A small, aged leaf that doesn’t photosynthesize as much as a new one doesn’t warrant the continued effort.

The plant will therefore absorb any nutrients from that old leaf before letting it fall off. Chlorosis and leaf yellowing will result from this.

You shouldn’t be concerned if your Monstera only has one single yellow leaf that extends all the way to the ground and the rest of the plant appears healthy and is still growing.



Do I Need To Remove The Monstera’s Yellow Leaves?

The condition that is turning the leaves of your Monstera yellow must be evaluated for severity and the underlying cause. In cases where mild leaf yellowing is simply the result of partial dehydration, a thorough soak will restore the leaves’ vibrant green color. Use a sharp knife or cutting scissors to make a close cut to the plant’s base to completely remove any leaves that seem to be in particularly bad shape.

Can The Yellow Monstera Leaves Turn Green Once More?

Yellowing leaves are usually a sign that the plant has been under stress. Although they typically remain yellow, the leaves occasionally turn green in very mild conditions.

How Can Yellow Leaves On Monstera Be Fixed?

Your best bet is to evaluate the general health of your Monstera plant and make sure it receives the right amount of light throughout the day, has consistent water cycles, and has the right drainage. Don’t forget to give your plant nutritional supplements, especially in the spring and summer.

What Can Be Done To Remedy Overwatered Monstera?

Overwatering of your Monstera plant will manifest itself in yellowing leaves. Before thinking about watering again, make sure your plant has adequate drainage and give the soil time to almost completely dry out. It is wise to remove the Monstera plant from its potting container and check the roots for any rot or decay if the plant’s health is especially poor. Cut away any afflicted areas and repot the plant in well-draining soil if they are present.

What Nutrient Deficiency In Monstera Plants Results In Yellow Leaves?

Usually, a lack of nitrogen in the soil or a deficiency in micronutrients like iron and zinc are the main causes of nutrient deficiencies in Monstera plants. A good soil mixture and/or a good liquid organic fertilizer for houseplants can supplement all of these.