Why Is My Monstera Drooping: 10 Common Reasons And How To Fix

why is my monstera drooping

The most frequent cause of drooping monstera leaves is lack of water. Always having a little moisture in the soil is what they prefer. Other contributing factors include poor drainage, pests, insufficient light, and poor fertilizer. The most crucial step in restoring health to your plant is figuring out the issue.

Common Reasons For Drooping Monstera Plants:

As much as we’d like there to be just one reason for a monstera plant to droop, it’s more difficult to pinpoint the root of the problem. Look over the list of potential causes to see if any of them apply to your monstera.

1) Lack Of Water

Underwatering is one of the most frequent reasons for drooping monstera leaves. If your soil is dry and your leaves are limp and drooping, a lack of water is probably to blame.

In this case, give your plant more frequent watering. When the soil’s top two inches are dry, water your monstera.

To make sure it can hold enough water, you should also look into the potting mixture. If it starts to dry out just a few days after you water it, you might want to repot it in a soil mixture that retains more moisture.

If your soil is extremely dry, you might find that watering causes the soil to dry out very quickly. If so, put your planter in a dish with some water in it that is about an inch deep. For the water to reach the soil, leave the pot submerged in the water for about an hour.

why is my monstera drooping

2) Overwatering

Despite the fact that monstera plants are just as prone to overwatering as other plants. Water is necessary for plants, but too much water can lead to issues like root rot.

Remember to only water your plant when the top two inches of soil are dry.

3) Poor Drainage

Even if you water your plant according to the recommended schedule, potting soil that doesn’t drain well can cause saturated soil. Problems can also arise from a container without any holes for drainage.

A well-draining potting mix should always be used. Sand, perlite, and larger particles like pine bark fines can all help with drainage.

Also, make sure the drainage holes in the planter for your monsteras are open to let water drain.

4) Root Rot

A group of fungal illnesses known as “root rot” target the roots of plants.

While root rot can happen under a variety of circumstances, it happens more frequently when the soil is moist. Thus, inadequate drainage and excessive watering can promote the growth of root rot.

The roots will become slimy and eventually start to fall apart as the fungi attack them. These roots have trouble absorbing water, as you may have guessed. Next, the leaves start to droop.

The best way to treat root rot is to take the plant out of the pot and look at the roots. Remove any damaged or dead parts.

Repot your monstera next using a well-draining potting mix, and make sure the pot has drainage holes. From this point forward, ensure that you water only when the potting soil’s top few inches are dry.

5) Lack Of Nutrients

Although not frequently the reason for wilting monstera leaves, this is a possibility.

One food group to pay close attention to is potassium. This component is essential for both water absorption and water transfer within the plant.

6) Root Bound

Your monstera plant will develop root encumbrance once it has outgrown its container and its roots have nowhere else to go. The plant becomes stressed as a result.

Drooping leaves may result a result. Repot your plant in a bigger container if the roots are confined to it. You might also think about growing additional Monstera plants.

7) Low Humidity

Between 40 and 80%, relative humidity is preferred by monstera plants. Your plants might become unhappy if your home is dry. Drooping leaves are one of the most obvious indications of low humidity.

Using a humidifier is the most effective way to raise the humidity. Another option is to frequently spritz water around your plant, but this is only a temporary fix.


8) Cold Temperatures And Drafts

The monstera plant may start to pout if the temperature falls below 65°F. Aim to maintain the air at 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Even if your house is warm, cold drafts could still harm your plant. Make sure your monstera is not close to any exterior doors, drafty windows, air conditioning vents, or other cold-air sources.

9) Poor Light Conditions

Even though monstera plants dislike direct sunlight, they still require a lot of bright light. If you put them somewhere dark, they won’t grow well (yellowing monstera leaves or brown spots are another common sign).

Make sure your plant is located somewhere that gets bright light for at least six hours per day.

10) Sap-sucking Pests

Monstera plants are occasionally attacked by tiny pests like thrips, aphids, and spider mites. These minuscule pests ingest monstera sap using their sucking mouthparts.

Some of these pests are usually not a problem, but larger infestations can cause a plant to wilt.

A soapy rag can be used to get rid of a few pests. But if the infestation is more extensive, you might need to spray the pests with neem oil, insecticidal soap, or horticultural oil.

How To Fix A Drooping Monstera Plant

Although it should go without saying, the cause of your drooping monstera will determine how to treat it. You should water your plant more, not less, if it needs more water. Additionally, you should cut back on watering if your monstera is being overwatered.

Having said that, sometimes reading through the list of monstera plant care requirements is the best course of action. You can ensure everything is in its proper place and alignment in this manner.

Potting Mix

Monstera plants of all varieties prefer potting soil that is well-drained and aerated. This mixture ought to have some moisture-holding capacity though, in between waterings.

Your soil may stay saturated if you use potting soil that doesn’t drain well. Your plant’s risk of developing root rot will increase if this occurs.

However, too much perlite or sand in the soil may cause it to drain too quickly. This might make it difficult for your monstera plant to access enough water.

You can mix four parts pine bark fines, one part perlite, and one part coco coir to create your own potting soil.

You could also purchase potting soil with peat as the base and then add extra pine bark fines or perlite to it.

See our comprehensive article on the ideal soil mixture for monstera for more information.

why is my monstera drooping


Monstera plants prefer direct, but strong, light. Their leaves can be harmed by direct sunlight, but complete shade may result in a general lack of vigor.

A few feet away from a window that faces the south or west or inside a light-filled room are good places to put your monstera.

Temperature & Humidity

Monsteras are tropical plants, so keep that in mind! It follows that they enjoy a warm, muggy climate.

The ideal range for the temperature and humidity is between 65°F and 85°F.

These plants enjoy a warm environment, but they don’t like direct heat sources. Therefore, keep them away from radiators, fireplaces, and heating vents.

Use a humidifier to increase the humidity if your home’s air is dry. All of your other tropical indoor plants will benefit from this, in addition to your monstera.

Watering Cycles

As we previously mentioned, drooping leaves can result from both underwatering and overeating. For this reason, you must strike the ideal balance between providing just enough but not too much water.

A good general rule of thumb is to water when the top two inches of soil are dry. To check the soil’s moisture content, simply stick your finger on it.

Make sure the soil is well-watered. Don’t forget to remove any extra water that has accumulated in a drainage dish.

See our thorough guide to watering monstera plants for more information.


Although monstera plants don’t require much food, they will benefit from routine fertilization.

Pick a balanced indoor plant fertilizer and diluted it by half. Ideally, fertilize your plants twice a year—once in the spring and once in the summer.

Neither the fall nor the winter requires fertilization.

Pests & Diseases

Sucking insects like aphids, spider mites, and thrips are the most frequent pests of monstera plants. Spray them with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or horticultural oil if you see these pests on your monstera.