Why is My Peace Lily Drooping & How to Fix

Peace Lily

Peace lily plants frequently experience droopy leaves, but most of the time, if the issue is addressed right away, the plant will recover quickly. There are several potential reasons your peace lily will start drooping:

  • Overwatering and underwatering
  • Wrong temperature or humidity
  • Incorrect light levels
  • Inappropriate soil conditions
  • The plant needs repotting
  • Pest or diseases
  • Root rot

All of these potential issues will be covered, along with how to determine whether or not they are the problem and how to resolve it.

Is a Droopy Peace Lily Dying?

The too-dry potting mixture will droop. Your peace lily will dry up and die if you don’t water it for a long enough period of time.

Examining the bottom leaves is a great way to determine whether the peace lily is still alive. A lack of water and excessive sunlight are causing a plant’s death if its leaves are drooping and turning brown or yellow.

I advise you to use a moisture meter or your index finger to check the soil’s moisture content before applying any fix. If there is a drought, water the plants as needed and let any extra water drain out of the planter’s holes.

Peace lilies prefer some shade, and they quickly lose moisture when placed in strong sunlight. To lessen water loss and stress, bring the plant inside and place it in a shaded area.

Common Reasons Your Peace Lily Plant is Drooping

Do not become alarmed if your peace lily plant’s foliage begins to droop. Finding the reason for the drooping leaves only requires a little bit of detective work. There are distinct symptoms and ways to avoid each potential cause. Your peace lily plant is drooping for the following main causes.

1) Underwatering

Peace lily plants, also known as Spathiphyllum, are natives of the tropical jungles of South and Southeast Asia. These glossy plants require moist soil because they are accustomed to the humid climate of these areas. Plants that grow peace lilies typically require weekly irrigation because they can’t tolerate dry conditions.

Use your finger to feel the soil if your peace lily plant’s leaves are drooping. The drooping leaves are almost certainly the result of underwatering if the top inch or two feel dry. If you give the plant some water, it should revive itself.

Peace lily plants are a great choice for novice indoor plant owners because they can communicate when they need watering.

2) Overwatering

Although peace lily plants require moist soil that resembles their natural habitat, there is a limit. Drooping leaves in peace lily plants are frequently caused by overwatering as well. Infestations like root rot can occur if peace lily plants are left in waterlogged soil.

Fortunately, drooping leaves are a reliable sign of overwatering. Check the soil with your finger when the peace lily’s leaves are drooping. You’re watering the plant too much or too frequently if the soil feels wet to the touch.

Attempt to allow the plant to dry out a little bit more until the top inch or two of soil are completely dry. If this doesn’t work, make sure the nursery pot has drainage holes to let extra water drain out. You will need to repot your peace lily plant with new soil that isn’t waterlogged if the soil is still too wet.

3) Wrong Temperature Or Humidity

Because they are native to the jungle, peace lily plants require warm temperatures and high humidity levels to survive. The plant may have drooping leaves if neither of these levels is proper. The ideal conditions for peace lily plants are humidity levels of 60% and temperatures between 55 and 85 ºF (12 to 30 ºC).

Peace lily plants may have drooping leaves if the climate is too dry or hot. A temperature or humidity problem can also be indicated by brown leaf tips and leaves that are falling off. To maintain a constant temperature, keep the peace lily plant away from drafts that are either hot or cold.

To measure the humidity around your peace lily plant, use a hygrometer. Utilizing a humidifier, pebble tray, or misting the plant every few days will increase humidity.

4) Incorrect Light Levels

Indirect sunlight to partial shade is ideal for peace lily plant growth. These plants are accustomed to dappled sunlight and a fair amount of shade because they are native to the jungle floor. It can result in drooping leaves if the peace lily plant receives too much or too little light.

When a peace lily plant is overexposed to direct sunlight, it can show with dry, drooping, or wilted leaves. Plants with multiple colors, like variegated peace lilies, are more prone. Wilting leaves that begin to turn yellow can be a clear sign that the peace lily plant is growing in too much shade.

Try to place your peace lily in an east or north-facing room to avoid any drooping leaves caused by insufficient light levels. Put the plant at least a few feet away from the window to lessen the amount of direct light.

5) Inappropriate Soil Conditions

The roots of peace lily plants require a lot of airflow and a well-draining soil mixture. To support the plant’s growth, this soil must still be able to hold onto enough moisture. Drooping leaves are one issue that can result from excessively dense or quickly draining soil.

Check the texture of the soil if the leaves on your peace lily are drooping or wilting. The soil doesn’t have enough drainage if it feels waterlogged. To improve drainage, try incorporating materials such as sand or perlite.

Your peace lily probably needs more water if the soil is dry and the leaves are drooping. This illustrates how quickly the soil is draining. To aid the soil in holding onto more water, add more potting soil or houseplant compost.

6) the Plant Needs Repotting

Being overcrowded in their pot can cause peace lily plants to develop drooping leaves. Since peace lilies are relatively slow-growing plants, repotting shouldn’t be necessary more frequently than once per year. Because they can’t get enough nutrients or water to support their growth, crowded peace lily plants have drooping leaves. Your peace lily plant needs to be replanted if you notice roots sticking out of the nursery pot’s holes.

The simple solution is to divide or repotte the peace lily. The plant can either be divided into multiple plants or repotted whole into a larger pot. Use a soil mixture that is comparable to the one the plant previously grew in. The leaves ought to revivify once the peace lily has adjusted to its new container.

7) Pest Or Diseases

Even though peace lilies are a fairly hardy plant, they occasionally encounter pests or diseases. Drooping leaves may be a result of these diseases. Common pests that can trouble peace lily plants include scale insects, fungus gnats, and mealybugs.

Examine the plant carefully if the leaves on your peace lily plant are drooping. Look for tiny black flies (fungus gnats), clusters of objects that resemble scales (scale insects), and sticky honeydew deposits (mealybugs).

Sticky traps or an almond oil-soaked plastic bottle cap can be used to catch fungus gnats. Make sure the soil where your peace lily is planted has good drainage. Remove mealybugs and scale insects by using insecticidal soap or neem oil. Additionally, you ought to get rid of any leaves that have mold or honeydew on them.

8) Root Rot

Overwatering is a common symptom of root rot, which can result in peace lily plants with drooping leaves. Particularly if you’re a newbie plant owner, overwatering can be challenging to avoid. The likelihood of root rot is increased if the soil feels consistently moist or the roots have an unpleasant odor.

Repot the peace lily in new, drained soil to combat root rot. Cut off any mushy or unpleasant roots when you take the plant out of the old soil. Only water your peace lily when the top inch or two of soil feel dry when it’s time to water once more.

Peace Lily Drooping

How to Fix a Drooping Peace Lily Plant

By giving your plant the ideal growing conditions, you can most effectively treat a drooping peace lily plant. Indirect sunlight or some shade, well-draining soil, and a warm, humid environment are all required. In order to avoid issues like underwatering or overwatering, you should also stick to a regular schedule for watering.

Temperatures between 55 and 85 °F are ideal for peace lily plant growth. Every two or three days, mist the plant to maintain humidity levels at about 60%. The peace lily can also be placed in a steamy, humid bathroom, a pebble tray, or a humidifier. Plants that have recently been propagated or replanted can be especially vulnerable to cold drafts or unsuitable temperatures.

A soil mixture that can drain quickly but still retain some moisture is required for peace lilies. Basically, this means combining nutrient-rich compost with a good amount of drainage material. Normal houseplant compost, sand or bark, and perlite are combined in a 2:2:1 ratio for a good basic mix.

The shadier conditions of a jungle environment are accustomed to by these tropical plants. They are unable to tolerate bright sunlight, either indirect or direct. As an alternative, try to give your peace lily plant some bright indirect light or some partial shade. The best rooms for this are those that face east or north.

Although peace lily plants require soil that is only moderately moist, they detest being overly wet. Peace lilies are susceptible to root rot and pest infestations if overly much water is allowed to sit on top of them. A good rule of thumb is to water your peace lily when the top inch or two of soil feel dry to the touch.

Finally, during the spring and summer, aim to fertilize your peace lily plant every 6 to 8 weeks. You should also occasionally prune and trim any extra growth.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that peace lily plants are thought to be toxic to both people and animals, so it’s advisable to wear gloves when handling these plants.

Drooping Peace Lily Plants – the Final Word

As you can see, there are a number of causes why Peace Lilies can droop. To ensure you treat your plant properly, it is best to thoroughly investigate each case before deciding on your course of action or treatment.

If you’re willing to do some research and then get to work on reversing or correcting the situation, the low-maintenance, easy-growing Peace Lily can be quickly and effectively brought back to health.