Why is My Peace Lily Turning Yellow – Solutions

peace lily

Why is my peace lily turning yellow and brown? In this article, we’ll discuss eight potential reasons and how to fix them.

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum wallisii) are elegant and magnificent plants known to thrive indoors or in shadier spots in your garden. They are well-liked for their laid-back disposition as well as their lush green leaves and delicate white flowers.

They are excellent plants for novice gardeners despite their intricate appearance. They require very little maintenance to grow in your garden or on your window sills and do well in low-light environments.

Sadly, despite peace lilies’ laid-back attitude, problems can still arise. You might experience problems with wilting or browning leaves. The odd occurrence of yellowing leaves, however, is the most noticeable issue.

For a variety of reasons, peace lily leaves can turn yellow, ruining the plant’s renowned elegant, tropical appearance.

Fortunately, treating yellowing peace lilies is a simple task, and with these suggestions, you can quickly restore health to your plant.

Read more: Why Is My ZZ Plant Turning Yellow – New Planting

7 Reasons for Yellow Leaves on Your Peace Lily

Overwatering or underwatering is frequently to blame for peace lily leaves becoming yellow and droopy. An evenly moist, well-draining soil is necessary for peace lilies. Root rot is brought on by soggy soil from excessive watering, while drought stress is brought on by dry soil, both of which cause the leaves to droop and turn yellow.

For peace lilies, the ideal watering cycle is to water with a generous soak to make sure the water has reached the roots and that the soil is evenly moist, then to let the soil surface dry out between each bout of watering.

In order to meet the wagering requirements and prevent root rot, peace lilies are typically watered every 7 to 10 days.

To ensure that the water percolates into the soil and reaches the roots where it is needed, I must emphasize how crucial it is to always water liberally.

If peace lilies are watered too lightly, only the top inch or so of the soil becomes moist and the roots cannot access the water they require, causing the leaves to droop and turn yellow.

Low humidity and erratic temperatures brought on by air conditioning and indoor heating can also dehydrate the soil too quickly, causing the soil to quickly dry out and the leaves to quickly droop and turn yellow.

Peace lilies grow well at room temperature preferring a temperature range of 68°F and 85°F (20°C- 30°C) during the daytime and approximately 10 degrees colder at night.

The temperature inside often rises at night during the winter because of indoor heating, which is against the peace lily’s preferred cycle of cooler evening temperatures, especially if there is a sharp change in temperature from day to night.

The leaves may turn yellow as a result of this contrast in weather.

When peace lilies have been underwatered for a long time, the soil can bake hard and become hydrophobic (repels water) causing water to run off the surface of the soil and down the side of the pot and out of the drainage hole, without properly infiltrating the soil and reaching the roots, resulting in yellowing, drooping peace lily leaves.

However, if you are watering peace lilies more often than every 7 days, then the soil becomes too damp for the peace lily to tolerate and this is the reason the leaves are turning yellow and droopy.

Damp soil can also be caused by a lack of drainage holes in the base of the pot or because of saucers, trays and decorative outer pots underneath the peace lily’s pot which cause water to pool around the base of the pot, resulting in boggy soil.

Here are 7 causes of yellow leaves on peace lilies, along with their respective remedies.

peace lily yellow

1. Watering Incorrectly

Since they are tropical plants, peace lilies prefer lots of water and some humidity. On the other hand, if you water too much, you might find yourself surrounded by yellowing leaves.

Your peace lilies’ roots may pool as a result of excess moisture or poor drainage. Root rot results from this, which prevents the roots from absorbing water and nutrients, ultimately resulting in the yellowing of the leaves.

Yellow leaves, on the other hand, may indicate a thirsty peace lily. Even though they are fairly hardy plants that can survive a few dry days, extended periods of too little water could lead to health problems, as shown by yellowing leaves.

The Solution

The solution is simple: understand your peace lily’s needs and modify your watering practices accordingly.

When the soil’s top layer is dry, you should water your peace lilies. Depending on your indoor growing conditions, a good deep watering every week or two is typically ideal for a healthy peace lily.

If you’ve changed your watering schedule but still have yellow leaves, you may not have enough drainage.

Peace lilies should be planted in a light soil mixture and prefer moist but well-draining soil. By adding some coconut husk and perlite—the best organic substitute for peat moss—you can easily improve the drainage of your soil. Make sure your lilies have enough drainage holes if you’re displaying them in pots, and never water inside a pot cover.

Especially if the pot is set on a pot saucer, make sure to drain any extra water from the area around the pot’s base.

Also read: Why Are My Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow-How to Fix – New Planting

2. Water Quality

Our peace lily leaves occasionally turn yellow for reasons related to the quality of the water we are using, not the quantity of water.

When it comes to the quality of the water, peace lilies are typically not picky. However, the chlorine, fluoride, and other minerals found in tap water can turn the leaves yellow in high concentrations.

The Solution

Simple solution: avoid watering your peace lilies with tap water. Use rainwater, filtered water, or purified water as an alternative.

Tap water is very practical, so I won’t hold it against you if you choose to take it. In this situation, try de-chlorinating your water from the faucet. Simply boil the water and let it cool before using to allow the chlorine to evaporate from your water pitcher or container.

3. Sunlight

One of the main causes of yellow peace lily leaves is lighting. The leaves of peace lilies love light, but excessive exposure to the sun can scorch them, causing them to dry out and turn a pale yellow color.

But there might also be a role for inadequate lighting. Your plant may struggle to photosynthesize and develop yellow leaves if it doesn’t receive enough light. This is usually the primary offender because the peace lily is frequently cited as the best indoor “low-light” plant.

If your peace lily is having a hard time flowering as well, that is another sign that it needs more light.

The Solution

On the ground of jungles, peace lilies are naturally found, thriving in the sunlight that is filtered by the branches above. Place your potted peace lilies by an east-facing window or in a bright area that receives filtered light all day to replicate these conditions indoors.

If your peace lilies aren’t getting enough light, move them to a more sunny spot on your windowsill or elsewhere in and around your home, keeping them out of the direct sun.

Care should be taken when planting peace lilies outside. The location you pick should either receive plenty of morning light or filtered sunlight all day long. The ideal location is a shaded area close to an east-facing wall.

4. Temperature Fluctuations

Extreme temperature swings can stress out your peace lilies and turn the leaves yellow. Another stressor that may have an impact on peace lily leaf color is when temperatures fall below the range that tropical plants prefer.

Peace lilies prefer warm, humid weather because, as previously mentioned, they thrive in jungle-like environments (USDA zones 10 through 12). One of the factors that make peace lilies such great indoor plants is that their ideal temperature range is between 65 and 85F.

The possibility of yellowing exists when a sudden cold snap occurs and temperatures drop below 65F. The same harmful effects of intense heat are also possible; wilting is typically present.

The Solution

If you want to know if the temperature is to blame for your yellow leaf problems, put a thermometer next to the plant.

Especially in the winter, place your peace lily in the warmest room of your home. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent overheating and keep the pot away from windows because it can get very cold close to the glass.

Keep your peace lily indoors or in a pot that can be moved indoors and outdoors as needed if you live in zone 9 or lower to avoid temperature drops.

peace lily yellow leaves

5. Nutrient Problems

Peace lilies are generally self-sufficient and don’t require a fertilizer with a lot of nutrients to grow well. However, yellowing leaves could be a sign that your plant is deficient in some nutrients, from major nutrients like nitrogen to micronutrients like iron or magnesium.

Nutrient deficiencies are probably the main problem if your plant has been in the same pot for a long time without a soil refresh. Without additional fertilizers, the plant will find it difficult to grow once it has consumed all the nutrients in the soil.

As the roots are unable to absorb crucial nutrients and deliver them to the plant, a root-bound plant may also result in a nutrient issue.

The Solution

Conducting a soil test would be the ideal solution, but indoor plants don’t typically use that method very often. Give your peace lily a small dose of a balanced liquid fertilizer instead, and then wait a few weeks to see if that resolves the issue.

Repotting won’t do any harm in the long run when dealing with nutrient problems. As nutrients deteriorate and the structure degrades, the soil quality in pots eventually deteriorates.

After a brief adjustment period, your plant should resume normal behavior if you give it new soil and a pot.

Visit this page to see our comprehensive guide to repotting your peace lily, which includes five indicators that it’s time.

6. Pests and Diseases

The occasional aphid, mealybug, or spider mite infestation may need your attention, especially if your peace lily is housed. Pests don’t typically bother peace lilies, but you may need to deal with them.

These annoying little bugs can cause a lot of stress for your plants, which can eventually result in yellowing leaves.

The few ailments that can affect peace lilies are no different. These include root rot and Phytophthora parasitica fungi, a fungal disease.

The Solution

Pests that have settled on your peace lilies are very easy to get rid of. They shouldn’t infest your plants if you take general precautions and place your plants properly.

But if you do find a few aphids, getting rid of them is simple. Simply remove them from the leaves, squeeze them between your fingers, or place them in a jar with soapy water. A spray bottle of water could be used to jet them off as well.

A straightforward neem oil spray should quickly rid your peace lilies of mealybugs and spider mites.

Unfortunately, the fungi that are wreaking havoc on your peace lily are a major worry. Before the illness spreads, you might need to dispose of your peace lily if the infection is severe. If you notice any grey or black fungal growth, it’s best to remove any afflicted leaves and keep an eye out for signs of escalation.

Your peace lilies should be protected from pests and diseases, especially indoors, by following good plant hygiene and maintenance procedures.

7. Age

It’s not always a problem when leaves start to yellow. Nature simply running its course can occur at times.

Like in most plants, as your plant focuses all of its energy on new growth, older leaves will eventually dry out, turn yellow, and fall off.

The Solution

Unless you believe in vampires or fountains of youth, as you may have already guessed, there is no cure for the natural process of aging.

These older, yellow leaves can be simply pruned off, or you can just wait for the plant to naturally lose them. However, you should always keep your garden clean by removing any dead leaves and other plant debris from around the base of your peace lilies once they have dropped. This will stop any diseases and pests from spreading.

8. Repotting / Transplant Shock

If the plant begins to yellow soon after transplanting and you don’t notice any browning of the tips, the plant has probably experienced a shock. Despite the fact that transplant shock is uncommon and that peace lilies are generally hardy, it can still occur.

If the plant doesn’t quickly recover, yellowing will follow the initial sign of wilting.

The Solution

The plant should recover in due time if you continue to water it regularly and avoid overexposing it to light.

Leaves that are dead should be pruned off; avoid fertilizing. To prevent adding to the plant’s stress, you can let wilted ones remain there while it recovers.

Should I Cut Back Yellow Peace Lily Leaves?

With a good pair of pruners, trim any peace lily leaves that have yellowed at the base back to the plant. The peace lily’s appearance is enhanced and new, healthy, green leaves are encouraged to grow as a result.

Wrap-Up: Go through Our Checklist to Make Sure Nothing’s Wrong

The wonderful thing about Peace Lilies is that they adore our homes and don’t mind some neglect. A lot of light and water is their main weaknesses. Your peace lily will reward you by looking fantastic in your home if you make sure to avoid these issues.

If you do encounter some yellow leaves, it might be due to aging. Check to see if there are any issues by using our checklist. These low-light champions don’t whine about losing a few leaves; show them some tender loving care, and they’ll bounce back stronger than ever!