Why Is Your Pothos Droopy? – Tell you nine steps


Pothos is a very common plant, which can bring people a happy mood and experience. However, this plant is very easy to droopy, which also causes a lot of trouble to people who just want to take care of it.

You’re not alone if you’ve noticed that your pothos plant has been acting a little wilted lately. Pothos plants frequently experience this issue, and there are a number of potential causes.

This article will cover the most frequent causes of pothos plant drooping as well as solutions, ensuring that your drooping pothos quickly resumes its happy, thriving state.

Why Is My Pothos Sagging?

When your pothos appears sickly, it can be disappointing. After all, you don’t want to be a poor plant parent!

Understanding what is causing your pothos to droop in the first place is the first step to resolving the problem. Let’s look at some of the most typical causes of pothos drooping:

1. No Enough Water

Your pothos’ droopy leaves are most likely caused by this, which usually happens after years of neglect. The pothos plant can survive if you miss one or two waterings, but if it doesn’t get enough water frequently, it will begin to droop. When the pothos leaves are thirsty, they are neither shiny nor bouncy.

The moisture of the soil is the first thing you should check if your plant is drooping. Check to see if the soil is dry to the touch by sticking your finger into it. About 2-3 inches below the surface, it ought to be moist. This is most likely to blame if the soil is completely dry.

2. Too Much Direct Sunlight

Indirect, bright sunlight is ideal for pothos plants to grow. Your plant may droop if it receives excessive amounts of direct sunlight. The plant may become stressed and its leaves may burn under direct light.

Additionally, direct sunlight can evaporate water from the soil of your plant or lower the humidity in the air around it, both of which can make your pothos droop.

3. Too Much Water

Contrary to popular belief, too much water can also make your pothos droop, especially since it requires drainage to thrive. This might be the issue if you’ve been watering your plant more frequently than usual or if the pot doesn’t have adequate drainage.

The roots can’t get the oxygen they require to function properly when there is too much water present. As a result, the plant might become stressed and the leaves may droop. Additionally, it might cause your pothos to get root rot, a serious condition that could kill the plant.

4. Root Bound

If kept in a pot for an extended period of time, pothos plants may develop root binding. This indicates that the roots are restricted because they have grown too large for the pot. As a result, the plant may droop from a lack of ability to absorb water and nutrients.

Until it is placed in a container that is the proper size, the plant will begin to conserve energy. The leaves of the pothos may appear soft and wilted at this time.

5. A Lack Of Humidity

The pothos plant is indigenous to tropical regions and prefers high humidity. Your pothos might droop if your home is dry. You will need to create a humid environment or room for your plant because most homes aren’t naturally humid.

6. A Pest Infestation

Your pothos may also droop due to pests. Aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites are the most frequent pests that harm pothos plants.

These pests suck the sap from the plant, causing it to become stressed and weak. If your pothos starts to grow brown stems, which also indicates a weakening of those stems and can cause your pothos to droop more, you may first realize this is the case.

These pests may spread to your plant through contact with infected plants or exposure to the outside. Once they have attached themselves to your plant, they can quickly multiply and do significant harm.

7. Cold Weather Damage

Pothos damage from cold weather may be evident if the plant is drooping and the leaves are discolored or wilted. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can harm pothos plants because they are not frost-tolerant.

Examine your plant’s location to see if it is close to a cold window or a draft. Your plant’s environment’s temperature may be impacted if it’s close to a door. If so, this might be the root of the issue.

8. The Plant Has Been Repotted Recently

This could be the cause of your pothos’ drooping if you’ve just repotted it. The roots of a plant may experience shock when you transfer them to a new container. The plant may need a few weeks to adjust before it can begin to grow once more.

After repotting, your pothos may become droopy and lose some of their leaves, as well as develop a faint yellow tint. This is normal and unimportant as long as the plant begins to recover within a few weeks (and as long as the yellowing doesn’t intensify). After several weeks of repotting, if the pothos is limp, something else may be wrong.

Why Do My Plants Seem To Be Drooping After Being Transplanted?

Your pothos is experiencing many changes following the transplant. It is attempting to establish new roots while also acclimating to a new container and soil. The plant may initially appear a little droopy because this can be a lot for it to handle.

It may lose a few leaves as a result of conserving the energy needed to develop new roots. This is why it might not appear as bouncy above the soil until the plant has adjusted.

Since the new soil will be different from the old soil in composition, it is likely that it will also receive different amounts or concentrations of nutrients and moisture. Additionally, as your pothos adapts to the new environment, it might appear a little droopy.

9. It Has A Fungal Or Bacterial Infection

Another frequent factor in the drooping of pothos is bacterial and fungal infections. The plant’s leaves may turn brown or yellow and fall off as a result of these infections. Additionally, they might make the stem rot, which would kill the plant.

If your plant has a bacterial or fungal infection, you might notice that the leaves are wilted or that the stem is soft and mushy. Overly much moisture is typically to blame for these infections.

How Is Pothos Enlivened?

Observing your pothos plant will help it flourish the most. Assessing whether it is getting enough or too little water should come first. Check for other environmental problems if the drooping isn’t caused by water.

Here are some of our best suggestions for reviving your drooping pothos plant after you’ve determined the root of the problem. Before you know it, your pothos will be fuller and bushier.

1. Water Your Pothos Less Frequently

Reduce watering if you believe it is causing your plant to wilt. Before watering again, let the soil completely dry out. Until your plant recovers, you might need to water it less frequently than usual.

Your pothos plant needs to be watered on average once per week. Every time you water it, give it about a cup of water. The issue might arise from improper drainage in the pot. Replace the pot with one with better drainage or add drainage holes.

Check the soil before watering your pothos if you’re still unsure how frequently to do so. Check the soil’s moisture content by inserting your finger into it. Don’t water your pothos again until the top 2 or 3 inches of soil are completely dry.

2. Create A Humid Environment

Humidity is ideal for growing pothos. Your plant may be drooping as a result of the dry air in your home. A more humid environment for your pothos can be made in a few simple ways:

  • Your plants should be grouped together: The humidity around your plants will rise as a result of this.
  • Use a pebble tray: Add water to a layer of rocks or pebbles in a tray. For your plant’s environment to be humid, place the pot on top of the tray.
  • Get a humidifier: It’s simple to do this and will help your pothos grow by introducing moisture to the air.
  • Spray the leaves: Your pothos plant’s leaves should be kept moist. To maintain their happiness, mist them with water a few times per week.

Your pothos plant will liven up with these suggestions. You can quickly grow a healthy plant with a little attention.

3. Move Your Plant To A New Location

For optimum growth, pothos plants require direct, bright light. It’s possible that your plant is drooping because it is directly exposed to sunlight, especially if you have seen indications that your pothos has sunburn. Your plant should be relocated to a new location with bright, indirect light. It will start to look more vibrant and healthy as a result.

Your pothos is also more likely to droop if it is placed in a dimly lit area, like a bathroom. Your plant should start to look better once you move it to a more light-filled area.

4. Adjust The Temperature

Between 65 and 80 degrees, Fahrenheit is ideal for pothos plants. Your plant may be drooping because of an excessively hot or cold home environment.

A pothos is frequently impacted by a draft during cold weather. Pothos plants are sensitive to drafts. These manifest themselves close to windows, doors, or any other opening where cold air may enter. Move your plant away from the cold spot by at least a few feet if you believe there is a draft nearby.

5. Prune Or Trim Your Pothos Plant

Your plant may be drooping if it is overgrown. By houseplant standards, the pothos grows quickly, so pruning or trimming it will make it appear younger and healthier.

Start by removing any dead or dying leaves. Then trim back any long stems that are causing the plant to droop. Once you’ve trimmed the plant, it should start to look better.

Find out more: 6 Simple Steps to Prune Your Pothos

Pests are yet another reason you might need to trim your plant. You can isolate the affected leaves on your pothos plant and remove them if it has a pest infestation. This will limit the spread of the pests and aid in the recovery of your plant.

6. Repot Your Pothos Plant

The roots of your plant are probably crowded if you haven’t moved it to a new container in a while.

Pick a pot that is between two and four inches wider than the existing pot. Use fresh potting soil, and add drainage holes to the pot’s base. Put your plant in the new pot after carefully removing it from the old one. It should begin to look better in a few days if you give it plenty of water.

7. Soak Your Pothos In A Sink

Try soaking your plant in a sink if it is looking wilted due to a lack of water. Put your plant in the bath after adding 4 inches of warm water to the sink. Give your plant at least 30 minutes, and preferably an hour, to soak.

It will be given a new lease on life as a result of this. Keep in mind that leaving your plant submerged for an excessive amount of time can result in root rot and the same cellular issues as overwatering your pothos.

8. Replace The Soil

To thrive, pothos plants require loose, well-draining soil. Drainage and oxygenation issues may result from excessively compacted or dense soil.

Replace the soil with fresh potting soil to correct the situation. Make sure to select a mix that is made for vines like pothos or others of a like nature. To aid in drainage, you can also add some perlite or vermiculite to the potting mixture.

9. Treat Your Plant To Remove Pests

If your plant has a pest infestation, you will need to treat it to get rid of the pests. Neem oil or horticultural oil are two examples of oils you can use. These oils help stop new infestations by killing pests immediately upon contact.

Additionally, you can use insecticidal soaps or other items of a like nature. Make sure to apply the treatment as instructed and pay attention to the directions on the packaging. Both the pest infestation and future infestations will be helped by this.

10. Fertilize Your Pothos Plant

Your pothos plant might require fertilization if it appears unhealthy. Use a fertilizer made specifically for vines like the pothos or others that grow in a similar way. Alternatively, you could use an all-purpose fertilizer.

Apply the fertilizer as directed by reading the directions on the packaging. This will help your plant live longer while also reducing the likelihood of future issues.

11. Place A Fan Near Your Pothos

You can try setting up a fan close to your pothos if the droopy leaves are a result of the high temperatures. Both the cooling effect and the improvement in circulation will be aided by the moving air.

The fan will also aid in energizing and bolstering the plant. This can assist your pothos plant in becoming strong enough to support itself rather than drooping.


How Much Time Does A Pothos Take To Perk Up?

A pothos that has lost its vigor typically takes a few days to recover. The plant may recover more quickly after being soaked in water if the issue is caused by a lack of water, though. A pothos that is drooping as a result of pests or diseases, on the other hand, might take longer to recover.

Your plant’s health and vigor can advance more quickly with fertilization as well. Similar to how using a fan to cool the air around the plant will help it recover more quickly if the issue is caused by high temperatures.

In the end, it will depend on how serious the issue is and what is causing the drooping. Even if your pothos is sluggish, it should recover just fine with the right care.

Always keep in mind how adaptable and hardy pothos plants are! They are resilient and can overcome many challenges. Be patient and give your plant the attention it requires. It’ll probably get back to being its normal, lush self with time.

Why Are My Pothos Yellow And Drooping?

Your pothos plant’s yellow leaves are most likely the result of too much moisture in the soil. This may result in drainage and oxygenation issues, which can turn the leaves yellow. You can correct this by giving your plant a little less water and improving the drainage in your pot.

You can achieve this by using a potting mix specifically made for pothos plants or other vines of a like nature, as well as by adding a layer of gravel or rocks to the bottom of the pot. Additionally, to aid in drainage, you can add some perlite or vermiculite to the potting mix.

Lack of water is the second most frequent cause of your pothos’ yellow leaves drooping. The leaves will begin to turn yellow if your plant doesn’t receive enough water.

You can correct this by giving your plant more water frequently. Regardless of whether your pothos is being underwatered or overwatered, be sure to check the soil before watering to make sure it is dry at least 2 or 3 inches deep.

The yellowing of your leaves may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies. A houseplant’s yellowing leaves could indicate a zinc, iron, nitrogen, or manganese deficiency. Use an all-purpose indoor plant fertilizer or a fertilizer made specifically for your type of plant to solve this problem.

Why Do My Pothos Wilt In The Wintertime?

Being tropical plants, pothos plants prefer warm weather. Your plant might start to feel some stress when the weather begins to cool in the fall and winter. Given that there are no visible pests, illnesses, or other issues, this is normal and of no concern.

Your pothos plant may develop brown or yellow spots, and it could begin to wilt as a result of the cooler weather.

In a similar vein, late autumn to early spring is when the pothos plant goes dormant. The plant will grow more slowly during this time and possibly even stop growing entirely. It’s possible that the leaves will begin to wither.

How Should A Pothos Be Cared For In Winter?

You can start by attempting to raise the humidity around the plant. This can be accomplished by using a humidifier or setting it on a pebble tray.

During the winter, you should water your plants less. Consider using less water overall and watering your pothos no more than twice per week. Before watering, make sure the soil is dry at least a few inches down.

Last but not least, you can shield your plant from chilly air and draughts by keeping it in a warm room and away from cool windows or doors.

These pointers can help you keep your pothos comfortable while they’re dormant.

Why Does My Pothos Cutting Have A Droopy Appearance?

It is most likely due to a lack of water that your pothos cutting is drooping. The plant might begin to wilt as the cutting’s leaves begin to turn yellow or brown. Make sure to check the pot frequently and water it as needed because the water can quickly evaporate from it.

In order to improve the humidity level around the plant, you can also try misting the leaves.

You may have cut a stem that is too long, which could be another factor contributing to your pothos cutting’s wilting. Don’t cut more than a few inches from the main plant when taking cutting. This will help the cutting to root more quickly instead of struggling to send all of the energy to the leaves.

Last but not least, exposure to direct sunlight may have caused your pothos cutting to droop. Pothos plants prefer bright, indirect light and may not establish roots if exposed to direct sunlight.

How Can I Restore A Pothos Cutting That Has Drooped?

The first step in fixing a droopy cutting is to give it water on a regular basis. It should be planted in soil that drains well, and you should water it when the soil feels dry to the touch. If the cutting is submerged in water, be sure to top it off frequently, and think about sprinkling some fertilizer to encourage root development.

In order to shorten a stem that has been cut too long, try trimming it to a couple of inches. This will enable the plant to concentrate its resources on the roots and leaves rather than trying to maintain a long stem.

In the end, if your cutting is in direct sunlight, try moving it to a spot with more indirect light. Pothos plants prefer bright, filtered light, and too much sun can cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown. The ideal location for your pothos cutting is close to a large window or in an area that gets bright light but is not in direct sunlight.

For the vast number of plant lovers, pothos planting is still a problem. But I hope that after reading this article, it will be more helpful for you to plant pothos.